The Talos Principle

Croteam’s first person puzzle and exploration game The Talos Principle may not involve much action, but the game’s lush environments still put even fast video cards to good use. Coupled with the use of 4x MSAA at Ultra quality, and even a tranquil puzzle game like Talos can make a good case for more powerful video cards.

The Talos Principle - 3840x2160 - Ultra Quality

The Talos Principle - 2560x1440 - Ultra Quality

The Talos Principle - 1920x1080 - Ultra Quality

With the Talos Principle the R9 Nano is once again looking good. Performance relative to the R9 Fury X slips a bit more than in the past, now trailing the fastest Fiji by about 15%, while the card trails the slower R9 Fury by 4% at 2560x1440 and 7% at 3840x2160. At least within the AMD lineup, the only other thing of note here is the R9 390X, which is never too far away from the R9 Nano (just at substantially more power).

Otherwise to make our usual size and power comparisons, everything is in AMD’s favor. The R9 Nano is well ahead of the GTX 970 Mini, beating it by 35% even at the worse for AMD resolution of 1920x1080. Similarly, the R9 Nano enjoys a 10%+ lead over the power-similar GTX 980, with the lead growing with the resolution.

Finally, we haven’t made too many R9 285 (Tonga) comparisons, so let’s throw one of those in. Like GTX 980, R9 285 is fairly close to R9 Nano in power consumption. However for performance it’s no contest; the R9 Nano nearly doubles the performance of the R9 285 under this game.

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  • Will Robinson - Thursday, September 10, 2015 - link

    Yup,I agree.
    Dammed with faint praise is the best you'll see for AMD cards there.
    Their comments section is an NV fanboy fest led by Chuckula/Chizow and approved by TR.
  • silverblue - Friday, September 11, 2015 - link

    Semiaccurate would've most likely gone the same way had Charlie not locked it all down to subscribers. The only downside is the lack of a daily drashek fix.

    I think wccftech is another of chizow's haunts, but don't quote me on that.
  • Gasaraki88 - Friday, September 11, 2015 - link

    Oh come on. AMD didn't give a card to Kyle from HardOCP also. So you're saying all the review sites out there are bias against AMD?
  • jardows2 - Friday, September 11, 2015 - link

    After reading several recent H's reviews of AMD products, where their testing shows the AMD card slightly slower than the nVidia product, then the conclusion stating the AMD product is a piece of trash and not worth anyone's money, without any of their own testing data backing up such a harsh conclusion, I don't blame AMD for not sending them a card.
  • Alexvrb - Friday, September 11, 2015 - link

    Yeah I kind of saw that one coming. I still read H sometimes, but you really have to draw your own conclusions and keep the salt handy. With TR, it's not only what they report, it's what they refuse to report. It's far from the worse, but there's a pattern.

    AT is my favorite overall, anyway.
  • InquisitorDavid - Saturday, September 12, 2015 - link

    I don't know what your level of 'recent' is, but the R9 380 and R9 390x both got decent reviews. The 390x got a silver award, basically being touted as a cheaper, more power-hungry 980 with more VRAM (truth), and the R9 380 was given a Gold award because it performed better than a 960 at the same price range.

    The Fury got no awards for being on-par with the stock 980, while costing more. They saw the 390x having better value (thus the silver award), despite the increased power draw.

    If anything, AMD has been getting a lot of crap because they've been losing for a while now. Less efficiency, rebrands, and all. OC'ing the 390x gets it to the same level as a 980 reference, and will consume about 200w more. It's cheaper, however, and we all know that's what AMD has been doing for a while now - value for money. It's the only battlefield they can claim any sort of real victory on. With the Fury and Nano, that gets completely thrown out the window.

    The Fury X was hamstrung by the release of the 980ti (which was clearly a blocking maneuver by NV). Without the 980ti, it would've been the king of value. The "overclocker's dream" statement was still a bald-faced lie.
  • althaz - Monday, September 14, 2015 - link

    If prices are equal and the AMD card is slightly slower, then the AMD card *IS* worthless. Who would pay the same money to get slightly worse performance and use more power? Only idiots.
  • althaz - Monday, September 14, 2015 - link

    Anybody that hasn't been pro-nVidia for the past few years has been doing it wrong. AMD have been using more power to offer less performance (at similar prices) - they have been behind for *ages* now. They still are, but at least it looks like HBM will bring the performance needed (next generation probably, it's obviously not there yet).
  • anubis44 - Thursday, October 8, 2015 - link

    I like TechReport, and find their coverage of tech very detailed, but yes, I have to agree with you that they've essentially been portraying AMD as just not quite as good as nVidia, yet all the while minimizing or ignoring the Green Goblin's dubious business practices ($200 G-Sync tax) and misrepresentation of their products (the 3.5GB GTX970 that somehow didn't completely torpedo that card's recommendation).
  • Frenetic Pony - Thursday, September 10, 2015 - link

    I've looked at Tech Report, fuck Tech Report. None of their tests seem to reflect anyone elses, I tried a few of the graphs and they're literally a statistical outlier (at least for my quick tests).

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