Final Words

After Intel's price cuts we mentioned that despite Penryn's imminent launch, CPUs had gotten too affordable to pass up building a system now if you needed. Now that we have a general idea of clock-for-clock performance differences between Conroe and Wolfdale, we're not nearly as worried about recommending that you build systems today as we once were. There's no doubt that Wolfdale is faster clock-for-clock, but keep in mind that you won't see Wolfdale until Q1 of next year and the performance advantage simply isn't great enough to justify delaying a purchase by 6+ months if you need a system now.

AMD seems quite confident that Phenom will be able to compete with Conroe/Kentsfield; if the race is really close between those cores, Penryn could be exactly what Intel needs to remain technically ahead in performance. If Phenom is significantly faster than Conroe/Kentsfield, then it doesn't look like Penryn will be able to save Intel. We should know for sure which scenario will pan out in the not too distant future.

We've got more Penryn coverage coming, including a look at Yorkfield vs. Kentsfield so stay tuned.

The Rest of the Tests
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  • Owls - Wednesday, August 22, 2007 - link

    is it me or did the first image just look like a bunch of penises?
  • Epyon - Thursday, August 23, 2007 - link

    Its just you
  • strikeback03 - Thursday, August 23, 2007 - link

    Apparently not. See the dailytech link from johnsonx below.
  • Lord Evermore - Sunday, August 26, 2007 - link

    If your wang looks so similar to those charts that you saw penis in the image, you might need to get some medical attention. Or join a circus.
  • GhandiInstinct - Tuesday, August 21, 2007 - link

    Now I just need to figure out when and what to buy as my GFX Card.

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