
During the event, Intel and Micron made it clear that this week's announcement is solely about the underlying 3D XPoint technology. Products based on this new technology will follow sometime next year and the companies were quite tight-lipped when it came to details, but they did give away a few hints. First of all, the co-operation between Intel and Micron only exists at the memory technology level and both companies are developing their own 3D XPoint based products, similar to how the two have operated in the SSD/NAND business. Technically this means that the two will be competing against each other, although it's possible that each company will take a unique approach to utilizing 3D XPoint in an end product.

One take away from the presentation and Q&A was Intel's emphasis on NVMe. Intel has been a strong advocate of the technology ever since its inception, and as a matter of fact Intel was the first SSD vendor to ship NVMe SSDs in high volume with the introduction of the DC P3700 and its derivatives last year. While NVMe has mostly been associated with NAND so far since it is mainstream non-volatile memory, the core architecture was built to scale with future memory technologies with even lower latencies (after all, NVMe stands for Non-Volatile Memory Express). Given that software interfaces tend to stick around for at least a decade, it's obvious that NVMe had to be designed with more than just NAND in mind.

With NVMe it's certain that we will see 3D XPoint based PCIe SSDs. Whether these will be add-in cards or 2.5" drives remains to be seen, but I'm more inclined to say add-in cards (at least initially) because of the connector limitations. U.2 (former SFF-8639) supports only four PCIe 3.0 lanes, resulting in effective real world bandwidth of about 3.2GB/s. NAND is already capable of saturating that for read operations, so even though 3D XPoint would improve write and random IO performance, the full potential would ultimately go unused without a higher bandwidth interface. An add-in card doesn't share the limitations of U.2 and could support up to 16 lanes with over 10GB/s of bandwidth available, but the downside would more limited serviceability since add-in cards can't be front-loaded like 2.5" drives can. As the enterprises have used add-in cards in the past (Fusion-io never made anything but add-in cards), I don't see serviceability being a major hurdle for the companies that really need 3D XPoint for their workloads. On the other hand, I wouldn't be surprised to see Intel pushing for an 8-lane U.2-like standard, but it really needs industry-wide support to get air under the wings.

With Intel being the other party in the joint-venture, it's guaranteed that 3D XPoint will get all support and love it needs on the platform side. Intel can integrate more PCIe lanes and/or accelerate the development of PCIe 4.0 for its upcoming platforms to create the necessary bandwidth and push for 3D XPoint if needed, which is something that no other memory vendor could do.

AgigA's DDR4 NVDIMM: A Future 3D XPoint Form Factor?

While Intel will clearly be pursuing the storage aspect of 3D XPoint through NVMe, I suspect Micron might take a more memory-like approach since it's a memory company as much as it's a storage company. It was made clear that 3D XPoint can be used in memory and storage applications because the technology is bit-addressible and can work in a similar fashion as DRAM. Bringing 3D XPoint closer to the CPU and connecting it through a DDR4 interface would obviously yield the best performance and eliminate any bottlenecks that PCIe has. There are already NAND-based products that do this, such as SanDisk's ULLtraDIMM, and a couple of months ago JEDEC paved the way by releasing a standard for DDR4 NVDIMMs, a new standard set to fill the gap between DRAM and SSDs. While NVDIMMs will require driver work due to the lack of standardized software interface like NVMe, I do believe 3D XPoint is the right technology for bringing NVDIMMs to the market and it would make sense for Micron to do so.


Section by Ryan Smith

The use cases for 3D XPoint are potentially significant in number and Intel/Micron believe that it will open the doors for all sorts of new applications. Overall the computing industry has had access to high speed non-volatile memory technologies before – magnetic core memory is the traditional poster child here – so there is some precedence here and some fundamental research into the field from the early days of computing. However with magnetic core memory having become outmoded before the majority of our readers were even born, the modern computing industry has developed around the current paradigm of fast DRAM and slow permanent storage. As a result while the potential applications are numerous, it’s still in many ways an uncharted area in computer science.

The most immediate application of 3D XPoint based products will be as a layer of storage between DRAM and SSDs. Over the history of computing the number of layers between storage and processors has continued to build – multiple layers of on-die caches, off-die caches, caching SSDs, etc – and 3D XPoint memory would further fit into that heiarchy as a storage medium that bridges the gap between DRAM and the current fastest non-volatile storage. By treating 3D XPoint memory as another layer of cache, 3D XPoint can be used to further speed up applications that are currently bound by either memory capacity or storage latency.

The Traditional Memory Heiarchy (Image Source: Tommy MacWilliam, Harvard)

Given the costs of 3D XPoint, the first such applications are expected to be on the enterprise side. Enterprise users make heavy use of storage at all layers in order to balance performance needs against the relatively small capacity of DRAM. Database servers in particular adapt well to caching, and it’s easy enough to imagine a next-generation database system using 3D XPoint to backstop DRAM. Since 3D XPoint is non-volatile, it can even be an exclusive cache – that is, its contents don’t need to be in lower layers as well – which eliminates a good deal of overhead. A database system in this context would only need to write contents to SSDs and other, lower layers of storage when data gets expelled from the 3D XPoint cache, an occurrence that may be particularly rare with the properly tuned database.

Many of these benefits of a cache layer are applicable to other types of storage-heavy servers as well, though I expect databases will be the king. Perhaps the more interesting aspect – and certainly more relatable to the public at large – will be what 3D XPoint-backed servers are used for. Intel and Micron are eager to point out the “big science” uses for the technology; projects and systems such as the Large Hadron Collider and Oak Ridge’s Titan supercomputer can generate a massive amount of data, and while processing all of that data is first and foremost a processor issue, feeding that data for processing is a big problem as well. Any kind of analysis that could benefit from individual processors having RAM-like access to an SSD-sized pool of data could benefit.

The catch is that there’s still a lot of research that’s needed into figuring out what the best uses may be. This kind of shift in access times and capacity doesn’t just make computers faster, but it can change the fundamentals of what algorithms are best. Just as how GPUs required scientists to figure out how to spread out their work in a massively parallel (and high latency) nature, putting 3D XPoint to its full use will require newer algorithms that are capable of effectively utilizing direct access to so much data at once.

Meanwhile I would be surprised if the financial industry didn’t jump on this early, as they are prone to jumping on major technologies in order to try to get an edge in a highly competitive and lucrative field. In this aspect it’s not so much that 3D XPoint would improve processing speed – such work is already offloaded to large RAM pools when possible – but rather it would enable traders and analysts to run simulations against much larger datasets much more effectively.

As for the consumer space, the same principles about an additional cache layer would apply, but I’m not so sure we’d see consumers pick it up in the same manner. Much of this has to do with what the eventual costs and capacities of 3D XPoint products would be, as consumers are much more price sensitive than professional users. In the consumer space we’ve seen sporadic use of NAND-backed hard drives, for example, but by and large consumers have stuck with discrete SSDs and HDDs. Consumers either don’t want to pay the premium for SSDs, or have enough money to just buy large SSDs outright, leaving little of a middle ground.

That said I’ve seen some interesting pitches for 3D XPoint in the gaming space that have some merit, as games are something of a special case for consumer workloads. By and large we want fast access to game resources since those resources are accessed on-demand and are needed to progress in a game’s execution, but the assets themselves aren’t volatile. Only a small part of the working set for a game is volatile data – player positions, AI decision trees, game state, etc – while the rest of it is static data such as models, world geometry, and textures. 3D XPoint in turn would be fast enough that it could be used as a replacement for RAM in holding these assets, but as the data is non-volatile it wouldn’t thrash 3D XPoint P/E cycles very much, and any write speed disadvantage compared to DRAM would be immaterial.

But again, this is going to depend on the cost of the technology; if it were to become cheap enough that 50-100GB could be thrown in a game console or gaming PC, then you could store the entirety of most games in 3D XPoint memory, which would reduce load times to the time required to process the data and setup the game state. This is more important in consoles which currently store their games on a mechanical drive, who then could recall data rather quickly on first boot or adjust for large amounts of memory swapping for more detailed titles. High end PCs with large amounds of DRAM can already use RAMDisks perhaps nullifying a point there.

Last but not least of course are the implications for 3D XPoint as a wholesale replacement for DRAM. The more limited lifetime of 3D XPoint relative to DRAM certainly poses some challenges in this respect, but I suspect the bigger issue will be overall bandwidth. By the time 3D XPoint becomes available in bulk, DRAM technology should be to the point where faster-generations of DDR4 are available and HBM is widely deployed. Given that future generations of HBM are targeting 1TB/sec or more of memory bandwidth, it’s unlikely that 3D XPoint is going to be able to match the bandwidth of contemporary high-bandwidth DRAM solutions. So any rumors of the impending death of DRAM are likely premature.

IoT & Embedded, A Good Fit For 3D XPoint?

But with that said, while 3D XPoint isn’t likely to replace DRAM in a wholesale manner for all applications, there is clearly room for it to replace DRAM in some situations where DRAM is used primarily for its bandwidth and latency versus solid state storage. Replacing DRAM with 3D XPoint in embedded applications for example would be very practical – many embedded uses don’t need high bandwidth or low latency as much as they just something better than traditional NAND – and I wouldn’t rule out smartphones here either, at least to an extent. If individual 3D XPoint chips can be produced small and cheap enough, then the most lucrative use for the tech as a DRAM replacement may be in the vast legions of low-performance devices, rather than in high-performance hardware that actually needs the full speed and latency of DRAM.

Estimating 3D XPoint Die Size & What Happens to 3D NAND Final Thoughts
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  • failquail - Friday, July 31, 2015 - link

    Thinking about it, wouldn't an ideal use for this sort of memory be to use it as write-cache for storage devices? Almost as fast as RAM and does not need any sort of battery backup encase of power failures. Sounds perfect :)
  • melgross - Friday, July 31, 2015 - link

    I don't agree with the assumptions in the article about how this won't be a good replacement for current SSDs, because of cost. What I see here is that the prices,for,this arrive right at the price range of current SSDs. Yes, they are higher price SSDs, but still, not higher.

    It seems that the lesson of technology is lost here. All Tech becomes cheaper. It's almost as though the writers have forgotten that the first SSDs cost $3,600 for 32GB drives. HD prices have continued to fall, but not nearly as fast as that of SSDs.

    Apple has almost all of their computers using SSDs, and that has certainly helped. They also use a major portion of the world's supply of NAND in their iOS devices. I'm not plugging Apple here, just pointing out that a major consumer company can affect usage and pricing dramatically.

    If Apple, or some other major manufacturer decides that this Tech is just what they need, and begin to use it, then prices will begin to,drop,faster than otherwise thought.

    I believe that this is a very good candidate for NAND drive substitution. And I feel as though it will begin happening more quickly than the writers here think it will.
  • Oxford Guy - Saturday, August 1, 2015 - link

    Tech becomes cheaper as volume increases and manufacturing improves but SSD NAND will also become cheaper. So it remains to be seen how well this technology will drop in comparison with SSD NAND. Many people are still using 5400 RPM hard disks in their laptops so it is also not clear if there will be anything to compel regular people into buying something faster than an SSD and a higher price.
  • abufrejoval - Friday, July 31, 2015 - link

    I believe you’re falling into a marketing trap, when you imply that 32-layer Flash has 32x the capacity of planar flash (or 48-layer 48x capacity).

    When flash vendors talk about 3D Flash layers they are actually talking about process layers and it takes about 8 of them to implement a full logical storage plane. So 32 layer NAND simply has quad planar capacity and 48 layers six times the capacity of a planar chip at the same process size.

    And since in the past 3D V-NAND was used to stay on the higher geometry node for endurance, actual capacity gain was even lower.

    Intel/Microns bending technique was another way to retain surface area at lower geometries.

    And as the V- in the V-NAND implies, you can’t stack silicon layers with complete freedom, even if processing cost were no issue. They were building terraces originally, something that the Toshiba 3D process avoids.

    Still 100 or 1000 layers won’t happen on silicon, because that’s like building a skyscraper using mud bricks.

    However, that’s not an issue with HP’s Memristor device, because that’s not a silicon process and layers of titanium dioxide can be slapped on top of each other without any crystalline alignment issues or deposition/etching limitations.

    That is one of the enduring limitations of Xpoint vs. Memristor, the fact that it seems to remain a silicon based process, which means it doesn't allow anywhere the number of layers that a non-crystalline process can do.

    And since the cost per layer is close to linear and high on silicon, that means it fails to deliver Moore's promise economically.
  • Kristian Vättö - Monday, August 3, 2015 - link

    I'm well aware that 3D NAND uses a much larger lithography and the density per layer is far from planar NAND. I apologize if it reads differently, but that was unintentional, not a praise talk for 3D NAND.

    I think 100 layers will happen given that we are already close to 50 layers, but I agree that 1,000 layers would require a more significant change to the manufacturing process and materials.
  • abufrejoval - Friday, July 31, 2015 - link

    My biggest fear with Xpoint is that Intel is attempting to create a de-facto monopoly around the NV-RAM space. They seem to have made a deal with HP for HP to delay the Memristor in return for some very favorable conditions on Xpoint, CPUs and whatever else HP needs to produce servers.

    An open price war between Memristor based and Xpoint based DDR4 DIMMs with hundreds of gigabytes if not terabyte capacity would have left half the industry bleeding to death, Intel would have lost against HP technologically, because the Memristor scales better in 3D, retains data indefinitely and has no endurance issues at all (also better latency, potentially even beating DRAM), but might have taken perhaps a little longer to get there.

    And with Intel as an enemy and HP's current financial stand, there is a good chance they would have bled out on day 1 of that war.

    So they agreed that is was better for both parties to delay the Memristor and give Intel a full run with Xpoint to recoup their investments and let HP regain some health and headstart against Lenovo, Dell and SuperMicro, who have no Memristor on the back burner to negotiate back channel rebates with Intel.

    The only problem is that even if Xpoint looks like DDR4 RAM on the memory bus, it will require wear management, special initialization etc. via a control channel like SPI and in the BIOS.

    Good luck trying to license that from Intel if you're a maker of ARM, AMD, p-Series or even z/Arch CPUs.

    Intel gave up DRAM, because it was cut-throat commodity decades ago, but these days winds up making far less money off a standard big data server than DRAM manufacturers, even after they've pushed everybody else off the motherboard (Intel may make more profit, though).

    XPoint not only gives them back the biggest slice on the server cake, and at a price they can move as close to DRAM as they want, while their production cost may actually be far lower, but it also eliminates all these pestly little ARM competitors as well as finishes big iron for once and for all for lack of a competitive memory solution.

    What was probably a smart tactical move for HP, puts the future of the IT industry at risk because Intel has years of a practical, but thanks to Micron not legal, monopoly.
  • mdriftmeyer - Saturday, August 1, 2015 - link

    Micron is on the verge of a hostile takeover of $23 Billion. This Joint Intel/Micron announcement came 3 days after that takeover bid.

    Sorry, but silicon is not the future, but the past. HP is in the driver seat with the Memristor. Once they fire Meg and hire an engineering board/ceo leveraging their IP will make Intel one unhappy camper.
  • lordken - Sunday, August 2, 2015 - link

    Unfortunately I dont see HP (ES) is firing Meg anytime soon, she is going to HP ES as CEO...So I think that best chance to stuff her off was during separation where she should rather go to HP Ink rather then ES.
    Would not hold my breath for hope that HP would get good ceo, just look on couple of recent ceos we had...
  • Michael Bay - Sunday, August 2, 2015 - link

    Memristor as technology is dead, HP is swithcing off from it. So there is no need for Intel to have any kind of dealing with them.
  • Khenglish - Saturday, August 1, 2015 - link

    I struggle to see the purpose of this memory. While flash is much slower, latency is limited by the controller. If you put this 3d XPoint memory in an SSD, you gain very little in performance since the controller was the bottleneck anyway. Flash manufacturers can get much higher performance from the memory out of a NOR design at the cost of some density, but they don't do it because again the controller is the issue. All I really see this being used for is business applications where flash memory's endurance is too low to be suitable.

    Also the term NAND only refers to the architecture of a memory system. I would not be surprised at all if 3D XPoint was also a NAND architecture. You might want to call the current tech flash or floating gate instead.

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