At Least 720p Makes Sense Here

More and more on 15.6" notebooks, the 720p resolution feels almost idiotically low. The LCD industry must be thankful Windows XP isn't in heavy rotation anymore: between the look of Luna and the gigantic taskbar on a 15.6", 720p screen, every notebook would feel like it was shipped from Fisher Price's laptop division. At least on the L645D's 14" screen, 720p makes more sense. Keep in mind that this notebook retails for $619 when you look at our test results, though. You get what you pay for; asking for DreamColor at that price is dreaming at best—foolhardy at worst.

The L645D's display isn't great but it's not completely awful either, offering decent brightness and color gamut. What is troubling is a trend I'm noticing on more and more of these budget systems: the screen lattice and poor dithering on these cheap 720p TN panels seems to be getting more and more apparent, and it's a problem not easily captured in photos. It was most egregious on Gateway's ID49C (still our champion worst notebook screen), but has been present on both this notebook and the Sony EE34.

Viewing angles aren't great either, with massive washout at low angles and some trouble finding the "sweet spot." That problem has historically been extremely common in 14" notebooks, though, to the point where you might as well ask for a GeForce GTX 485M for how often you find a large sweet spot in this form factor.

Mostly Portable Conclusion: But it's $619
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  • ET - Saturday, March 12, 2011 - link

    It's not as if even E-350 graphics are all that great. It's hardly enough to run modern games at low settings. Maybe the Brazos gets a D, the 4250 a D-. "Terrible graphics" may be a little strong, but not terribly off the mark. Older generation Intel graphics would get an F, though the newest generation beat the 4250 in most game tests in this review.

    And don't get me wrong, I think that the E-350 is a good compromise of performance, price and power, and I think that its graphics are a decent match for the underpowered CPU. I even bought a Thinkpad X120e and I intend to play games on it. But honestly, a powerful CPU really should be accompanied by a decent GPU. Hopefully Llano will see to that. The 4250, even if it's better than older Intel IGP's, isn't a decent GPU.
  • ET - Sunday, March 13, 2011 - link

    My mistake regarding Intel IGP. I looked at the HD Graphics instead of 3000. Now that I took a second look, it's clear that even older gen Intel IGP (HD Graphics) are faster than the 4250 in most games, and current gen destroy both 4250 and E-350's 6310. So yet, 4250 is terrible. :)
  • notanakin - Wednesday, March 9, 2011 - link

    I'm just wondering what the point of the Blu-ray drive is - surely this is not a machine for viewing Blu-ray disks, given the poor screen and size. And does anyone store/backup onto Blu-ray?
  • Meaker10 - Wednesday, March 9, 2011 - link

    HDMI output, its a mobile bluray player for hooking up to a decent TV. Or watching on the go since the screen is still better than DVD quality.
  • Shadowmaster625 - Wednesday, March 9, 2011 - link

    There was no mention of how quiet this thing is when playing blu rays.
  • Ushio01 - Wednesday, March 9, 2011 - link

    You can now get a blu-ray player for less than $50 Toshiba can easily buy them for far less than that. This year blu-ray will become a commodity for notebook's rather than an option.
  • piroroadkill - Thursday, March 10, 2011 - link

    Try and find slim laptop drives that are that price.
  • ET - Wednesday, March 9, 2011 - link

    was the mention of Jarred working on low end gaming benchmarks. I'm looking forward to that very much.

    Anyway, looks like decent value for money as long as you don't want any gaming. I agree that I'd love to see higher res as standard at 14" and up. 1600x900 would be more reasonable at 14". Still, I'm not really in the market for such a laptop, and at 11.6" this resolution is decent.
  • mino - Wednesday, March 9, 2011 - link

    Second this!
  • JarredWalton - Wednesday, March 9, 2011 - link

    So, here's the full game list I'm using. Some are newer but not too demanding, others are quite old. Can anyone recommend one more title, so I end up with a nice, round 20? LOL... Comments are welcome:

    Batman: Arkham Asylum
    Battlefield 2
    Civilization IV
    Civilization V
    Company of Heroes
    Crysis: Warhead
    Fallout 3
    Far Cry
    FEAR (original)
    Half-Life 2
    Half-Life 2: Episode Two
    Quake 4
    STALKER (original)
    Supreme Commander
    Unreal Tournament 3
    World of Warcraft

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