Mass Effect 2

Electronic Arts’ recently released space-faring RPG is our new Unreal Engine 3 game. While it doesn’t have a built in benchmark, it does let us force anti-aliasing through driver control panels, giving us a better idea of UE3’s performance at higher quality settings. Since we can’t use a recording/benchmark in ME2, we use FRAPS to record a short run.

Mass Effect 2

Mass Effect 2

Mass Effect 2

ME2 is another victory for NVIDIA, albeit the smallest one we’ve yet to see. Here the GTX 480 is 4-11% ahead, while the 5850 and GTX 470 are tangled among each other the entire way. Meanwhile we once again see what little performance gap exists between the GTX 480 and 5870 dissipate as we increase the resolution.

DIRT 2 Wolfenstein
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  • kc77 - Saturday, March 27, 2010 - link

    Yeah I mentioned it too. ATI got reamed for almost a whole entire page for something that didn't really happen. While this review mentions it in passing almost like it's a feature.
  • gigahertz20 - Friday, March 26, 2010 - link

    "The price gap between it and the Radeon 5870 is well above the current performance gap"

    Bingo, Nvidia may have the fastest single GPU out now, but not by much, and there are tons of trade offs for just a little bit more FPS over the Radeon 5870. High heat/noise/power for what? Over 90% of gamers play at 1920 X 1200 resolution or less, so even just a Radeon 5850 or Crossfired 5770's are the best bang for the buck.

    If all your going to play at is 1920 X 1200 or less, I see no reason why educated people would want to buy a GTX 470/480 after reading all the reviews for Fermi today. Way to expensive and way to hot for not much of a performance gain, maybe it's time to sell my Nvidia stock before it goes down any further over the next year or so.
  • ImSpartacus - Friday, March 26, 2010 - link

    "with a 5th one saying within the card"

    Page 2, Paragraph 2.

    Aside from minor typos, this is a great article.

  • cordis - Friday, March 26, 2010 - link

    Hey, thanks for the folding data, very much appreciated. Although, if there's any way you can translate it into something that folders are a little more used to, like ppd (points per day), that would be even better. I'm not sure what the benchmarking program you used is like, but if it folds things and produces log files, it should be possible to get ppd. From the ratios, it looks like above 30kppd, but it would be great to get hard numbers on it. Any chance of that getting added?
  • Ryan Smith - Friday, March 26, 2010 - link

    I can post the log files if you want, but there's no PPD data in them. It only tells me nodes.
  • cordis - Tuesday, March 30, 2010 - link

    Eh, that's ok, if you want to that's fine, but don't worry about it too much, it sounds like it was an artificial nvidia thing. We'll have to wait for people to really start folding on them to see how they work out.
  • ciparis - Friday, March 26, 2010 - link

    I had a weird malware warning pop up when I hit page 2:

    "The website at contains elements from the site"

    I'm using Safari (I also saw someone with Chrome report it). I wonder what that was all about...
  • Despoiler - Friday, March 26, 2010 - link

    I'd like to see some overclocking benchmarks given the small die vs big die design decisions each company made.

    All in all ATI has this round in the business sense. The performance crown is not where the money is. ATI out executed Nvidia in a huge way. I cannot wait to see the financial results for each company.
  • LuxZg - Saturday, March 27, 2010 - link

    Agree.. No overclocking at all..feels like big part of review missing. With GTX480 having that high consumption/temperatures, I doubt it would go much further, at least on air. On the other hand, there are already many OCed HD58xx cards out there, and even those can easily be overclocked further. With as much watts of advantage, I think AMD could easily catch up with GTX480 and still be a bit cooler and less power hungry. And less noisy as a consequence as well of course.
  • randfee - Friday, March 26, 2010 - link

    very thorough test as expected from you guys, thanks... BUT:

    Why on earth do you keep using an arguably outdated core i7 920 for benchmarking the newest GPUs? Even at 3,33GHz its no match for an overclocked 860, a comman highend gaming-rig cpu these days. I got mine at 4,2GHz air cooled?!

    sorry... don't get it. On any GPU review I'd try to eliminate any possible bottleneck so the GPU gets limited more, why use an old cpu like this?!


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