
After examining all the products and performing all the tests, one should be able to deduce who the winner is in the GeForce 2 GTS race. Well, as it turns out, there is no clear winner except for you, the consumer. Each card reviewed has its own advantages as well as disadvantages that essentially level out the playing field. No longer are we stuck comparing one or two great cards to many horrible ones, but rather we are now comparing very good cards to very good cards, leaving no real winner but the consumer.

If we were to choose which 32 MB GeForce 2 GTS card we would want in our systems, it would be the ASUS V7700. With a reputation for high quality, the V7700 would win a place in our system due to the very useful built-in hardware monitoring. No longer will such a feature cost an arm and a leg more than the competing cards, but the V7700 proved to be only $9 more than the least expensive GeForce 2 GTS card that we could find: the Leadtek WinFast GeForce 2 GTS.

The line between the V7700 and the other GeForce 2 GTS cards is not as clear as we would like it to be. As stated before, there really is no clear winner, as each card seems to have its own powers and flaws.

As far as 64 MB GeForce 2 GTS cards are concerned, it seems that your only viable option right now is the 3D Prophet II GTS 64MB. With very good retail availability, the Guillemot/Hercules card is in a very prime position to win the hearts for those in need of the most speed. The only thing to be careful of are those pesky DVI-output issues that some users seem to be having. Contact Guillemot/Hercules before you buy this card for use with your DVI-enabled flat panel, just to make sure you will not have a output-less card on your hands.

With so many quality cards on our hands, the winner is you. The choice in GeForce 2 GTS cards is not clear due to the vast and impressive variety of the contestants. If you are simply concerned with getting a 32 MB GeForce 2 GTS based card and and not concerned with any of the details, do with the ASUS V7700. If you are looking for a 64 MB GeForce 2 GTS based card, your only choice seems to be the Guillemot/Hercules 3D Prophet II GTS 64MB. If you are looking for the best performance at the best price, any of these cards will do. Finding the right GeForce 2 GTS for you is just a matter of looking a waiting, as many things in the computer world tend to be.

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