Power Consumption

The ASUS VG236H specifications stipulate power use of under 60 watts in typical circumstances. At maximum draw, we measured 47 watts.

We test display power consumption using a Kill-A-Watt EZ in line with the display power cable, and measure at maximum and minimum brightness while displaying solid white.

The VG236H finished within this 60 watt upper limit, drawing a maximum of 47 watts at maximum brightness, and 25 with the display at its lowest brightness. Granted, it’s only 23”, but still efficient results.

Analysis: Processing and Input Lag Conclusions and Last Thoughts
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  • killerclick - Saturday, August 7, 2010 - link

    Stop trying to push these stupid fads, I'm not buying 3D! Ever!
  • Etern205 - Saturday, August 7, 2010 - link

    3D monitors are just regular LCD screens which support up to 120Hz. Enabling 3D requires those special glasses and it's entirely up to you whether you want to enable it or not.

    There is not such thing as a 3D monitor as if there is, then you will need to wear the glasses every single time you use it.

    And imo, that 3D logo on the stand looks hideous. Much like a ricer who puts sticker of tuners just to make it look cool or something.
  • Iketh - Saturday, August 7, 2010 - link

    ... but don't change the camera perspective when taking comparitive photos. The height adjustment images don't help a bit. Leave the camera in the same position for both.
  • Etern205 - Saturday, August 7, 2010 - link

    I thought all monitors are "3D" ?

  • smookyolo - Sunday, August 8, 2010 - link

    That's what they'd like you to think, yes ;)
  • dingetje - Sunday, August 8, 2010 - link

    yes, and the old crt's are even more 3D than the new technology ;)
  • HDPeeT - Saturday, August 7, 2010 - link

    Thanks for the great review! I'm glad to see that there are professional sites out there that appreciate the advantages 120hz displays bring to the table besides just the 3D stuff.

    I know, I know, there are plenty of people out there that are really excited about 3D gaming and movies, but for me, it's all about the faster refresh and (hopefully) lower input lag.

    The one thing I'm little confused about is how you reached the conclusion that the display has 3.9ms of lag. When you say "The VG236H consistently lags 1 frame from the FP241W.", wouldn't this imply that it has at least ~8ms of lag at a 120hz refresh (or even 16ms at 60hz (still not clear on that)?
  • Mumrik - Saturday, August 7, 2010 - link

    Page 1: "On a technical level, the necessity for 120Hz arises from the need to drive two 60Hz images for each eye."

    That would take 240hz. You mean ONE 60Hz image for each eye.
  • cactusdog - Saturday, August 7, 2010 - link

    Brian, Do you see the same benefits (of smoother motion on the desktop) when the VG236H is set to 60Hz?
  • 7Enigma - Monday, August 9, 2010 - link

    Good question. The obvious answer is no, but I agree it should quickly be tested.

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