Color Uniformity

Now for color consistency, we take our best calibration profile from the very center at 200 nits and test color accuracy at 9 different places around the LCD display in an evenly distributed grid. We’ve shown before that calibration is actually very localized across the display, partly due to the brightness not being uniform, partly due to the discrete nature of the LCD panel itself.

LCD Color Uniformity

More and more we can see just how localized display calibration really is. The MS238H keeps Delta-E under 2 everywhere but the top right, where it spikes up to 2.16. We're still getting a feel for how these measures compare across displays, but this display manages to keep performance relatively consistent. What's strange is that Delta-E actually improves outside of the center, despite the profile being made in the center - I'm honestly baffled as to how right-center can be the absolute best. The only explanation is that brightness rolls off in those regions, as we'll show in the brightness uniformity section. 

Color Quality, Viewing Angles Brightness and Contrast
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  • Brian Klug - Friday, December 24, 2010 - link

    Oops, fixed! We switched graphing engines and two entries always had their series reversed, didn't catch that one.

  • Spacecomber - Friday, December 24, 2010 - link

    Numbers are reversed.
  • dingetje - Friday, December 24, 2010 - link

    asus can shove their 16:9 displays where the sun don't shine :)
    bring back 16:10
  • chrnochime - Friday, December 24, 2010 - link

    And you can do the same with your oh- so-very-useful comment :D
  • jah1subs - Friday, December 24, 2010 - link

    ONE or TWO YEARS AGO, I remember reading in Digitimes that panel makers were going to be transitioning from 16:10 to 16:9 because they could cut out more panels per "substrate" or "wafer" or whatever it is called.

    So yes, it is about manufacturing cost. I just saw an article on Digitimes yesterday that some manufacturers will be starting to manufacture, or plan to manufacture, even more extreme aspect ratios, e.g. 21:9.

    Conclusion, IMHO, if you see a 16:10 that you like today, buy it. There might not be a next generation version of it.

    Personally, I am starting to be interested in 16:9 27" LED backlit monitors. The first ones have recently come on the market. I make this statement based on using Newegg's PowerSearch function. Until recently, 24" were listed but not 27". These monitors are the smallest size that will allow me to display images of 2 views of 8.5x11 paper at 100% scale in portrait mode side by side. Of course, I want LED for reduced power requirements and improved contrast.
  • Sundae - Friday, December 24, 2010 - link

    Hey any chance of you guys doing a review on the Samsung P2370? I ask because I was strongly considering this monitor but heard the P2370 was a better choice. It even came with a microfiber cloth!
  • poohbear - Saturday, December 25, 2010 - link

    erm how many of the andandtech reviews start with "so i have a confession to make." lol scrolling down the nvidia tegra 2 article starts the same. just a get a priest on the andandtech staff already to absolve u of your hardware lusting sins.
  • Hrel - Saturday, December 25, 2010 - link

    I really hate how it seems like everyone at anadtech is against 1080p. That's the industry standard, that's where things are going, quite fighting it and get with the times. 16:9 is a great divide between height and width. Also, all modern content is made for 16:9, NOT 16:10. Black bars are FUCKING ANNOYING!

    Second point, all movies that are filmed in anything wider than 16:9 are stupid and I end up cropping them in Power Director. I long for the day when ALL media content is just standardized at 16:9 with no variation at all. That way everything would fit the screen and nothing would need to be formatted there by wasting valuable screen real estate.
  • Hrel - Saturday, December 25, 2010 - link

    I should add that every monitor should have a base that allows for it to be spun so it's wider than it is tall. I do understand there are times when massive vertical real estate is nice. I use a 37" TV as my monitor so I have no issues. But on a smaller screen it'd be nice to be able to spin it and have the screen know that like smart phones do.
  • wagoo - Sunday, December 26, 2010 - link

    You have no issues with vertical real estate because you use a 37" TV as your monitor? Um.. it'll still have the same 1080 pixels available as a 22" 1080p monitor.. or hey, slightly more than my ancient 17" 1280x1024 LCD.

    A lot of the TN panels if you look at them from a vertical orientation you'll get a headache unfortunately, as each eye will be seeing different colours.

    I prefer 16:10 personally, however I think that's mainly due to 1080p just being too small height-wise. Maybe I'd like the 2560x1440 Dell U2711.

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