ATI All-in-Wonder 128

by Mike Andrawes on April 1, 1999 12:53 AM EST

The Test

AnandTech has previously shown the performance of the Rage 128 chip to be outstanding, and as such, these benchmarks are not a comprehensive set. For further details, check out our first Rage 128 review. AnandTech will also have a complete review of the final Rage Fury board shortly that will contain all the benchmarks you can stand, including Super 7 systems.

The AnandTech Test System Configuration was as follows:

  • Intel Pentium II 400
  • ABIT BH6 Pentium II BX Motherboard
  • 64MB PC100 SDRAM
  • Western Digital Caviar AC35100 - UltraATA
  • ATI All-in-Wonder 128 Beta board (16MB SDRAM)
  • Matrox Marvel G200 AGP Video Card (16MB SDRAM)
  • nVidia Riva TNT (16MB SDRAM)

All Winbench 2D tests were run at 1600 x 1200 x 32 bit color (except the G200 which only supported 24 bit color at that resolution), all gaming performance tests were run at 800 x 600 x 16 bit color with vsync off. The latest drivers for all boards were used.

3D Performance

The TNT, Rage 128, and Voodoo 2 are in a race too close to call with Quake 2. The advantage goes to the Rage 128 cards for their relatively small performance hit when switching to 32-bit rendering.

In Direct3D testing under Shogo, the numbers are a little more skewed. The TNT and and Rage 128 begin to lag behind the 3dfx cards. Again, the Rage 128 is still plenty fast to play Shogo.

Video Capture 2D Performance & Performance Summary
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