HP Mini 311 — Windows Performance

We also ran tests to measure Windows boot/shutdown, hibernate/resume, and sleep/wake times. These can vary quite a bit between runs, but we ran these from an empty Windows desktop and used the best-case result for each system. We're going to limit the results to netbooks and low power/high battery life laptops in order to avoid polluting the graphs with data from other market segments. Our test HP Mini 311 comes equipped with 2GB RAM instead of 1GB, so performance in hibernate/resume tests should be slightly lower than competing netbooks with half the memory. The Gateway laptops are similarly equipped with 4GB, again making them slower in those tests.

Windows System Performance

Windows System Performance

Windows System Performance

Windows System Performance

Windows System Performance

Windows System Performance

Boot and shutdown times are longer than most of the competing laptops, but considering the other netbooks are running Windows XP — a noticeably lighter operating system — the times are about what we would expect. Hibernate/resume times are good, considering the extra memory. The system won't hibernate or resume instantly, but a delay of less than 20 seconds isn't bad at all. Finally, sleep and wake times are a mixed bag. No matter what we tried, the Mini 311 consistently took around 20 seconds (sometimes substantially more) to go to sleep. On the other hand, the system wakes up almost instantly. POST time on the Mini 311, incidentally, is moderately fast at 7.0 seconds. We've seen better, but we've also seen a lot worse.

HP Mini 311 — Application Performance HP Mini 311 — Graphics and Gaming
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  • hybrid2d4x4 - Tuesday, November 24, 2009 - link

    Excellent review! Looks like you hit all the important points and I like how the game selection is more relevant to this class of notebook. IMO, this raises the bar for comprehensive notebook reviews. Kudos!
  • OhHenry - Monday, November 23, 2009 - link

    How come they don't give smaller SSD like 32GB or 40GB as an option. I honestly don't need 160GB for a netbook; I do not know what to even put on it. They offered a 80GB but it was quite expensive. On a second note, wouldn't a SSD increase the battery life as well?
  • chrnochime - Monday, November 23, 2009 - link

    Are you sure the samsung nc510 has the DX10 ION? Read elsewhere that the NC510 also has the ION LE, something about keeping the cost down.
  • piroroadkill - Monday, November 23, 2009 - link

    You end up paying more for Ion, getting worse battery life, and still have completely useless gaming performance.

    Seems like a lose-lose to me. I guess it's useful for video acceleration, but that seems like a pretty fringe case for a netbook
  • araczynski - Monday, November 23, 2009 - link

    looks like exactly the kind of junk HP likes to push at a price point that would leave anyone with half a brain scratching their head, wouldn't have expected anything more from them.
  • Jaggins - Sunday, November 22, 2009 - link

    I would like to see if an older game like Eve online or WOW would run on these ION netbooks.
  • Lunyone - Monday, November 23, 2009 - link

    I think they would be fine, just only when you get into RAID situations (or where there are alot of people and things going on). I think normal solo/small group playing should be fine. I haven't experienced it myself, but I used to game on WoW with a P3 800 mHz w/onboard graphics (Intel Extreme II, I think). Now mind you this was before the first expansion and the laptop wasn't all that special either, but the Atom would be about equivalent to a p3 at 1.6 gHz (if my reading is right).
  • therealnickdanger - Tuesday, November 24, 2009 - link

    Great article, I was contemplating buying this, but now I'm not so sure. My ONLY gaming requirement is Halo PC (multiplayer). It's an old game, but has some quirks when it comes to its demands on CPU performance. So I really need to know what the 311 can do with this game. I'll mail you a copy if you'd like.

    The game also has a timedemo mode. Just add


    to the command line. It takes about a minute to rum.
  • Devo2007 - Sunday, November 22, 2009 - link

    A few days ago when ASUS announced their new dual-core Atom-based netbook, I ended up thinking that a CULV-based laptop would be a better idea (especially since that netbook has a 12" display, and only a 5 hour battery life).

    Good to see I'm not alone in this line of thinking. :)
  • JarredWalton - Sunday, November 22, 2009 - link

    Exactly. This isn't really for you, but for anyone else reading that's still wondering I've got numbers. The review is still pending, but just as an example:

    Acer Timeline AS1810T-8679:
    "63Wh" battery (11.1V, 5.27Ah/5600mAh)
    Core 2 Duo SU7300 (1.30GHz)
    4GB DDR2 RAM
    320GB HDD
    Cost: http://www.onsale.com/p/5887001?dpno=7958665">$600

    Battery Life
    Idle: 592 minutes
    Internet: 461 minutes
    x264 720p: 259 minutes
    Internet Minutes/Wh: 7.42
    TMPGEnc MPEG4 CPU Encode: 18.04 FPS

    Compare that with the Mini 311:
    Battery Life
    Idle: 362 minutes
    Internet: 290 minutes
    x264 720p: 225 minutes
    Internet Minutes/Wh: 5.47
    TMPGEnc MPEG4 CUDA Encode: 18.04 FPS
    TMPGEnc MPEG4 CPU Encode: 7.27 FPS

    So here's my point (spoiling my own upcoming article). For $600 you can get a Timeline 1810 that's about 2.5 times as fast in the CPU department, it has twice the RAM, it comes with Win7 64-bit, and battery life is anywhere from 15% to 65% better. Oh yeah, and while the CPU is "10W TDP", you'll note that the HP Mini 311 and the Timeline 1810 both have roughly the same size battery (the Timeline's is about 12% more capacity). For Internet use, the result is 35% better relative battery life.

    Sure, the 1810 I just listed costs $600 and the HP Mini 311 I'm comparing it with goes for about $480. (Unless you really want to save the ~$100 and get XP with only 1GB?) If you get the http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N8...">Acer AS1410 (or Gateway EC1435u), you're closer to $400 and you still get 2GB RAM and Win7 (64-bit no less, though with only 2GB that's not a huge deal). A 1.2GHz SU2300 is still going to be at least 75% faster in CPU tasks than Atom N280.

    You can try to make an argument for GPU performance over CPU performance on other laptops, but with Atom the CPU deficit is just so huge that outside of video decoding (something you get with GMA 4500MHD as well) and perhaps CUDA apps, it just doesn't matter much.

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