
With our look at the stock performance of our 280X cards complete, let’s take a brief look at overclocking.

When it comes to overclocking this is going to be a somewhat unfair competition for the two cards. The Asus card has by the very necessity of its existence already been binned. Furthermore while the Asus card supports voltage adjustments the XFX card does not (MSI Afterburner says it does, but adjusting the value has no effect). As such we get to drive what’s already a better GPU harder and with more voltage than the other. Still, this will give us the chance to see where everything will top out at.

Radeon R9 280X Overclocking
  XFX Radeon R9 280X DD Asus Radeon R9 280X DCU II TOP
Shipping Core Clock 850MHz 970MHz
Shipping Boost Clock 1000MHz 1070Mhz
Shipping Memory Clock 6GHz 6.4GHz
Shipping Boost Voltage 1.2v 1.2v
Overclock Core Clock 880MHz 1010MHz
Overclock Boost Clock 1030MHz 1110MHz
Overclock Memory Clock 6.6GHz 6.8GHz
Overclock Max Boost Voltage 1.2v 1.263v

As it turns out, neither card overclocked by very much. The XFX card, lacking additional voltage, could only do 30MHz more, for a 4% base/3% boost overclock. Better luck was found on the memory with a 600MHz (10%) overclock there. The Asus card meanwhile was good for 40MHz more, for a 4% base/4% boost overclock, while its memory could do an additional 800MHz (13%). But at the same time this required dialing the voltage up to 1.263v – as high as we’re willing to go for this card. The power cost of doing that will be extreme.

With our 280X cards primarily bottlenecked by GPU performance as opposed to memory performance, the performance gains from our overclocking adventure is limited. 3% on average for both cards is 3% for free, but it’s barely a useful overclock. We typically need 5% before overclocks start becoming interesting and significant enough to improve playability or make higher graphical settings practical.

To the credit of the Asus card and its cooler, despite the increased clockspeeds, voltage, and power consumption, it’s able to keep GPU temperatures and load noise to reasonable levels given the circumstances. Still, with the increase in power required to achieve this overclock (particularly in the worst case scenario of FurMark) it’s hard to argue that the additional overclocking was worth the performance gains. With such an extensive factory overclock this is a card that may be better off left at factory clocks.

The XFX card meanwhile suffers much less of a power ramp up due to the lack of voltage control, but we’re still looking at something of a wash on the power/performance front.

Power, Temperature, & Noise Final Words
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  • HisDivineOrder - Wednesday, October 9, 2013 - link

    Well, they did it for the Geforce 7xx series, so they probably had to do it for the new Radeons. That said, it's nice for users to see how little things changed. You know, for the people who didn't pay attention.

    I agree though it's kinda boring that we're gonna be stuck on the same Radeon series for another 6 months or year. At least nVidia seems vaguely on track with Maxwell, though unless something changes dramatically I think AMD is going to be putting 0 pressure on nVidia to release Maxwell.

    Mantle could put pressure if they manage to get it into the gaming engines like they want. If so, they could force nVidia to 1) release their own API (and pay to be put in the same engines) or 2) put out better and better hardware to stay in the high level API with better performance.

    Or they could do option 3) and do both.
  • IUU - Thursday, October 17, 2013 - link

    "These aren't new cards. They are basically the same GPU's AMD has been shipping for almost 2 years now and it looks like they are going to try and pass them off again for another year. Why was this treated as some big new thing with a long article and a bunch of benchmarks? This whole thing could have been done in a little 2 paragraph news blurb."

    Of course they are not new cards. I feel your frustration, but why would they be new?
    They render crysis at 43 frames per second at a freaking 2560x1440 resolution, not to mention battlefield and other games. There is simply " no need" for new hardware because there are not p new games to justify stronger hardware. A stagnation in gaming industry would more appropriately describe the situation.
    Not that there is nothing to add to improve visual quality of the games, they just won't do anything about it, at keast for now.
  • jasonelmore - Tuesday, October 8, 2013 - link

    disappointing to say the least. People were thinking this would perform at 780 levels are going to be dissapointed. i feel sorry for those that pre-ordered last week for $650+
  • EzioAs - Tuesday, October 8, 2013 - link

    This is the 280X not the 290X....
  • jasonelmore - Tuesday, October 8, 2013 - link

    ahh ok, i wouldnt have even bothered with this detailed of a review on rebadges with new firmware.
  • EzioAs - Tuesday, October 8, 2013 - link

    We don't need you to bother anything when you don't even read the title much less the review itself.
  • RyuDeshi - Tuesday, October 8, 2013 - link

    Well seeing as you didn't even bother reading the first page I can see that.

    It's still worth reviewing so that when people are trying to compare current GPUs, they have updated benchmarks with newer firmware to support those purchase decisions. This goes for both the AMD and Nvidia cards. The worst part about looking up old reviews of say the 7970 (which this is a rebadge of) is that most of them are with older firmware, and AMD had a pretty nice boost a few months after their release which this review more accurately reflects.
  • jasonelmore - Tuesday, October 8, 2013 - link

    well i tried to edit my post literally 10 seconds after i posted but nope, looks like were still browsing 1999 websites that dont let you edit or delete your comments. anyways, yes i should have read the whole article to make any sort of comment at all. sorry.
  • jasonelmore - Tuesday, October 8, 2013 - link

    btw the 1st page wasnt up yet, only the charts were posted when i read. this is the problem with posting reviews before they are done, and stuff.
  • Morawka - Tuesday, October 8, 2013 - link

    yeah that was annoying

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