HD Decode Performance

The other aspect of PureVideo that matters is its decode acceleration. DVD decoding isn't really an issue these days, as even the slowest CPUs are powerful enough to handle DVD decoding - the new stress test is decoding of HD content. We used Windows Media Player 10 and the publicly available Terminator 2 trailers in 720p and 1080p formats. However because our test bed was limited to 1600 x 1200, the 1080p test was fairly useless as we were resolution bound on the machine, making the 720p test much more stressful.

We measured average, minimum and maximum CPU utilization over the entire 1:59 trailer. Our test bed was an Intel Pentium 4 570J (3.8GHz), however higher CPU utilizations on this test bed will translate into proportionally higher CPU utilizations on slower CPUs. We tested in both Overlay and VMR9 modes, the latter being directly applicable to Windows XP Media Center Edition as it uses VMR9 exclusively.

In Overlay mode in a window, ATI has significantly lower CPU utilization:

WMV9 CPU Utilization (Lower is Better) - Overlay Window - 720p Terminator Trailer
  Minimum Average Maximum
ATI 9.4 22 35.2
NVIDIA 14.8 28.3 40.6

WMV9 CPU Utilization (Lower is Better) - Overlay Full Screen - 720p Terminator Trailer
  Minimum Average Maximum
ATI 11.7 22.3 33.6
NVIDIA 25 37.7 46.9

ATI sees a very small performance penalty when scaling up to full screen, while NVIDIA faces a huge performance penalty in full screen mode. VMR9 is much more stressful on ATI than it is on NVIDIA, the winner here is NVIDIA.

WMV9 CPU Utilization (Lower is Better) - VMR9 Window - 720p Terminator Trailer
  Minimum Average Maximum
ATI 28.9 41.4 50.8
NVIDIA 15.6 26.6 40.6

WMV9 CPU Utilization (Lower is Better) - VMR9 Full Screen - 720p Terminator Trailer
  Minimum Average Maximum
ATI 31.3 42.2 50
NVIDIA 20.3 38.5 50.8

Even in full screen mode, NVIDIA is able to offer slightly lower CPU utilization than ATI.

DVD Playback Quality (continued 2) A Preview of the Future - Fully Hardware Accelerated HD Decode
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  • Novaoblivion - Monday, December 20, 2004 - link

    This is pretty interesting and since I already bought the Nvidia DVD Decoder I can upgrade to this new version if the link on Nvidia's site ever starts working lol.
  • jonny13 - Monday, December 20, 2004 - link

    "Considering that PureVideo came as a free feature on GeForce 6 cards"

    How is paying $20 for the damn codec free?

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