Portal 2

Portal 2 continues the long and proud tradition of Valve’s in-house Source engine. While Source continues to be a DX9 engine, Valve has continued to upgrade it over the years to improve its quality, and combined with their choice of style you’d have a hard time telling it’s over 7 years old at this point. Consequently Portal 2’s performance does get rather high on high-end cards, but we have ways of fixing that…

The GTX 660 Ti is still fast enough for us to use SSAA, so that’s where we’ll focus today. At 1920 it can deliver 94fps with 4x SSAA, and even at 2560 it’s just shy of 60fps. Whatever NVIDIA changed with Kepler to improve its SSAA performance made it a monster here, which is made all the more impressive by the fact that we’re dealing with a memory bandwidth and ROP reduced version. It would appear the biggest bottleneck for SSAA performance here is the shaders, which makes this a near-ideal scenario for the GTX 660 Ti.

Overall the entire Radeon 7900 series falls to the GTX 660 Ti by a greater than 20% margin here, and even the GTX 570 is more than humbled. If NVIDIA could do this on more games then they’d be in an excellent position.

Batman: Arkham City Battlefield 3
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  • TheJian - Sunday, August 19, 2012 - link

    For one there are 6 superclocked 660TI cards on newegg today available at $319 or less DEFAULT. They are fully warranted at those speeds:
    1032 core/1111mhz boost.
    1019/1097 for $299.
    Can you do that with a 7950?
    How hot and noisy is yours. I can see what AMP speeds do here at anandtech. How many watts will yours use doing what you said? Just look at the boost edition here and scores around the web at 1920x1200 and you realize it's getting whipped. GTX680?
    Lets just get who can go faster totally out of the way at ridiculous overclocks:
    GTX680 MSI Lightning $580 review at hardocp vs. Sapphire 7970 OC $460 at 1280GPU/1860memory at 1.300v! all @2560x1600 min/avg 680 1st 7970 2nd
    Max Payne 3
    41/86.2 vs. 42/79.7

    battlefield 3
    29/52.8 vs 32/50.6

    Batman Arkham
    42/68 vs. 29/57

    Witcher 2 enhanced
    22/51.5 vs 21/50.3

    battlefield 3 multiplayer 1920x1200 (sorry multi isn't run at higher)
    59/78.7 vs. 50/64.2
    So based on avg framerate,
    Batman >19% faster for gtx
    Witcher2=Wash based on min/max either way
    battlefield multi >22% faster for gtx
    Battlefield3 singleplayer wash I guess based on min max
    Maxpayne 3 >8% faster
    Bottom line from hard OCP conclusion:
    "The video card also one of the fastest out-of-box operating speeds. It even went head to head with one of our fastest overclocked AMD Radeon HD 7970's and swept the floor with it."

    If you can find a better review of these two GPU's clocked faster let's see it. I mean any GTX 680 vs. any 7970, where both are ridiculously OC'd like these here. You mentioned 1.15 for 7970, well they got it to 1280! And it got the snot knocked out of it anyway. Sorry Russian. Note they got the mem to 7.44ghz (I'd say a bit lucky draw) vs. the GTX 680 mem hit a wall at 7.05ghz. I'm guessing there will be a few cards do quite a bit better in GTX 680 land here. IT's just a luck of the draw either way, but the sapphire came with a good mem draw for their particular samples so consider the sapphire a great score and still swept. Max scores (check the article) were worse. I tend to think avg is a better rating, you live there mostly. Min/max are rarely hit. Just4u already said it. 680 wins. It's either a wash or landslide depending on games and having cash as no obstacle I'd go gtx 680.
    More regarding all 600 series:
    "Since the introduction of the GeForce GTX 680 we have seen the launch of the GeForce GTX 690 and GeForce GTX 670 all providing the best performance and value in their class."
    Same article bottom line on $535 cards in SLI:
    "These cards are a beast in SLI, providing us the best performance possible at 5760x1200. There is no question these also beat Radeon HD 7970 CrossFireX to the punch at every turn."

    Smack...As an AMD fanboy I hold little hope for AMD. They are fighting with billions in debt (junk bond status credit, think of them as Spain/Greece, hard to borrow and gets worse and worse), little to invest, lots of interest on the debt, vs. NV with 3bil in the bank in CASH, no DEBT, no Interest on NO debt. I believe the age of AMD catching Intel or Nvidia is over. Bummer. Our only hope is NV buying AMD once they plummet enough (after losing billions more no doubt), and getting back some CPU competition as NV could invest in cpu design to get this game going again. I could see IBM or Samung pulling this off too (maybe even better as I think both have far more cash, and both have fabs). IBM/Samsung could really put the hurt on Intel with AMD buyouts. It would be a fair fight on cpu for sure. NV may be able to pull off both gpu and cpu as they have no fabs to keep up (which can kill you quickly if you screw up). Interesting thoughts about all that roll around in my head...LOL. For now though, NV is on a path to get 10bil in the bank by 2014 xmas I'd say if not at least by 2015. Like NV or not, they're CEO is smarter with money and never loses it unless he hurts someone else for doing it. He never prices their products at a loss like AMD. He makes smarter moves and thinks further ahead with a bigger picture in mind.

    Motleyfool.com thinks they're the next 100bil company :) The Gardner brothers are NOT STUPID. I will be piling my money in this stock until it goes over $20. They're getting close to returning to the profits of old when it was $35 in 2007 and no dilution in the stock since then, with another 1.5bil of buyback scheduled last I checked. Same cash as 2007 and much stronger company with acquisitions since 2007. AMD is going the other way and investors are scared sh1tless :( Bankruptcy or bought by 2014 xmas. You heard it here :) Unfortunately. I cringe as I say it, but at this point it may help our future cpu cheap prices to just get this over with and get them bought by someone who can help AMD before there's nothing left and they're cpu's are even worse, while gpu's are starting to show desperation too. The 7950boost is just that. A company with money in the bank would have dev'd a lower wattage/cooler less noisy version for less cost, rather than all 3 going up to try to spoil a launch. OUCH. As much as Ryan etc try to help them, there's no getting around the facts (despite page titles like "that darn memory"...LOL...Yet better performance anyway...why even title pages like that?). Despite attempting to make this a 2560 discussion when only 2% of the world uses it according to steampowered.com hardware survey. Even then, if you look at updated games you could argue it's still a no brainer. Toss out warhead (from 2008) and replace with Crysis 2 you get a 660 victory instead of a loss. Hmmm...

    2GB a hindrance? 4GB do anything? :
    "The 4GB -- Realistically there was not one game that we tested that could benefit from the two extra GB's of graphics memory. Even at 2560x1600 (which is a massive 4 Mpixels resolution) there was just no measurable difference."
    Funny I thought the 4GB version sucked after reading their review but whatever :) I'd rather have a FASTER 2GB than same speed 4GB costing a lot more. I'd call the measurable difference the MONEY for nothing.
  • Galidou - Sunday, August 19, 2012 - link

    Nice results there, just too bad these are almost all the games that works better on Nvidia. They forbid themselves from adding portal 2 so it doesn't look too much biased.
  • TheJian - Monday, August 20, 2012 - link

    Including the useless Warhead isn't enough? Screaming the entire time about it having bad bandwidth wasn't enough?
    Skyrim is in there too..Just forgot to mention it

    Again, 680 SLI vs. 7970sli
    78fps to 62fps (avg. to avg).

    Heck even the single beat it with 72fps..
    "GALAXY GTX 680 GC SLI was 26% faster than AMD Radeon HD 7970 CFX at 8X MSAA + FXAA."

    Skyrim not good enough too? So what game would you like me to point to? I'm sorry it's difficult to point to a winner for AMD. :)
    So lets see, it's biased in your mind on Skyrim, Batman AC, Witcher2, Battlefield3, Battlefield 3 Multiplayer, Portal 2, max payne 3...That rules out HardOCP I guess. Anand added a few more, Shogun 2 (another landslide for 660 TI, even against 7970), Dirt3 used here anand - Wash (though minimums do show Nvidia as Ryan points out)...
    Civ5, landslide again at 1920x1200 here anandtech...Metro2033 here anandtech, <5% win for Nvidia %1920x1200 (I call it a wash I guess)...

    So which game can I point to that will be OK to you? I'm running out of games to find a victory for AMD, so just give me what you want to see...IT's kind of hard as you can see to give you the viewpoint you want which is apparently "nothing will make me happy until AMD wins"...Am I wrong, or at what point do you accept reality?
  • Galidou - Wednesday, August 22, 2012 - link

    Yet another result before the big driver improvements, poor fanboys, they lack on informations and they're totally uninformed about drivers enhancements. A while ago AMD said they were changing their tactics about drivers development. That was like 3-4 months ago I think. Since then, we see really big improvements from the drivers.

    Last 12,8 catalyst brings:
    •Up to 25% in Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
    •Up to 3% in Battlefield 3
    •Up to 6% in Batman: Arkham City
    •Up to 3% in Dues Ex: Human Revolution
    •Up to 6% in Crysis 2
    •Up to 15% in Total War: Shogun
    •Up to 8% in Crysis Warhead
    •Up to 5% in Just Cause 2
    •Up to 10% in Dirt 3

    All in one driver realesed in august, any review prior to gtx 660 ti is then flawed. And there's probably much more to come considering Nvidias fanboys have been whining about their drivers for years. Their team focused on the good way to improve drivers, how much will they be able to improve them? They were SO bad at making drivers than anyone buying an AMD card couldn't even play the slightest game without it crashing, overheating the card and making you cry to your mother to buy an Nvidia card..... Imagine!!
  • CeriseCogburn - Thursday, August 23, 2012 - link

    A lot of reviewers have very recently commented on how crappy amd drivers are - and this just past release came out with - NO DRIVERS for amd...

    Then 5 top review sites had half the games crash on amd, and had to toss some out of the reviews.

    do you have AMNESIA ? are you sick ? a little under the weather, or just a fanboy liar who plays only one game Skyrim ( ROFL) except for the other games you said you play the prior page - and you're just an overclocker...

    So just an overclocker and 2x6850 and they suck for OC

    Way to go... LOL I mean the scaling is pathetic. your not a very smart Ocer.
  • Galidou - Thursday, August 23, 2012 - link

    And then again with the attacks and hatred on my choice, attacking my personnal life once again.

    ''do you have AMNESIA ? are you sick ?''
    ''your not a very smart Ocer. ''

    I did not buy them for ocing, I got them because I had an opportunity and I paid them like, dirt cheap. But still you attack me lacking of respect not even knowing the reasons why I did that. And again with the crashing, I changed to 12,8 driver on my 6850 and it did improve my skyrim performance and none of my other games crashed. Sorry for those reviewers.
  • CeriseCogburn - Thursday, August 23, 2012 - link

    Ok, so in other words, you're the noob, that knows very little to nothing.
    BTW- knowing your an amd fanboy means we all KNOW you scrinched and scrunched (at least in your own stupid head) every little tiny "penny" in your purchase of the AMD videocard...LOL - THAT'S A GIVEN DUMMY.
    Ok, so, in light of that STUPIDITY - you have that same crappy set in WATER COOLING,- DUAL WC...
    And.... "I don't even know why you got them".
    ROFL - dude, either you're lying an awful lot, or you actually needed my help back then, desperately.
    So you waggled up your big water overlcock OC manness, and now we find out... LOL
    This is not happening ! (x-files quote)
  • CeriseCogburn - Thursday, August 23, 2012 - link

    newegg verified owner most helpful 660Ti link from thejian
    " Pros: Runs very quiet and overclocks like a champ. My card hits 1330 core and is completely stable. "
    Oh well, no more OC whiny whine ... tsk tsk how painful
  • Galidou - Sunday, August 19, 2012 - link

    And there's even twice Battlefield 3(single and multi) LOL @ the bias :)
  • CeriseCogburn - Thursday, August 23, 2012 - link

    5760x1080 you lose

    1300+ 660Ti core, you lose again
    7000+ memory, you lose a third time

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