Battery Life

Both the Photon and EVO 3D have ginormous batteries. The Photon has the lower power display (a major benefit of PenTile), at least contributing to its advantage in the WiFi battery life test.

The Photon only fell behind the EVO 3D in our 3G battery life test. In fact, battery life was better on WiMAX, leading me to believe that the Photon's EVDO stack may not be all that power optimized. If you're on WiFi or using the device to make calls, the Photon will last longer on a single charge. Although the EVO 3D couldn't complete our battery life test while on WiMAX, I'd expect the two phones to at least be competitive there.

Smartphone Web Browsing Battery Life

WiFi Web Browsing Battery Life

3G Talk Time Battery Life

Performance Final Words
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  • Palmer 3 - Monday, August 22, 2011 - link

    How certain are you that the parallax barrier is always in place?

    When I look at a 3D picture there is a graininess to the image. If I close one eye I can see the "black" vertical lines that were intended for the other eye. When looking at a non 3D image and I close one eye I do not see these black lines. I would assume if the barrier was present the lines would still appear since you cannot see though the barrier.
  • Dan-Spradling - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link

    Ok, I'm a long time Sprint customer and I been holding out for the I-Phone to come to Sprint but I hear that's just rumor for now so I decided to try an Android phone to upgrade from a Blackberry Tour. After days of reading customer reviews everywhere on the internet (including Amazon) I decided to take a chance and all I can say is WOW, this phone is light years better than my Blackberry. It's very fast, the touch screen is very responsive, screen resolution is excellent in my opinion, camera and video recorder is nice, phone sound quality and reception is great, I could go on and on!

    Cons: I noticed the battery is not as long lasting as my old Blackberry but its not bad. Also I still can not find a way to stop the a song when its played on the music player. Only thing you can do to stop it is hit the pause button, perhaps something I am doing wrong. One final thing they should include a full manual with the purchase not just a starter guide. I had to go online to download the 155 page manual.

    Overall this is an excellent phone!!! I am very pleased with the purchase. I was a loyal Blackberry user but RIM refuses to come out with better phones so... bye bye Blackberry. There is no going back now.

    See Motorola Photon 4G Best Deal at:
  • guitarpete987 - Tuesday, January 17, 2012 - link

    I've tried both, and the decision maker for me was believe it or not the music app. I love the way the Photon music app is designed, how it works well with my home upnp setup and the functionality it has to make "Genius" style random playlists from your collection, which seems to do an even better job than apples method.

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