
As always we’ll also take a quick look at synthetic performance, though as GTX 780 is just another GK110 card, there shouldn't be any surprises here.

As expected, firing up the 15th SMX and slightly increasing their clockspeed has further cemented NVIDIA’s hold on tessellation performnace.

Moving on, we have our 3DMark Vantage texture and pixel fillrate tests, which present our cards with massive amounts of texturing and color blending work. These aren’t results we suggest comparing across different vendors, but they’re good for tracking improvements and changes within a single product family.

Similarly, both texel and pixel fillrates as seen by 3DMark Vantage have increased. For texel fillrates the biggest benefit is the 15th SMX, while the pixel fillrates benefit from a mix of the higher GPU clockspeed and the increased memory bandwidth, further improving the peak performance of NVIDIA’s render backend.

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  • dwade123 - Friday, November 8, 2013 - link

    Only morons will buy current gen cards on steroids.
  • MLSCrow - Friday, November 8, 2013 - link

    Never in all my life of being a supporter of Anandtech have I been so disgusted by the overly obvious bias toward NVidia. The GTX780Ti is a JOKE at $700.
  • just4U - Friday, November 8, 2013 - link

    As much as I hate to admit this.. I "DO" like to see AMD succeed.. that being said I don't favor them over NVidia.. and Anandtech's reviews are fair/balanced. I think all reviewers have a preference.. and sometimes that shows in their reviews.. but it's really hard to pinpoint what Ryan's are. The guy can't win with NVidia or AMD die-hard fans. He gets criticized for being a fanboy of both.
  • Ranger101 - Friday, November 8, 2013 - link

    I hear you, I have followed Anandtech for decades but this kind of rubbish is definitely making me think about looking at other tech sites for a balanced perspective...shame on you Anandtech.
  • Ranger101 - Friday, November 8, 2013 - link

    At 4K resolutions the R290X beats 780Ti every time. How is it possible to conclude that 780Ti is 11% faster than R290X when the former card is consistently beaten at 4K resolutions which is the ultimate test of a cards speed? How much is Nvidia paying you to write this junk?
  • polaco - Friday, November 8, 2013 - link

    Indeed that performance difference is very tricky. In most cases they are head to head. And for 150 bucks less it's a no brainer 290X is the winner. However 290 seems so sweet at that price that puts me into real doubt if 290X is worthy. Radeon 290 looks lovely.
  • Yojimbo - Friday, November 8, 2013 - link

    He explains his reasoning quite clearly, and I think the reasoning is sound. 4K resolution is still out of the reach of a single-GPU card, because in order to achieve it, one must either accept painfully low frame rates, or run on extremely low quality settings, no matter what single-GPU card is chosen. Neither of these options makes much sense, but if you wish to take advantage of them, the data is there and you are free to ignore his analysis and pursue your own; Buy a 290X and a 4K monitor. But in terms of "victory" for AMD, it seems to me that running 4K somewhat faster, but still not fast enough to be usable, is meaningless.
  • Jaboobins - Friday, November 8, 2013 - link

    The memory frequency for the GTX 770 is wrong. It needs to be 7Ghz not 6Ghz.
    But damn is that 780 GTX ti is fast!
  • wwwcd - Friday, November 8, 2013 - link

    I got a rumour for r9 290x with 8GB 7+ GHz GDDR5 VRAM. WoW!, if that will be made real the card be have twice speed bandwidth than normal refferent r9 290x. GTX 780 will be downed to ground. Hardly ;)
  • slickr - Friday, November 8, 2013 - link

    At $700 its a bit too expensive, especially when you consider it averages only about 5% increase in performance over the Titan and about 9% increase in performance over the 780, which when translated to raw numbers, its only 3-4 frames.

    I mean whether a game runs at 50 or 54 frames is of no significance, especially if you have to pay $200 more for it.

    I think the 780 Ti is good in its own right, but its just not good enough when compared to the competition and when you consider the price.

    The 290x is $550 and in some cases is still faster than the 780 Ti, all this with a terribly designed cooler, which will be replaced by custom coolers by 3rd party in the next week or two.

    So at this point we are looking at a $550 290x with a custom cooler that will be able to run even faster with a better cooler, which means beating the new 780 Ti in many benchmarks and drawing in others all at $150 less.

    So yeah, Nvidia may have released a slightly faster card than the 780 and Titan, but considering the price and what the competition is offering, it isn't very appealing.

    If it launched at $600 it may have been reasonable and you have a 10% slower 780 at $500 and in between the 290x at $550 and it could make sense to go for the 780Ti, but right now I don't really see the appeal.

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