Tablet Mode changes, Windows Everywhere, and Skype

Tablet Mode

When Windows 10 launched, Tablet Mode, aka Continuum, was the new solution to offer Windows 10 across both traditional desktop computers, as well as touch first, or touch only devices like tablets. Overall, the interface worked well enough, but it was a step back from the usability of Windows 8.1 as a tablet interface. Still, the balance of desktop versus tablet was improved greatly with Windows 10, so it was a net win. With the Anniversary Update, Microsoft is bringing some of the Windows 8.1 features back to improve Tablet Mode.

The first change is the Start Screen layout. It’s still the same basic design, but the left hand side has been adjusted to make it more usable. The hamburger menu stays at the top, but directly under it is now the All Apps button. Toggling this switches from the Start Screen to All Apps much more akin to how it was in Windows 8.1, with a full screen scrollable list, rather than just a list on the left side. It makes it a lot easier to scroll more apps quicker, and see everything you have installed. Also, the left side contains icons for File Explorer, Settings, Power, and logout. It’s a subtle change, but it really is a lot more usable now.

Another thing that was missing was the full-screen tablet experience: in Windows 8.1, full-screen apps would lose the taskbar at the bottom. When Windows 10 shipped, the taskbar would stay planted at the bottom. There’s now an option to auto-hide the taskbar to make it a more immersive feel. I personally really liked the taskbar, since it makes it much easier to switch apps, but it’s nice to have the option back for those that prefer it.

The browser is a big part of tablets, and this has already been mentioned, but the addition of swipe navigation in Edge helps a lot as well.

Tablet Mode has improved a lot since the initial release, and these changes, added to previous changes such as the ability to toggle on “more tiles” makes the latest update much better to use. It’s likely still not quite as good as Windows 8.1 was, but the net gain with the much better desktop is still a better overall solution.

Windows Everywhere

It’s been Microsoft’s goal for a long time to bring Windows 10 to all devices, and that was a tall hill to climb. But, it has happened, and users of Windows can now experience the benefits of the work to get here. Windows 10 Mobile is not a different operating system, but the same Windows 10 base with a different UI to make it work better on the small touch screen. With Microsoft’s failure to establish a foothold in the mobile market, it’s almost too little, too late, but regardless, fixes and changes they make to Windows 10 also find their way to the phone. This is as simple as the new mail app, updated to support multiple sending accounts, instantly worked on the phone too since it’s a Universal Windows App. What’s more, Windows has been expanded to work on devices as small as IoT, to Hololens, to the ultra-large screen of the Surface Hub.

This work has also expanded to the Xbox One, and with the Summer Update for Xbox rolling out on July 29th, the fruits of this labor has already been seen. The latest Xbox update offers much of the same interfaces as Windows 10, including slide-out menus with a hamburger button, as well as the ability to (finally) run Universal Windows Apps. The Movies and TV app on the Xbox is the exact same one as on the PC, which is the exact same one as on the phone. Updates to the UWP will fix issues on all three.

It’s been a long road, and the casualty of the march to where Microsoft made it is the loss of the mobile market. They’ve transitioned there to providing apps and services, but Windows 10 Mobile is now pretty good at a time where it’s unlikely most people will ever use it.


And how can we forget Skype? Skype’s had a long and arduous road to where it is now, but it seems like it’s finally become a focus of the company. With the Anniversary Update, we see our first look at the new UWP version of Skype, replacing the old WinRT version, and likely eventually the Win32 version as well. It’s been out in preview for a while, and overall it’s been pretty solid.

It offers a dark mode, much like many of the Microsoft UWP apps, and the same UWP exists on Windows 10 Mobile as well. Likely the biggest feature is one that hasn’t made it to Skype yet. Microsoft has promised to add SMS support within Skype, so you can use Skype as a portal for both Skype messages and SMS. It’s something that they already had in Windows 10 Mobile when it first shipped, but it was later removed, and then a new Messaging app was tested, which was also killed off. The final solution is to use the Skype UWP to allow you to send SMS messages from your PC, and assuming it’s not too far out, that’s a decent solution considering how much better the Skype UWP has been.

Developer and Enterprise Features Final Words
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  • Zingam - Thursday, August 4, 2016 - link

    My laptop hangs on boot if it went sleeping or hibernating.
  • Hrel - Thursday, August 4, 2016 - link

    Fist page: "had gone to far and toned them back." should be "too"*.

    I'm still skeptical AF about Microsoft. They seem to be in bed with the US Government, NSA especially. Bill Gates has a history of backroom deals, so him being back at the company isn't comforting. The "anonymous" telemetry data is a problem no matter what you do with it so long as ISP's even have the option of data caps. Not to mention the ongoing issue of broadband in America being slow, hard to find, overpriced and just unavailable for ~80% of the geographic area of the country.

    But, I will read the rest of this with an open mind.
  • Hrel - Thursday, August 4, 2016 - link

    Finished it:

    Positives: They added the BASH shell.

    Negatives: literally everything else in the article.

  • IntelligentAj - Friday, August 5, 2016 - link

    Am I the only one who didn't have issues installing the update? I downloaded and installed it in about a half hour with no issues
  • mastacow53 - Friday, August 5, 2016 - link

    I installed it on 4 computers, one being an Atom powered, 2g ram, 2009 netbook. I had zero problems.
  • ummduh - Saturday, August 6, 2016 - link

    Maybe? I went right to it from 8.1. Took several hours of research to get the installer to work. In the end the fix was to disconnect from all networks after it downloaded/verified, but before it started to install. Kept getting 0x8005007...8? Some such error that had tons of hits and an equal number of "fixes"..
  • slyphnier - Saturday, August 6, 2016 - link

    how to get/open WDATP things ?

    first time after upgrading to anniversary update (win10pro), when login, i got greeted with WDATP

    now i look anywhere but can find it anymore
    based the screenshot, its Edge browser right ? so i need to access to a link ?
    tried but it didnt let me access it
  • RicheekD - Thursday, August 11, 2016 - link

    I've got a Dell Inspiron 13, I upgraded to the anniversary update and had to immediately downgrade. The WiFi keeps disconnecting every 5 minutes.
  • Lerianis - Monday, August 15, 2016 - link

    Underhanded? No. The Get Windows 10 prompt was intended to nudge the vast majority towards getting a superior operating system to Windows XP - 8.
    It worked in doing that, I upgraded all my computers a long time ago to Windows 10 and have yet to regret for even one second doing that.

    Windows 10 is the bottom line best Windows OS to come out in the past 15 years and everyone should update to it as soon as possible, even if they have to pay to update to it.
  • ComposerX - Tuesday, August 16, 2016 - link

    Well. I said years ago with no more elp files for seven os's, Windows is like Mac in that the one is (even tablets are getting there), and if they to are working on a CPU (am sure they could buy AMD), you never know. I can tell you in Los Angeles. Many still use aluminum macs tweaked. Some have moved to PCS. It was really a bummer to find out a school I was interested in now switched to mainly s due to faster rendering. Man. Apple needs to be loyal to those loyal to them. Tired of face slapping by them. Or price taxes like $200 for a BLACK MacBook. Then I remember a MacBook came out that blew away the MBP. But they stopped production on that big time. No Macro soon. It may be a hack. As mboards have thunderbolt now.

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