Performance vs. Transfer Size

All of our Iometer sequential tests happen at a queue depth of 1, which is indicative of a light desktop workload. It isn't too far fetched to see much higher queue depths on the desktop. The performance of these SSDs also greatly varies based on the size of the transfer. For this next test we turn to ATTO and run a sequential write over a 2GB span of LBAs at a queue depth of 4 and varying the size of the transfers.

It's very interesting to note how Intel's performance curve mimics that of the Vertex 3 down to the slight performance tradeoff at smaller transfer sizes. The RealSSD C300, despite being based on effectively the same controller as the Intel SSD 510, achieves much better small file sequential read speed. Intel/SF's optimization point likely makes more sense here however as sequential transfers generally happen at larger sizes (typically at 128KB).

At 128KB the Intel SSD 510 is slightly faster than OCZ's Vertex 3.

Write speed with fully compressible data is easily a victory for the SF-2200 based OCZ Vertex 3.

AnandTech Storage Bench 2011 - Light Workload AS-SSD High Queue Depth Incompressible Sequential Performance
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  • aarste - Wednesday, March 2, 2011 - link

    Those graphs on the TRIM test look nothing remotely close to ATTO, which I use. I checked HDTach as well and it wasn't that, but close.

    What app was it?
  • mino - Wednesday, March 2, 2011 - link

    Please, be so king and include a fast HDD (say a WD Velociraptor) in EVERY SSD benchmark.

    While most readers here understand the difference between SSD and HDD, including a single fast HDD would make the article useful also as a reference/datapoint when talking to not-so-techy people.
  • strikeback03 - Thursday, March 3, 2011 - link

    Then people would complain because the numbers are so small as to be unreadable
  • nerex - Wednesday, March 2, 2011 - link

    Maybe I missed it, but i didn't see any discussion of the power usage of the new drives- according the intel press releases, the new drives use 380mW/100mW active/idle and the G2 drives only use 150mW/75mW active/idle.

    This means the new drives would actually be worse on laptop battery life, correct?
  • DigitlDrug - Saturday, March 5, 2011 - link

    Hi Anand,


    Power consumption figures would be great for us laptop users!

    I find it interesting that a number of these drives report consumption of up to 3watts and others are in the mw range when browsing the Egg.

    Some clarity on power consumption would be a great addition.

    As always, great review!
  • ClagMaster - Wednesday, March 2, 2011 - link

    The Intel SSD 510 is not a bad drive but it cost more than a Vertex 2 or 3.

    The Intel Toolbox, and extensive compatablity and reliability testing are major pluses.

    The SSD is still an extravagance for desktops though I can see its a no-brainer for laptops because of power conservation. Unless the cost per gigabyte is less than $0.80/gigabyte, the performance gain does not offset the mechanical harddrive.
  • neotiger - Wednesday, March 2, 2011 - link

    I.e., an epic FAIL product priced at a premium to competing products that are far superior.

    What misguided priorities from Intel. People shell out the big bucks for SSD's for their RANDOM IO performance, NOT sequential IO. So the geniuses at Intel decided to release a "next gen" product that actually has WORSE performance than the last gen product. Really?

    I'm speechless. The really sad part about this fiasco is that most people will still buy this piece of crap over far superior competing products just because it's Intel.

    Just like NetBurst all over again.
  • strikeback03 - Thursday, March 3, 2011 - link

    Did you actually look at the real-world results? the 510 is almost twice as fast as the G2 160GB in some tests.
  • poohbear - Wednesday, March 2, 2011 - link

    nice review, but you're talking & comparing the Vertex 3 and this new drive, but where's the vertex 3 on the market? its not even released, its months away from release if im not mistaken? the C400 will be released before it, so what's the point of comparing tech today with tech months away from release (and in the SSD world months is a very long time!)
  • sor - Wednesday, March 2, 2011 - link

    FWIW, we've deployed literally hundreds of X25-E drives, and our failure rate is well over 1%, closer to 2%. Usually they drop link, try to renegotiate at 1.5Gbps, and fail, so it's more likely the controller than a wear-out issue.

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