In our iPad 2 review I mentioned that despite really liking the device, I never really could integrate the original iPad into my daily life in a meaningful way. I always ended up traveling with the iPad and a notebook or while around town I just kept a smartphone on me. That limited my iPad use to pretty much lounging around at the house, and even then I found myself turning to the laptop more often than not.

With the Xoom and iPad 2 I've been giving the tablet usage model another try. I've kept my usage mostly consumption focused. Browsing the web and reading emails. I really do prefer using a tablet for both of these things. I do wish the iPad 2 was faster when selecting lots of emails but the improvement over the original iPad is still considerable.

My holdup is this: while I love reading on the iPad 2, I have troubles contributing using it. Writing lengthy email responses or even posting comments on AT is just slower on the iPad than on a notebook. The solution can't be to just walk over to a laptop when I want to respond and just use the iPad when I'm reading - that seems horrible inefficient.

I could use a Bluetooth keyboard but that's also rather clunky. I feel like there has to be a better solution going forward, particularly as the tablet market grows. Is it voice? Or some sort of an integrated kickstand with more flexibility than what you get with the smart cover?

I feel like smartphones get a pass because it's easy to type on them regardless of where you're sitting. Tablets on the other hand need to be propped up against something and as a result are harder to type on in certain situations. They work fine on a desk but if I'm at a desk I'd rather use a notebook. What about when laying back on a couch?

I'm curious what you all think about this. Am I alone in finding tablet ergonomics a barrier? If not, what do you believe is the best solution for tablets going forward. I want to read and respond on a tablet as quickly as I can on a notebook. What needs to be built? Post your comments here and I'm sure we can get many of the tablet manufacturers to pay attention. I don't think they have stumbled across the best solution for this problem either, so what you say here might go a long way in making tablets better for everyone.

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  • Ken g6 - Tuesday, March 29, 2011 - link

    First of all, I should mention that I've never even handled a tablet. But I hear kids these days type on their smartphones with their thumbs. Why not have two halves of a touch-screen keyboard near the thumbs, so you can hold a tablet (between your hands) and still type with thumbs alone?
  • sean.crees - Wednesday, March 30, 2011 - link

    This is a really great idea IMO.

    I know a few reviewers have said they need to move the capture photo button to the side instead of the bottom middle.

    Having a split keyboard, and half either half on the right/left side of the screen would likely solve a lot of the issues typing on a screen so large. Maybe have it be split in landscape mode, and bottom/center like it is now in portrait mode. That way you don't piss of people who like it the way it is now.
  • mushu - Wednesday, March 30, 2011 - link

    This is a great idea that's already been implemented, notably by android's ThumbKeyboard as well as the upcoming swiftkey version for tablets :) cheers
  • chrisbyrne - Wednesday, March 30, 2011 - link

    There is no solution. The simple truth is touchscreen absolutely sucks, always has and always will. But because all the manufactures seem to copy Apple these days and don’t even try to innovate anymore, and Apple who just seem to decide what they think we need and not what we really want we end up with a bunch of crap we don’t need and in reality rarely use. Take apps for example, how many do you truly use on a regular basis? If it can't fulfil its basic function then it’s a failure but most people overlook this in relation to the Ipad or IPhones lousy touchscreen because of the hype. You will never be able to type as fast on touch screen as you can on a proper keyboard but this hasn’t stopped people attempting to type with their chubby fingers and hitting the wrong keys. Just get a decent laptop with a real keyboard, hell you can even get a laptop with a touchscreen if you really have a hard on for touching stuff!
  • sean.crees - Wednesday, March 30, 2011 - link

    Anand has said it and i agree. The "killer app" is and always will be the browser.
  • samirsshah - Wednesday, March 30, 2011 - link

    speech input.

    I am not a touch typist so I will not have problems with virtual keyboard but for touch typist I think speech is the only answer.
  • mados123 - Wednesday, March 30, 2011 - link

    I don't think until you have an active digitizer solution with a capacitive touch screen will you finally get the functionality you are looking for. This is seen in the HP Slate, Asus Eee Slate with Windows 7 and the HTC Flyer that is coming out. With the Windows 7 OS and its fast handwriting recognition, I think you will be able to transcribe your thoughts down quickly and have it ready for sending off to your email recipient. Mind you, this is not the same capacitive stylus solution as seen with the iPad and current Android tablets.

    I don't know if the processor in the HTC flyer will convert handwriting to text as quickly as a person will write but it seems like a good balance of specs, functionality with the Android system and price.
  • MacTheSpoon - Wednesday, March 30, 2011 - link

    It's kind of a lipstick-on-a-pig problem to solve, in my opinion. A tablet that isn't convertible to a laptop just isn't capable of a very good text input experience, period. That's why the main point of the iPad is to let you have fun using multitouch in such a large and light form factor--the UI itself becomes a form of entertainment.

    The only solution that works is to provide a real keyboard. Maybe an extremely thin one built into the iPad cover. However, it's still not going to be as ergonomic as a real laptop, or a convertible tablet, because you will essentially be typing into a flat Speak and Spell without the ability to tilt the screen for comfort.

    Or you could use a Wacom stylus...except that it's slower than a keyboard for text, and anyway Steve hates styluses and will never support them.
  • bigboxes - Wednesday, March 30, 2011 - link

    I was thinking along that line as well. Without a keyboard the iPad ia more of a toy. I can see an ulttra thin keybpard (chicklet style) that flips (convertable style) around and behind the tablet. That way you can keep the keyboard out of the way when you are just reading/playing around and just rely on the touch os of your particular tablet. When you need to be more productive you just whip the keyboard into place. It would also function as a screen cover when fully closed. I can see Apple building more than one version of the iPad. They have done it with the iPod. Why not their tablet?
  • danjw - Wednesday, March 30, 2011 - link

    I want a desktop at home, because nothing beats it at gaming. I want a laptop while I travel, so I can have a real computer to use that has on it what I want on it. I want a smart phone when I am out and about. I just don't see any niche where a tablet fills a void I need filled.

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