
Performance from the ViewSonic VG800 was basically what we had expected.   There was definitely a large amount of room for improvement, although the major problems the monitor had resided in the fact that there was no DVI.  Had this monitor come with a digital connection, there is no doubt that we would rate it as an excellent buy.  However, we still think favorably of the VG800 since it retails around 550USD.  You will not receive the same quality of a monitor as a Samsung, but for the average user, the price remains the driving factor.  Gamers and graphic designers might want to shy away from this monitor though.    

As far as gaming goes, we noticed decent image quality but the speakers did not cut it.  The Albatron L17AT we reviewed last month also had similar problems with the speakers.  Perhaps for a LAN party, the speaker set would be acceptable, but unless you plan on only using your computer for email, do not use these speakers for everyday use. 

Coupled with the long auto adjustments, higher response time and shifting screen, ViewSonic seems to have just missed the mark; but barely.  Given time and revisions, a derivation of this monitor could truly be something to see.  If money is tight but you really are anticipating an 18” LCD, this LCD might appeal to you.  Even though there were several problems with the monitor, they were for the most part annoyances rather than hindrances.

Special thanks to for providing us with a sample VG800 to use for this review.

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