Color Uniformity

Now for color consistency, we take our best calibration profile from the very center at 200 nits and test color accuracy at 9 different places around the LCD display in an evenly distributed grid. We’ve shown before that calibration is actually very localized across the display, partly due to the brightness not being uniform, partly due to the discrete nature of the LCD panel itself.

LCD Color Uniformity

More and more we can see just how localized display calibration really is. The MS238H keeps Delta-E under 2 everywhere but the top right, where it spikes up to 2.16. We're still getting a feel for how these measures compare across displays, but this display manages to keep performance relatively consistent. What's strange is that Delta-E actually improves outside of the center, despite the profile being made in the center - I'm honestly baffled as to how right-center can be the absolute best. The only explanation is that brightness rolls off in those regions, as we'll show in the brightness uniformity section. 

Color Quality, Viewing Angles Brightness and Contrast
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  • Solidstate89 - Sunday, December 26, 2010 - link

    I categorically disagree. I feel 16:10 is a great compromise between the vertical resolution of a 4:3 monitor and the widescreen of a 16:9.

    16:9 aspect ratios should be reserved for TV's. For computers, 16:10 should be standard.
  • MrCoyote - Monday, December 27, 2010 - link

    All content is not 16:9. Movies are mostly not 16:9, and you will definitely see black bars on a 16:9 display. Movies come in all different aspect ratios.

    Read this and learn...
  • Hrel - Saturday, December 25, 2010 - link

    I'd like to see this display paired with some cheap smartphone innards and an "n" wifi card for use in the kitchen or garage or other places like that. I've always wanted something roughly this size, 23-25" with just enough power to surf the web and play back online video smoothly; and music obviously. Oh, it'd have to be touch screen. The only problem is every device like that that exists today costs about a thousand dollars. Such a limited use device isn't worth as much as my high end gaming/video editing machine; included touch screen and wifi or not.
  • Hrel - Saturday, December 25, 2010 - link

    About input lag. Me and some friends recently tried to play guitar hero for wii on my 37" Vizio 1080p set. Now the controller was wireless which even on CRT creates too much lag for that game in my opinion. But there was still lag that running the games calibration tool did nothing to help. Then when playing brawl one friend said he noticed input lag on the TV; using wired controllers.

    It made me wonder when lag on HDTV's is going to be at the level of CRT or better? I'd really like an answer to this.
  • sprockkets - Saturday, December 25, 2010 - link

    Well, if history is any indicator, analog will always have just about "zero" lag compared with any digital system.
  • ProDigit - Sunday, December 26, 2010 - link

    ANAND, is there a way to test the input/output lag between dvi, vga and hdmi?
    like your computer sends a screen image, which is displayed on the screen, and captured by a camera. then a latency is calculated, and the test is continued with all input ports.

    I'd be interested to know if there is any latency issues when connecting through a different interface...?
  • moin - Monday, December 27, 2010 - link

    I had been using Samsung for a long time with pleasure until I bought Asus MS238H. Thought that Led backlit would be crispier and soothing for eyes. Unfortunately I cry after one hour of constant use, color bursts out. Also pixel around font, explorer window and menu icon I see pink/purple fringe and broken. I tried different color tone, resolution, changed alignment manually and tried auto alignment, works a bit better with dark background. It seems a cheap but big display. Color is not accurate especially when I look at the old LCD Samsung monitor or color print it's just far far away. The bottom line is monitor looks good, configuration looks good except COLOR!!!
  • analogworm - Monday, December 27, 2010 - link

    Dear editors of anandtech. for the sake of comparison to high end monitors, i would very much like to see you guys test an Eizo monitor.. preferably a coloredge series one.
    how about it?
    Kind regards,

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