Price based Performance Comparison

To make it easier to digest all of the numbers, we've done a couple of head-to-head comparisons that help paint a more complete picture of the Pentium M's desktop performance.

The first, and most important, comparison from a consumer standpoint is the price-based performance comparison - pitting the Pentium M against equivalently-priced desktop CPUs.

At $430 the Pentium 4 560 (3.6GHz) is the perfect competitor for the $435 Pentium M 755 (2.0GHz). So, let's see how the two stack up:

 Business/General Use
   Intel Pentium 4 560  Intel Pentium M 755  Performance Advantage
Business Winstone 2004 21.4 24.2 13% (Pentium M)
SYSMark 2004 - Communication 137 127 8% (Pentium 4)
SYSMark 2004 - Document Creation 201 187 7% (Pentium 4)
SYSMark 2004 - Data Analysis 184 108 70% (Pentium 4)
Microsoft Office XP with SP-2 522 546 4% (Pentium 4)
Mozilla 1.4 459 321 30% (Pentium M)
ACD Systems ACDSee PowerPack 5.0 547 574 5% (Pentium 4)
Ahead Software Nero Express 545 510 6% (Pentium M)
WinZip Computing WinZip 8.1 412 396 4% (Pentium M)
WinRAR 479 370 29% (Pentium 4)
Winner - - Pentium 4

Under business applications, the Pentium M does fairly well, winning four benchmarks, but the Pentium 4 560 comes ahead with 6 total wins and a higher average win percentage. It is noteworthy to point out the Pentium M's victory in Business Winstone 2004, which is due to its low latency L2 cache, something that the Pentium 4 most definitely lacks.

Multitasking Content Creation

 Multitasking Content Creation
   Intel Pentium 4 560 (3.6GHz)  Intel Pentium M 755 (2.0GHz)  Performance Advantage
Content Creation Winstone 2004 32.7 27.9 17% (Pentium 4)
SYSMark 2004 - 3D Creation 231 168 38% (Pentium 4)
SYSMark 2004 - 2D Creation 288 238 21% (Pentium 4)
SYSMark 2004 - Web Publication 206 160 29% (Pentium 4)
Mozilla and Windows Media Encoder 676 641 5% (Pentium M)
Winner - - Pentium 4

In multitasking content creation applications, the clear win goes to the Pentium 4 with much larger margins of victory in applications that stress FP performance as well as memory bandwidth.

Video Creation/Photo Editing

 Video Creation/Photo Editing
   Intel Pentium 4 560 (3.6GHz)  Intel Pentium M 755 (2.0GHz)  Performance Advantage
Adobe Photoshop 7.0.1 342 332 3% (Pentium M)
Adobe Premiere 6.5 461 418 9% (Pentium M)
Roxio VideoWave Movie Creator 1.5 287 411 30% (Pentium 4)
Winner - - Pentium 4

The Pentium M is surprisingly competitive in Adobe Photoshop and Premier, but clearly loses to the Pentium 4 in the VideoWave test. With more and more video editing applications being optimized for the Pentium 4's architecture, at this point, we'd give the win to the Pentium 4 here as well.

Audio/Video Encoding

 Audio/Video Encoding
   Intel Pentium 4 560 (3.6GHz)  Intel Pentium M 755 (2.0GHz)  Performance Advantage
MusicMatch Jukebox 7.10 484 529 9% (Pentium 4)
DivX Encoding 55.3 36 54% (Pentium 4)
XviD Encoding 33.9 25.4 33% (Pentium 4)
Microsoft Windows Media Encoder 9.0 2.57 1.83 40% (Pentium 4)
Winner - - Pentium 4

Although audio encoding paints the Pentium M in a competitive light, look at any of the video encoding tests and it's obvious that the Pentium M isn't in the same league as the Pentium 4 on a price competitive basis.


   Intel Pentium 4 560 (3.6GHz)  Intel Pentium M 755 (2.0GHz)  Performance Advantage
Doom 3 84.6 85 Tie
Halo 87.5 85.2 3% (Pentium 4)
UT2004 59.3 55.2 7% (Pentium 4)
Wolfenstein: ET 97.2 85.5 14% (Pentium 4)
Winner - - Pentium 4

Gaming performance is pretty close, but the Pentium 4 does take the slight lead in some games.

3D Rendering

 3D Rendering
   Intel Pentium 4 560 (3.6GHz)  Intel Pentium M 755 (2.0GHz)  Performance Advantage
Discreet 3dsmax 5.1 (DX) 268 269 Tie
Discreet 3dsmax 5.1 (OGL) 327 350 7% (Pentium 4)
SPECapc 3dsmax 6 1.64 1.23 33% (Pentium 4)
Winner - - Pentium 4

As we've already seen, FP performance is not a strongpoint of the Pentium M when compared to higher clocked Pentium 4s - which is why we see the Pentium 4 with such a strong lead in the 3dsmax 6 test.

Professional Applications

 Professional Applications
   Intel Pentium 4 560 (3.6GHz)  Intel Pentium M 755 (2.0GHz)  Performance Advantage
SPECviewperf 8 - 3dsmax-03 17.04 10.73 59% (Pentium 4)
SPECviewperf 8 - catia-01 13.87 9.096 52% (Pentium 4)
SPECviewperf 8 - light-07 14.3 10.71 34% (Pentium 4)
SPECviewperf 8 - maya-01 13.12 15.47 18% (Pentium M)
SPECviewperf 8 - proe-03 16.7 10.74 55% (Pentium 4)
SPECviewperf 8 - sw-01 13.09 8.593 52% (Pentium 4)
SPECviewperf 8 - ugs-04 15.31 10.24 50% (Pentium 4)
Winner - - Pentium 4

The SPECviewperf 8 suite stresses both FP performance and memory bandwidth, so the results here are not surprising at all - the Pentium M isn't a workstation class processor either.

Pentium M vs. Pentium 4 Price Based Comparison Conclusion

At the same price, the Pentium 4 560 is a much better deal than the Pentium M 755, regardless of application suite. Also remember that we're not taking into account motherboard cost in this comparison, which makes the Pentium M 755 about $100 more expensive on the desktop.

The Pentium M does produce a lot less heat than the Pentium 4 560, which has to be worth something, right? Well, as we've shown in previous comparisons, the Athlon 64 3500+ is fairly competitive with the Pentium 4 560, and if you get the new 90nm core, produces significantly less heat - making it the better option. You get the performance of the Pentium 4, but with thermal characteristics closer to the Pentium M.

Overclocking to Save the Day? Clock Speed based Performance Comparison
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  • CSMR - Monday, February 7, 2005 - link

    The fact is it's an excellent processor for business use (speed, quietness, reliability) and multimedia use (quietness). Anandtech is full of gamers; but there is no denying that using a computer as a media centre is becoming a big thing, or that low-power, quiet operation is necessary. High motherboard prices are because the desktop PM motherboard market is very small. There was a comment in the review that the PM architecture doesn't scale well. I am sure that is so; but what processors do scale well? It's because they don't that everyone is about to go dual-core.
  • bobsmith1492 - Monday, February 7, 2005 - link

    Thanks #12 :P
  • Zebo - Monday, February 7, 2005 - link

    I myself have been guilty of hyping dothan after seeing GAMEPCs "opimistic" review. This should quell that.:D
  • Zebo - Monday, February 7, 2005 - link

    Anand best review I've read here, thanks a lot, nice to see you scribing again..:)

    Seems again, like the tech report review, with a comprehensive test suite such as this one dothan has some collosal performance flaws, and simply can't match up the A64 across board. It looses 30 out of 41 benches at same speed, some huge. 2.0 vs 2.0..

    I posted in CPU forum how turion/lancaster will be 25W.. could this be the end of DOTHANS laptop dominace?
  • Brian23 - Monday, February 7, 2005 - link

    I agree with #10.
  • bobsmith1492 - Monday, February 7, 2005 - link

    Sorry; first time commenting. I couldn't remember my login name before.

    Anyway, my laptop OCs better than that. Granted, it's a 1.7 to begin with, but the FSB will do 125 easily, with the same ram increase to boot - 420 MHz, with processor at 2.125. It will do a tad bit more, but that's enough for a laptop I'd say.
  • bobsmith1492 - Monday, February 7, 2005 - link

  • Kalessian - Monday, February 7, 2005 - link

    #6, Oh yeah? Well, give a P4/A64 an SXGP(Super eXtremely Good Performance) setting and stay out of ITS way!

    Yawn, right now the P-M doesn't impress me at all. Let a CPU built for mobile systems stay in mobile systems until it gets rebuilt for desktops properly.

    Great review, learned a ton :)
  • GnomeCop - Monday, February 7, 2005 - link

    I have a 2.0ghz dothan system, I upgraded from an old 533mhz fsb p4.
    The speed for my work and games are just fine. I have a leadtek GF6800ultra in my system and its the only thing I have to worry about cooling.
    CPU is passively cooled and the system is expremely quiet running on a 359watt psu. By the time I need to upgrade, I will be buying a whole new cpu/mobo/everything anyways.
  • ksherman - Monday, February 7, 2005 - link

    seems like an a really good processor for buisness machines, given the L1 cahe speeds... and not much else (snas uber low power consumption)

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