Final Words

There are two conditions in which the Black2 makes sense:

1) You have a laptop with a single 2.5" hard drive bay and no mSATA slot

2) You need more capacity than 480/512GB and/or aren't willing to pay for a 500GB class SSD.

If your answer to both questions is a 'yes', the Black2 is likely the best option in the market right now. However, if you answered 'no' to either of the questions, there are far better and cheaper options available.

If your laptop can take two 2.5" drives or a 2.5" drive and an mSATA SSD, it's much cheaper to go that route. As the table below shows, a 120GB SSD and a 1TB 2.5" hard drive costs almost half of what the Black2 does.

NewEgg Price Comparison (1/28/2014)
WD Black2 120GB SSD + 1TB HDD $290
Kingston SSDNow V300 120GB + HGST Travelstar 1TB 5400rpm $85 + $65 = $150
Crucial M500 120GB mSATA + HGST Travelstar 1TB 5400rpm $80 + $65 = $145

By buying separate drives you are also given the option to choose the SSD and HDD in case you want a higher performance SSD or prefer a certain brand HDD. Even if you went with a high-end SSD like the 120GB SanDisk Extreme II, you would end up saving over $50. In fact you could easily buy a 240GB SSD and still easily beat the Black2 in price.

If you don't need more than 240/256GB of SSD storage, the solution is simple: buy an SSD and use it as primary storage. As a matter of fact, Crucial is currently having a sale on the M500 and the 480GB model is retailing for $270 in NewEgg, $20 less than what the Black2 costs. This might be just a short-term sale but lately I've seen many 480/512GB drives selling at ~$300, so the Black2 really only makes sense if you need more than 480/512GB.

Don't get me wrong; I like the concept of the Black2 but the execution and timing are not the best. Had the Black2 been released two years ago, I would've been all over it. Back then mSATA was still rather new and most OEMs hadn't adopted it yet, but nowadays nearly all decent laptops have an mSATA slot that makes a dual-drive or hybrid drive redundant.

Furthermore, the SSD in the Black2 is only mediocre, although I must say I wasn't expecting much in the first place. There must be a reason why none of the big OEMs have adopted JMicron's controllers and I think performance is one of the top reasons. If the Black2 sees another generation, I certainly hope WD focuses more on the SSD performance (maybe Marvell silicon?) because the truth is that there are far better SSDs in the market. Couple that with the pricing and high power draw and we're really looking at a very niche product.

If there is one thing WD should have done in the Black2, that would be caching (or tiered storage). The reason why people usually have negative thoughts about caching is because the solutions are always crippled by small, low performance SSDs. The Black2 has enough NAND to make the caching experience smooth and with the right software the Black2 could have been similar to Apple's Fusion Drive. I'm currently testing a development version of software that will bring Fusion Drive like tiered storage to Windows and it works with the Black2 as well, but until it becomes available (and hopefully WD bundles it with the Black2), the biggest potential of the Black2 is missed.

At $199 and with proper caching software, the Black2 would be a totally different product. Right now it's an expensive niche product that only serves a small user base. If you meet the two conditions at the top, then I have no problem recommending the Black2 but otherwise you should look elsewhere.

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  • Crocodile2014 - Wednesday, February 5, 2014 - link

    The Seagate Hybrid Drive could have been epic... it could have taken the market by storm... but it didn't. WHY? Because they overpriced the thing out of the market.

    A 500Gb Seagate Hybrid drive should have been priced very similar to a 500Gb Hard Drive + 8Gb of NAND. Instead we got a device priced at the level of a 500Gb Drive with a 30Gb SSD. Why did they do this?

    I get you pay a "performance premium" but when the alternatives for better performance are cheaper, you've really missed the mark.

    I suspect this drive by WD will also be a fail except for OEM's wanting a smaller package for their ultrabooks also based on the price.
  • SDKat - Friday, February 7, 2014 - link

    Amazon has a best price of almost $300 for a 1TB HD with 120 gb SSD.
    FAR cheaper (by about half) to buy a 1 TB HD and separate SSD. AND more versatile too!
  • coder111 - Friday, February 7, 2014 - link

    On scale of 1 to 10, how useless is this drive on Linux? If it needs special drivers to work properly, are these drivers available in Linux? Since which kernel version? Are they open-source or a buggy binary blob?

    If it works with Linux, does it show up as 2 separate drives, or as 1 combined accelerated drive? If it's 1 combined accelerated drive, how does the performance compare to having dedicated SSD + dedicated hard drive combined using Linux BCache or dm-cache?
  • ivan256 - Wednesday, February 12, 2014 - link

    The Momentus XT is the least reliable hard drive I have ever experienced. The various iterations of it haven't improved on the situation much. I have seen failure rates of more than 50% in 18 months out of a sample size of hundreds of drives.

    The NAND wears out way sooner than it should. Failure isn't catastrophic, because there is a copy on the rotating media, but the NAND access failures slow the drive down to a more pathetic level than you would expect even from the slow legacy portion of the disk.

    They need to get the reliability up to be taken seriously. And then they need to pair the tiny amount of flash with a much faster disk.
  • Haravikk - Monday, March 3, 2014 - link

    I just don't get the point of these drives at all; okay, so putting the two drives into one bundle is neat, but the fact that you need software to actually run it is just bewildering. Why not include hardware on the disk to manage the split between SSD and HDD, and just let users configure that as either a SATA multiplier (two disk) or a hybrid disk as desired? Shipping it as a hybrid as standard would not only make it compatible with Linux and Mac computers too, but also make things so much easier.

    Instead you're getting two, not every good, individual disks in a single package. I mean, 350mb/sec sequential read is decent, but hardly amazing, plus that's competing with traffic going to the HDD at the same time.

    It just seems a very messy way to produce a product that I'm not sure many people really need. I'd personally rather go with a (much cheaper) hybrid drive, assuming one 2.5" drive is all I can fit. While 8gb flash gives far from the hybrid SSD performance advertised, it's just so much simpler to setup and manage (no juggling of separate volumes) and works pretty well in real-world use.

    A shame, I got really excited thinking WD were making a hybrid with 128gb of flash, i.e - something that would actually be really useful.
  • danwat1234 - Sunday, January 25, 2015 - link

    I don't think the SATA protocol allows for more than 1 drive per channel. So, the drive couldn't have been designed to act as 2 separate drives to the controller.
  • BDProductions - Thursday, May 1, 2014 - link

    I have to wonder at the author's comment about his photos..
    WTF do you need a DSLR for to take great images?

    Ever hear of a scanner?

    - Set item on glass, cover with black velour, scan, instantly AWESOME images. (you may choose another solid color to cover the item, or even turn out the lights instead when you scan)

    Some scanners do better than others for material not touching the glass, but most look better than the pictures in this article...

    I have a question nobody seems to address... WHY IS THERE A MANDATORY DOWNLOAD instead of just putting the drivers on the USB thumbdrive? That makes no sense, other than to FORCE you to register the drive with WD.

    That will keep me from buying such a product.

    How stupid is it to make such an artificial requirement when a person might want to install the drive in a remote location where not even a cellular data connection would work? Just because anyone reading this has no such worry does not validate their theory that everyone these days MUST have an internet connection where ever they are... that just isn't true.

    Some users may have remote locations with little more than power, and still NEED a replacement drive with the Black2's functionality for performance reasons.

    Anyway, who has installed one and been able to save the "drivers" downloaded from WD at install time?

    If you can save them, how big is the package, and why would it not make sense to have included the driver on the thumbdrive instead of a forced download?

  • bungle2000 - Tuesday, December 9, 2014 - link

    Has there ever been a review of the Toshiba (500Gb/8Gb) Hybrid HDD SSD Drives on AnandTech?
  • danwat1234 - Sunday, January 25, 2015 - link

    It's down to $130 on Amazon/Newegg/Ebay! Now it's a great buy. Wish it had a 7200RPM drive though
  • Aseries - Friday, February 20, 2015 - link

    I have two HP gaming laptops that have a mSATA slot with a 32 GB micro SSD installed running Raid 0 with the a 7200 RPM drive using Intel Rapidstore driver. Two years ago it was a reasonable solution. Laptop #1 has two 7200 RPM 1 TB drives in the two drive bays available. Today I would use a 240 GB SSD drive paired with the largest available 2.5 inch 5400 RPM drive. Laptop #2 has only one drive bay. Without the mSATA option I would definitely consider the WD solution.

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