System Settings

We have a bunch of screenshots from CPU-Z showing the CPU and Memory tabs, covering most of the settings that we used. Rather than linking 44 images, though, we're just going to provide a single Zip file of all the screens. One thing that became immediately clear is that the BIOS voltages were almost never reflected in the CPU-Z results. Which one is more accurate is impossible to say, short of busting out a voltmeter (and knowing where to attach it).

We did not remember to get a screenshot of every single configuration tested, since we went back to fill in the blanks on CPU performance after running the initial benchmarks. However, you can get the settings used in the following table. If you have a motherboard that doesn't support the same settings that we used, you may or may not be able to reach a specific overclock.

Disclaimer: Many of the tested voltages on the CPU are probably higher than necessary. After trying for 10x280 with up to the maximum voltage possible from the motherboard, I was probably a bit too lenient on turning voltages back to normal. These are more or less the settings I used during the testing - there may be a few errors in record keeping. If you are looking for long-term stability and you can get the system to run stable at 1.450V instead of 1.650V, that would be a wise decision. The results in the following table are merely intended as an initial reference point.

Click to enlarge.

There are a ton of variables involved at each tested setting, and stability and settings are going to be different for each set of parts. We could have tried for more optimal settings, but the amount of time spent running benchmarks is already huge, and we'll leave tweaking settings for an extra 2% performance as an exercise for the reader. As we've stated several times, trial and error will be required for any extended OC attempt.

Note how CPU voltages scaled rapidly as we neared the highest overclock levels. We didn't spend a lot of time trying to get things running stably at a lower voltage level, so mostly, we went in .05V increments - again, you might be able to get better results. If we experienced a crash during our benchmarking, we would try to increase the CPU and/or chipset voltage to get the tests to run stable. If that didn't work, we resorted to tweaking memory timings, generally by increasing latencies until we found a stable setting. Once we went from CL2 to CL2.5, we didn't spend the time trying to get 2.5-2-2, 2.5-3-2, or anything other than 2.5-3-3 (or higher latencies) to run stably.

With our performance RAM, we kept it at a steady 2.8V setting. We did try 2.9V on some of the higher overclocks, particularly where we had to drop from the PC3200 to PC2700, but we couldn't get 1T timings at PC3200 above a 280 MHz CPU bus speed. The value RAM was kept at a steady 2.6V setting and 2.5-3-3-8-1T timings, except in a few cases where we had to run with 2T timings. We tried to get 3-4-4-8-1T instead, but at 9x300, we could not run the value RAM without the 2T setting.

You'll notice the "crash" and "unstable" comments on several of the highest overclock attempts. "Crash" means that we were unable to run many of the tests due to repeated lockups, reboots, etc. "Unstable" means that we were able to get benchmark results for all (or nearly all tests), but programs might crash at times. For example, Far Cry might crash at 1024x768 4xAA on the first attempt, but rebooting and starting again from that point would complete the tests. We tried to run all of the gaming benchmarks in order without rebooting, which will keep system temperatures higher than letting the GPU cool down for a couple of minutes while we reboot. We won't include the settings that crashed in our results, but we did include the unstable results. We'll be using these unstable settings for some cooling tests in the future to see if a change in HSF will help - and hopefully even allow higher overclocks.

A last comment is that we didn't fully benchmark all of the settings listed in the charts. We tested 1800, 2000, 2200, 2400, 2600, and 2700 MHz. We also tested 2800 MHz on a couple of configurations, although stability was iffy at best. In order to provide a linear scale (so that the results at 2700 aren't skewed), we interpolated the in-between scores. This is a problem with the graphing capability that we have within Excel. We did run some quick tests at each setting, though, just to verify that we could POST and complete PCMark04/PCMark05. In case you're wondering, the entire benchmark suite takes around 4 to 5 hours to complete. That will hopefully explain why we didn't run the additional tests or spend a lot of time fine-tuning each tested setting.

And now, on with the benchmarks.

Test Configuration and Settings RAM Latency
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  • Powered by AMD - Monday, October 3, 2005 - link

    Do not forget The Athlon XP 1700+ 1.5Volts, DLT3C, mines is OC from 1467 Stock to 2250 Mhz and pretty cool with an old Thermaltake Blower...
    It can ever reach 2450 Mhz but with 1.8 Volts.
    hey, at 2250 Mhz its a 53% OC too!!
    Great article but it will be useful for me only when I need an Athlon 64 :p
  • donkeycrock - Monday, October 3, 2005 - link

    i noticed that frys is selling x-connect (500 Watts)psu for 25 dollars after rebate. it is extremely heavy, and not many reviews say if they are very good PSU's for overclocking, anybody have knowladge about this PSU.

  • cryptonomicon - Monday, October 3, 2005 - link

    nice article jarred, and you worded the disclaimers perfectly, bravo.

    and its nice to see those ram comparisons. good to see those results on the latest a64 platform and confirm once again that the ram makes only a few percentage points difference, if that. shelling out all your dough on a good GPU, then buying the lowest model venice, a DFI board, and value ram is the way to go.
  • Googer - Monday, October 3, 2005 - link">AMD Thermal Grease List PDF
  • RupertS - Wednesday, October 26, 2005 - link

    Interesting, AMD only recommends thermal grease for short term use 'where the heat sink is removed and attached multiple times over a short period'. They definitely do not recommend it for long term use.
  • StriderGT - Monday, October 3, 2005 - link

    Both me, Zebo and many others have clarified long time ago in Anands forum the pointless struggle of purchasing extreme memory parts in Athlon64. Dividers and value ram will do the trick of excellent ocing giving you 95%++ of the performance someone gets with expensive and overvolted ram modules. Nice seeing anandtech come up with an article backing up the threads like this one (">;threa...

    PS For those owning MSI Neo3 m/bs -and even the rest- I have created back then an excel calculating the actual memory frequency with the various BIOS settings. Enjoy">
  • JarredWalton - Monday, October 3, 2005 - link

    Yeah, I've seen quite a few threads around the 'net on this, but AT hadn't covered it very well, and I hoped to get something "official" out there. (None of the enthusiast sites have really covered this that well, as far as I could see.) Since I've been fooling around with various AMD CPU overclocks for a year now, I figured others might like to see the possibilities. High-end, high-cost is well and good for dreams, but like most people I live a bit closer to reality. $200 is about as much as I'm willing to pay for a CPU in most cases.
  • andyc - Monday, October 3, 2005 - link

    So you can basically overclock the 3000 to the same speeds the 3200 can? So it's not even worth it to go with the 3200?
  • JarredWalton - Monday, October 3, 2005 - link

    Well, perhaps. 9x300 requires a better motherboard than 10x270, though most boards than can handle 270 MHz CPU bus speeds will also handle 300 I think. For value overclockers, though, I don't think I'd bother spending the extra $50 on the 3200+, no. Spend it on the GPU instead (if you play games).
  • Mogadon - Monday, October 3, 2005 - link

    Great article Jarred, thanks for putting in all the hard work and time.

    I have one question regarding voltages. As I understand it, you wouldn't recommend running a VCore above 1.65V for a long term overclock. I understand the warnings and possible effects on the CPU with running a high VCore but I wanted to know if this is around the VCore that you would run on, say, your overclocked system?

    The majority of people on the forums here don't really recommend going above 1.55V or 1.6V, i was wondering if you had any comments about this.

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