HDMI Out: The Best Yet

The PlayBook has the best implementation of HDMI output I've seen on a tablet thus far. You get full blown UI mirroring, but within certain apps you can toggle presenter mode.

With presenter mode enabled you can actually display one thing on your external monitor/TV over HDMI, and continue to use the PlayBook without interruption. This is particularly useful for pushing videos out to an external display for others to watch while you're getting work done on your PlayBook.

Top bar, third icon, enables presenter mode

Switch to videos on the PlayBook, hit the icon in the upper right to switch HDMI output to the current video

Presenter mode is supported by the Videos app and Presentations to Go.

With presenter mode enabled and playing a video there's actually no slowdown on the PlayBook itself thanks to full hardware decode offloading and tons of available memory bandwidth.

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  • tipoo - Wednesday, April 13, 2011 - link

    Did you have anything running in the background there? Gizmodo and Engadget both got within 10% of the iPad 2's score, the one here seems to be much slower.

    Anyways, as usual this is easily one of the best reviews.
  • Anand Lal Shimpi - Wednesday, April 13, 2011 - link

    This may be a sunspider 0.9 vs. 0.91 issue, RIM said the same thing but 0.9 for some reason gives us the scores you see on the PlayBook vs. the competition (just re-ran again to be sure).

    I'm still waiting for a response from RIM as to why the relative performance comparison is much worse under 0.9. We've stuck with 0.9 to maintain backwards compatibility with our older smartphone numbers but if need be I'll switch over to 0.91 for tablets.

    I'm running 0.91 numbers now, let's see what I come up with.

    Thanks for reading and your kind words :)

    Take care,
  • Anand Lal Shimpi - Thursday, April 14, 2011 - link

    This is definitely a 0.9.1 vs. 0.9.0 issue. I'm not sure what is causing the PlayBook to choke on 0.9.0. I will update the article with 0.9.1 numbers as well.

    Take care,
  • 8steve8 - Wednesday, April 13, 2011 - link

    very high black levels on the screen is disappointing. (samoled/samoled+ is amazing)

    Also the bezel looks like its a huge percentage of the surface area, which is ugly.

    7" seems to be the worst size, too big for pockets, too small for ideal consumption of entertainment or web.

    The Base OS seems decent, although without email or calendar, we will have to give this another look in august.

    That said, I still find tablets a niche device that few situations actually call for. Usually I find myself wanting a physical keyboard, or at least more screen space while typing. Also if you have to constantly hold it up, or buy a stand, why not use little laptops laptops, the screens don't need a stand : )

    I find it a good device for a coffee table or any profession where you are standing/not at a table. Otherwise I'll stick to smartphone/laptop or desktop.
  • Solandri - Thursday, April 14, 2011 - link

    The contrast ratio is the same as the iPad 2, so the high black levels is an artifact of the high white levels. In other words, if you turned down the brightness to match the max brightness of the iPad 2, the black levels should be the same as on the iPad 2.

    Along the same lines, I'm wondering what was the brightness setting during the battery tests. Usually reviewers do something like set brightness to half during the battery tests. But that seems a bit unfair since the Playbook's screen is so much brighter than the competition's. Wouldn't a more fair comparison be to set its brightness output to be the same number of nits as the iPad 2 in its battery test? In effect, think of the screen as the same as the iPad 2, but with the option to really crank up the brightness if you're outdoors in sunlight.
  • Anand Lal Shimpi - Thursday, April 14, 2011 - link

    So our old method was to set everything to 50%, but lately I've been doing brightness matching right around ~150 nits on these tablets.

    Take care,
  • HilbertSpace - Wednesday, April 13, 2011 - link

    Conclusion page:

    "I'm glad to see RIM experimenting with form factors. After using the Galaxy Tab 8.9 at CTIA I felt that may be the perfect balance between portability and functionality. The 7-inch PlayBook "

    - something got mixed up there.
  • Aikouka - Wednesday, April 13, 2011 - link

    I wonder if the browser would be better if you had the option to hide the menu/address bar?
  • Anand Lal Shimpi - Thursday, April 14, 2011 - link

    You actually do have the option to hide the menu/address bar, it's in the upper right corner of the browser. That does improve things but it also makes it less convenient to navigate to the next website.

    Take care,
  • jjj - Wednesday, April 13, 2011 - link

    In the final words it would be worth reminding readers that it has no SD card slot, IMO a fundamental feature for phones/tablets nowdays.

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