Haswell's Wide Execution Engine

Conroe introduced the six execution ports that we've seen used all the way up to Ivy Bridge. Sandy Bridge saw significant changes to the execution engine to enable 256-bit AVX operations but without increasing the back end width. Haswell does a lot here.

Just as before, I put together a few diagrams that highlight the major differences throughout the past three generations for the execution engine.

The reorder buffer is one giant tracking structure for all of the micro-ops that are in various stages of execution. The size of this buffer is directly impacted by the accuracy of the branch predictor as that will determine how many instructions can be kept in flight at a given time.

The reservation station holds micro-ops as they wait for the data they need to begin execution. Both of these structures grow by low double-digit percentages in Haswell.

Simply being able to pick from more instructions to execute in parallel is one thing, we haven't seen an increase in the number of parallel execution ports since Conroe. Haswell changes that.

From Conroe to Ivy Bridge, Intel's Core micro-architecture has supported the execution of up to six micro-ops in parallel. While there are more than six execution units in the system, there are only six ports to stacks of execution units. Three ports are used for memory operations (loads/stores) while three are on math duty. Over the years Intel has added additional types and widths of execution units (e.g. Sandy Bridge added 256-bit AVX operations) but it hasn't strayed from the 6 port architecture.

Haswell finally adds two more execution ports, one for integer math and branches (port 6) and one for store address calculation (port 7). Including both additional compute and memory hardware is a balanced decision on Intel's part.

The extra ALU and port does one of two things: either improve performance for integer heavy code, or allow integer work to continue while FP math occupies ports 0 and 1. Remember that Haswell, like its predecessors, is an SMT design meaning each core will see instructions from up to two threads at the same time. Although a single app is unlikely to mix heavy vector FP and integer code, it's quite possible that two applications running at the same time may produce such varied instructions. Having more integer ALUs is never a bad thing.

Also using port 6 is another unit that can handle x86 branch instructions. Branch heavy code can now enjoy two independent branch units, or if port 0 is occupied with other math the machine can still execute branches on port 6. Haswell moved the original Core branch unit from port 5 over to port 0, the most capable port in the system, so a branch unit on a lightly populated port makes helps ensure there's no performance regression as a result of the change.

Sandy Bridge made ports 2 & 3 equal class citizens, with both capable of being used for load or store address calculation. In the past you could only do loads on port 2 and store addresses on port 3. Sandy Bridge's flexibility did a lot for load heavy code, which is quite common. Haswell's dedicated store address port should help in mixed workloads with lots of loads and stores.

The other major addition to the execution engine is support for Intel's AVX2 instructions, including FMA (Fused Multiply-Add). Ports 0 & 1 now include newly designed 256-bit FMA units. As each FMA operation is effectively two floating point operations, these two units double the peak floating point throughput of Haswell compared to Sandy/Ivy Bridge. A side effect of the FMA units is that you now get two ports worth of FP multiply units, which can be a big boon to legacy FP code.

Fused Multiply-Add operations are incredibly handy in all sorts of media processing and 3D work. Rather than having to independently multiply and add values, being able to execute both in tandem via a single execution port increases the effective execution width of the machine. Note that a single FMA operation takes 5 cycles in Haswell, which is the same latency as a FP multiply from Sandy/Ivy Bridge. In the previous generation a floating point multiply+add took 8 cycles, so there's a good latency improvement here as well as the throughput boost from having two FMA units.

Intel focused a lot on adding more execution horsepower in Haswell without creating a power burden for legacy use cases. All of the new units can be shut off when not in use. Furthermore, Intel went in and ensured that this applied to the older execution units as well: in Haswell if you're not doing work, you're not consuming power.

Prioritizing ILP Feeding the Beast: 2x Cache Bandwidth in Haswell
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  • dishayu - Friday, October 5, 2012 - link

    Woah! I did not even think of that. That is VERY compelling but i can't do without unlocked multiplier, so there is no perfect processor for me still :(
  • StevoLincolnite - Friday, October 5, 2012 - link

    Or just go with a Socket 2011 Core i7 3930K like I have and do a little bit of undervolting and has no IGP's.

    I think the reason why the Desktop space has seen decreasing/stagnant sales is simply because allot of people see no need to upgrade.

    A Core 2 Quad Q6600 @ 3.6ghz, with a decent chunk of Ram and a decent graphics card is actually fairly capable of running almost every game at maximum settings.

    Heck I know people who are perfectly happy sitting with a Pentium 4 for basic web use.

    I think a change needs to happen where software catches up with hardware to give people a reason to upgrade and drive sales which might reinvigorate Intel and AMD to innovate.

    Windows 8 and the next generation consoles might actually help in that regard.
  • De_Com - Friday, October 5, 2012 - link

    Well said Steve. Couldn't agree with you more.

    I'm running a Core 2 Extreme QX6850 at 3.4ghz, 1066Mhz DDR2 Ram and a GTX295 and it still rocks all the newest games at or close to max settings.

    Will have this system 4 years this November.(all except the GTX295, which was upgraded from a 9800 GX2), even now I'm thinking that was a waste of cash.

    I've gone to upgrade at least twice each year, but can't justify it.

    The only place I'd see returns is in the power costs, but hey, whats a few extra cents.....
    The system meets my needs, and forking out for a similar system today would cost around the €1800 mark.

    Until the software can better utilize the components I'm holding out until Summer 2013, that'll be over 4 years I've gotten out of this system. Up until 2008 I slavishly upgraded every year or 2.
  • lukarak - Saturday, October 6, 2012 - link

    This (late) December, i will have had my i7 for 4 years, and i have not seen a single reason to upgrade. The GPU is 2.5 years old (GTX480, was 280 before that).

    A x58 motherboard has 6 memory slots, and now houses 24 GB of ram for virtual machines, which can go 48 GB for a reasonable price.

    I just don't see the need to do anything more, and this will probably fail from old age before i would need a drastically faster machine.
  • xaml - Thursday, May 23, 2013 - link

    "but hey, whats a few extra cents....."

    Sure, it's probably not your generation to take the hit, having to deal with the consequences of energy excesses.
  • DanNeely - Friday, October 5, 2012 - link

    Is that actually an IGPless chip, or just a standard LGA1155 quadcore chip with a disabled IGP.
  • csroc - Friday, October 5, 2012 - link

    I don't mind power savings, the few times my system is idle it could certainly benefit but overall it would mean reduced consumption even under load. My system just doesn't spend enough time in idle with my Q9450.

    Ultimately it does seem as though the software demand for faster CPU hardware has slowed and between that and the lack of real competition, so has the development.

    If it weren't for the fact that I need more RAM or wanted faster photo processing (and may start doing some video) I'd probably keep what I've got a bit longer. My Q9450 hasn't held me back from playing any games yet. The 20% OC I've been running doesn't hurt but ultimately a lot of things just aren't CPU limited anymore.
  • Kidster3001 - Monday, October 15, 2012 - link

    If you're playing 3D games then your CPU is likely "idle" 50%-75% of the time. Idle time does not just mean when the display is off.
  • IanCutress - Friday, October 5, 2012 - link

    You may think this as a result of all the low power talk, but Haswell is doing something rather important on the peak performance side. The increase in the size of the execution engine is important - adding in another integer ALU and another load/store means that in workloads that share INT and FPU performance (think loop counters which store an INT for loop iteration then perform some FP calcs) will improve. By increasing the bandwidth available and being able to keep the two FPU fed with info means a greater throughput as long as the bandwidth and thread switching can hide any additional L3 latency. Personally I'm thinking this may be a subtle move towards more threads per core in future architectures. Some of the non x86 are abusing 8 threads/core with improvement gains, so I wonder if that would be possible here. Ideally we would like every port on the execution engine to do everything, with a single pipeline feeding it and excellent branch prediction to help with single thread speed. Smaller nodes help with that silicon real estate, or someone will stumble on a better/smaller way to actually physically create these things.

  • DanNeely - Friday, October 5, 2012 - link

    I'm curious what IBM/Oracle's high SMT designs look like on the execution port side. As long as it's business as usual I doubt Intel will ever make all the ports do everything because it would just be hogging a huge amount of die area when the odds of each thread doing all of the same instruction type constantly are very low. Smaller bursts of one type can be spread out using OOOE.

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