Final Words

The ARC 100 provides what I expected it to do, which is its strength and weakness. The Barefoot 3 platform does provide excellent performance consistency and it has proven to be reliable over the last two years, but the performance in lighter workloads is only mediocre. I am glad that OCZ pursues consistency, but the truth is that average client workloads are more about peak performance as IOs tend to happen in bursts. Think about application installing and launching for instance – they stress the drive a lot but only for a short period of time and afterwards the drive will mostly be idling until another similar request comes in. It is true that an average user will most likely not notice the difference between two modern SSDs, but I still would have liked to see the ARC 100 being more optimized for lighter client workloads.

Another shortcoming of the ARC 100 is its lack of support for lower power states and TCG Opal. With most of today's PCs being laptops, OCZ is missing the needs of a huge market. I am guessing that there are some limitations in the Barefoot 3 silicon itself that prohibit OCZ from implementing proper low power state support – or at least that is what I hope because otherwise there is no good explanation as to why the Barefoot 3 continues to use so much power at idle. OCZ's next generation controller will support both DevSleep and Opal encryption, but in the meantime I can only recommend Barefoot 3 based SSDs for desktops.

NewEgg Price Comparison (8/25/2014)
  120/128GB 240/256GB 480/512GB
OCZ ARC 100 $75 $120 $240
OCZ Vector 150 $85 $140 $280
OCZ Vertex 460 $90 $140 $245
Samsung SSD 850 Pro $130 $200 $400
Samsung SSD 840 EVO $90 $165 $250
SanDisk Extreme Pro - $200 $380
SanDisk Extreme II $70 $140 $295
Crucial MX100 $80 $115 $220
Plextor M6S $80 $135 $280
Intel SSD 730 - $190 $340
Intel SSD 530 $90 $140 $250

Pricing appears to be competitive, although beating the MX100 is very tough. At capacities of 120GB and 240GB the ARC 100 is effectively the same price as the MX100, but I would like to see the 480GB drop in price to be more competitive. The mainstream market is all about price, so the ARC 100 cannot be $20 more expensive than the MX100 if OCZ wants to compete. Then again, 480GB/512GB SSDs aren't the normal target for mainstream users, so it may not matter too much.

I have to say that the MX100 is still my recommendation for most people because the feature set and value are just amazing, but the ARC 100 is a compelling alternative for desktop users. The better performance consistency makes the ARC 100 more suitable for heavier workloads, so for a user with a heavy-ish IO workload and a tight budget the ARC 100 is a great option.

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  • HisDivineOrder - Tuesday, August 26, 2014 - link

    "The Barefoot 3 platform does provide excellent performance consistency and it has proven to be reliable over the last two years"

    "The Barefoot 3 platform does provide excellent performance consistency...has proven to be reliable over the last two..."

    "...excellent performance consistency...has proven to be reliable..."


    Wut? You can't be serious. Go read the reviews by actual users. OCZ products have far higher one-star reviews and failures than any other serious equivalent. Or do you guys really think the rest of the world is wrong about their reliability and you're right? ;)
  • Kristian Vättö - Tuesday, August 26, 2014 - link

    Here is some actual data from NewEgg and Amazon for you:

    OCZ Vector 150 & Vertex 460 combined: 89.2% are 5 or 4-star reviews - 7.8% 1-star
    Crucial M500: 91.1% are 5 or 4-star - 4.6% 1-star
    Samsung 840 EVO: 94.1% 5 or 4-star - 2.3% 1-star

    OCZ's sample size was much smaller and there were only 13 one-star reviews in total, so the results are not really scientifically accurate. There were several one-star review due to the fact that OCZ denies warranty if bought from an uncertified reseller, so the number of failures is smaller in reality.

    Either way, your claim that OCZ has "far higher one-star reviews" isn't true. It used to be true and I don't deny that, but the OCZ today is totally different company with new management and owner. Things are only going to get better with Toshiba helping OCZ with validation.
  • Per Hansson - Tuesday, August 26, 2014 - link

    Yea, but OCZ still shows up in reliability survey as the black sheep.
    No matter how much they say they want to improve their reputation the numbers don't lie:

    Sure it's better than the 50% RMA rates for the Petrol & Octane series, but then again those where never even recalled by OCZ so in my mind they can just go MIA!
  • mapesdhs - Wednesday, August 27, 2014 - link

    Ah yes and no other manufacturer ever screwed things up?... In reality they've all
    chucked out bad fw, but people forgave the likes of Intel and Samsung when they
    did that. OCZ changed its policies, started producing excellent models, yet people
    still post the same old guff about Octane/Petrol models.

  • mapesdhs - Wednesday, August 27, 2014 - link

    Nonsense. All that stuff was about much older models. The later OCZ SSDs are very good,
    everything from the Vertex4 onwards. Heck, with the early fw issues sorted out, the previous
    models are fine too, I have loads of them.


    PS. Buyer feedback on a seller site suffers from enormous -ve bias. People who don't
    have any issues almost never state the fact. Sats: garbage in = garbage out.
  • kaesden - Tuesday, August 26, 2014 - link

    You couldn't pay me enough to ever trust another OCZ product. I dont care how well they perform, or how cheap they might be, they are the most unreliable memory products i've EVER used.
  • hojnikb - Tuesday, August 26, 2014 - link

    They were. Now that sandforce is gone and toshiba is owning them, this is a completly different OCZ as it was a few years ago.
  • hosps - Tuesday, August 26, 2014 - link

    Management is still the same and by the CEO's own admission, they have been left largely alone for day-to-day operations. This product is yet another horrible idea just like Octane, Petrol, and Agility. They are undercutting their own product lines with inferior products and dumbfounded why their higher end products don’t sell. They need to follow what Samsung has done and release two product lines and keep it straight. Higher number product numbers = higher expected performance. Stop mixing and matching product lines and tagging them with meaningless numbers that have no sense of order or scale. They keep repeating the same mistakes that led them to bankruptcy and it’s why they won’t survive as a company.
  • hojnikb - Tuesday, August 26, 2014 - link

    What toshiba needs to do is rebrand the whole thing; they could just continue using toshiba brandname as they did before ocz acq. but instead use oczs controller and firmware. And as you've said; two models. One highend with MLC flash and one mainstream with A19 tlc (sandisk already has one).

    That way, product stack will be less of a mess and cost savings when using TLC could also translate to lower MSRP. Which is always good, when competition is stiff.
  • patssle - Tuesday, August 26, 2014 - link

    Once you lose trust it's hard to gain it back. Hard drives are crucial for reliability with all your important data stored on it (and hopefully backed up) - living with the thought of just MAYBE my hard drive isn't good enough is more than enough to not buy that brand. And I was quick to jump on the OCZ bandwagon back when they were the first to bring reliable SSDs mainstream without write delays with the Vertex.

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