Syncing over USB and WiFi

Anand talked earlier about Zune integration on the device, I’m going to expand a bit by talking about the Zune’s desktop sync integration on Windows. One of WP7’s most touted features is WiFi sync to desktop. If you’ve got the bandwidth and the wireless network, this really makes sense. The phone doesn’t sit in a dock next to the computer like early PDAs did, they sit (for me at least) on a nightstand or wherever there’s a free charger in arm’s reach. Syncing with the desktop then becomes just a routine thing that happens nightly without having to actually go plug the device in.

To setup WiFi sync, you need to first connect the WP7 device to your computer at least once. While it’s connected, inside phone settings is an option to setup wireless sync. The phone has to be connected to the same wireless network your computer is on.

The wizard is simple and just asks whether the network you’re joined to is the appropriate one. It’ll do a simple check which I assume is provisioning the phone to only try and sync over this network, and then tell you it’s ready to go:

Wireless sync takes place after 10 minutes of uninterrupted charging when you’re on the right wireless network. I say uninterrupted because the first time I set this up, I waited with the device plugged in and used the phone - sync didn’t happen. It has to be idle on your desk for 10 minutes, and then sync will happen automatically.

There’s also no way to manually trigger a wireless a sync from the phone or Zune interface. It just happens on this 10 minute schedule, and by appearances checks for changes every 10 minutes or so as well while plugged in. While the device is syncing, there's little indication that a sync is in progress unless you try and fire up the Zune hub or take a photo. Unplugging the device during wireless sync seems to halt the sync elegantly. 

What’s best about this process is that all same data that gets synced over USB makes it over wireless. Photos, videos, music - it all happens. There aren’t arbitrary restrictions about file size, and it’s decently speedy.

By default, Zune takes copies of all your photos and videos and backs them up inside the pictures folder on the desktop. The folder is given the same name as your phone, and the entire camera roll gets stuffed inside. Remember, this is the only way to get videos off a WP7 device.

Music gets dragged from the collection pane into the phone, and syncs the next time the device connects.

I’m pretty impressed with how well wireless sync works on WP7, and it’s awesome to see this not requiring a hack or lots of effort to get working. It’s also decently speedy - I was on HTC Surround connected at 65 Mbps with an 802.11n network, and saw throughput of about 24 Mbps peak when syncing.

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  • Kentcomp - Friday, October 22, 2010 - link

    I really appreciate you guys so thoroughly reviewing WP7. Your review was like reading a really well illustrated, yet candid owner's manual. Thank you!

    PS I find the home screen to be kind of boring too but I'll choose functionality over style 99% of the time. After all, the homescreen is just there to get you to where you really want to be.
  • Riccardo - Friday, October 22, 2010 - link

    That's a remarkably in-depth review. Thanks guys!
  • rye222 - Friday, October 22, 2010 - link

    amazingly thorough article. i've been eagerly awaiting these phones ever since i bought the Zune HD and thought, "if MS made this into a phone, they would own". thanks Anand, great job as usual on your articles!
  • lewchenko74 - Friday, October 22, 2010 - link

    The interface is too minimalistic. Hate the massive two color icons. Just looks ugly.. and really not that functional if you have a lot of these 'icons' to wade through.

    Then there are the limitations that mean it isnt quite as feature rich as an iphone or Android in certain areas.

    There is absolutely nothing compelling to sway me to this phone (at all).

    Anyone with an app library (android or iOS) is hardly gonna part with their spent money on a new device and lose that investment... plus it barely has an app library yet.

    I wish MS well as competition is important... but it really doesnt give an iOS / Android owner anything new, plus if I was buying fresh... I think that the iOS / Android phones and app-sphere etc are just more compelling.

    Nice thorough review though.... just read a little too enthusiastically MS focussed at times, but a good read.
  • hakime - Friday, October 22, 2010 - link

    "The UI is a thing of beauty. Microsoft got the style, customization and performance one hundred percent right on this thing. It makes iOS feel old and utilitarian. It’s funny to think that Microsoft was the one to out-simplify Apple in the UI department."

    This sentence summarize by itself how not objective and professional this review is. I mean no one on Earth being a little bit rational can think that this Metro interface is beautiful let alone functional or easy to use. I mean how a hell can a text based interface with half displayed text all around and ugly flat colors on top of black background can be called beautiful? This interface just lacks taste, it is different yes, but it is bad, it lacks interaction. You are so Microsft driven that you come to think that a different interface is necessarily easy to use and functional. Nothing is right here, the theme, the colors are ugly with little sense for giving some wish for the user to use the phone, there are too many steps needed to go to what the user wants to do, the tiles are a mess as they can be anything and hubs are an obscure UI concept that serve little interest. You want to browse through your apps, you are presented with only a list view and good luck with that. The calendar and SMS apps are a horrible vision for the users, they are just ugly. The email app looks like it was design by a bunch of students in GUI design with no clue on how to present the information to users. And everything else is just a mess in itself hidden behind a ton of useless animations.

    In contrary, iOS just looks easy to use, clean, beautiful. You have your phone and that's it, not extra useless UI concepts and distractions. They are nice for a demo, but for daily usage, they rapidly get useless.

    Then you continue with the Zune pass, noting that it is better than iTunes, but in what regard? You are strange enough to like the Zune pass, that does not make it better than the iTunes model. Again non objective argument.

    Best integration of Facebook in WP7? Is it a big deal or even a nice feature? The question is if it is really a good thing. Why should I have all my contact and photos all mixed up in an almost uncontrollable mess? Someone objective would surely recognize that such exaggerated integration of Facebook just makes little sense. A well designed app is more than enough to access the Facebook content without having to have all the time friends and non-friends popping up with messages and photos. Distractive and useless like the UI of WP7.

    And what about not being more reserved with the major shortcomings of WP7. How many times we have been told about the lack of multitasking in iOS? And now an os comes to a market where all the other mobiles os have multitasking and this is not called a deal breaker! It is a deal breaker, not having multitasking on WP7 is just inexcusable from Microsoft.

    Same thing with copy and paste, in 2010 an smart phone should have an efficient copy and past implemented, and WP7 not having it is a total shame. Sure, most implementation out there sucks, and only the iOS has a real efficient and easy to use implementation, but that does not forgive Microsoft for that.

    What about also the significant lack of unified mail box in the email app, the lack of robust security features, the lack of tethering, the clumsy Exchange support, the pour performing third party apps, the lack of universal search, the excessive $14.99 for zune pass, the inexcusable lack for support of HTML5 which is even more unacceptable as the os does not support flash either, no YouTube app, weird interface concept when you need to long press to reach some options and in-app menus, etc...

    The list is long, WP7 is surely full of animations but it is little functional. And the authors fail to give an objective review of this system which is new but far behind the competition. Having a different UI style does not make this os more functional or even attractive. It just sacrifices too much on real usability for bringing useless UI concepts. The authors wishing so much that their lovely Microsoft brings something to save itself from the mobile market that they have forgotten what objectivity means.

  • dustcrusher - Friday, October 22, 2010 - link

    It's a review. Reviews are inherently subjective. The only parts that aren't are the benchmarks, and even those are arguably not 100% objective. I think at points they were gushing over what worked well but there were other points where they did bring up some valid objections, even if they tinted them a little with rose-colored glasses.

    Thanks to this review, I learned enough to realize I'm probably better off going to an Android phone when I am able (disclosure: I'm on WinMo 6 right now). Android simply fits my wants and needs better. I don't see WP7 taking giant chunks of market share from Apple or Android, but I think it will do better than WinMo did.

    Microsoft is trying to do something different; seems like they are trying to make a smartphone that is as easy to use as a featurephone. It's risky but it could pay off big time. If their sole intention was to cram all of Android and iOS's features into their new OS, it'd be closer to WinMo 6.6 w/HTC's UI shell on top.

    A couple of reviewers decided they like the way WP7 does some things. You are clearly happy with your iPhone, so why are you letting it bother you so much? Do you really want to come off as a trollish fanboy?
  • cjl - Friday, October 22, 2010 - link

    Have you read any of Anand's Iphone reviews? If anything, Anand is biased towards the iphone at the expense of pretty much anything else, so the fact that this review is so positive speaks volumes about the phone.

    Also, to everyone complaining about the interface, you should really try using a Zune HD sometime. It's amazing how natural the interface is.
  • headrush69 - Sunday, October 24, 2010 - link

    There is a big difference between saying an interface is natural to use over saying it is a thing of beauty.

    Frankly many of the screen shots make elements of the interface look very basic, dated and rushed.

    Example: plain square flat buttons on call screen, on/off toggles in setting screen.

    Of course these things are pretty trivial to improve and I'm sure they will, but statements like this in the article

    "The UI is a thing of beauty. Microsoft got the style, customization and performance one hundred percent right on this thing. It makes iOS feel old and utilitarian."

    I just can't agree with and believe exactly the opposite.
  • Smilin - Monday, October 25, 2010 - link

    Have YOU seen the UI? Not screenshot of it. Have you seen it? Used it?

    Your opinion is worthless.
  • Smilin - Monday, October 25, 2010 - link

    smells like hater in here.

    Sorry man but this is the most comprehensive and *objective* review I've seen yet. Most of the things you're griping about are IN the article. Did you read it?

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