Conclusion: Three Mice for Three Users

I think what I may very well like best about the Logitech G100s, G500s, and G700s is that they're not one-size-fits-all mice. Undoubtedly I've been glowing throughout this review, but honestly I'd be happy using any one of these three mice, and if you've been keeping up with my peripheral reviews you'd know I tend to be fairly picky. Everybody should be; the mouse, keyboard, and display are the ways you interact with the computer and thus should be as enjoyable to use and even as seamless as possible. As far as I'm concerned, that should be the overarching mentality of virtually any vendor making technology products: people should enjoy using these devices, and the devices should not get in the way of what people want to do with them.

Starting at $39, I think the G100s is actually a little bit of a tough sell, at least superficially. This looks like a garden variety mouse, and it does feel a little cheap, but those wind up being the prices you pay for what the mouse is intended for. As an RTS mouse I suspect it's going to be a very popular and effective weapon, and the optical sensor is actually the most fluid and enjoyable to use of the three mice tested here. There's no reason to think this mouse won't go on sale at some point, and at $29 it'd be an absolute steal.

At $69 the G500s continues the G500's reign as the elder statesman workhouse mouse. If you loved the G500, you'll love the G500s, because all Logitech has done is fix their software, upgrade the laser slightly, and make the buttons more durable. I'm madly in love with the coarse texture used on the grips, personally, as well as the toggleable freewheel. Some users will undoubtedly appreciate the configurable weight, too. I wouldn't recommend actually paying sticker price for this mouse; Logitech mice go on sale all the time, and the G500s really belongs at $59.

By now you probably already know whether or not you want the Logitech G700s. In many ways it's like the G500s but better, though I do prefer the lighter weight of the G500s in the hand. If you want to be able to switch between onboard profiles on the fly, though, it's pretty tough to beat. I just wish there were some kind of LED indicator on the mouse for both the active profile and the active DPI setting (similar to the G500s), and the weight kind of comes with the territory of a wireless gaming mouse. Finally, at $79 it's a very hard sell, but there isn't much out there that's quite like it.

I can easily and cheerfully recommend any of these mice, and I would urge users to seriously consider what they're getting for their money. Can you make do with a cheap $20 mouse and keyboard? Sure, absolutely. But you spend extra money for what honestly can be a substantially better experience; I've tested a lot of these peripherals on friends who were used to using basic, chintzy consumer kit and found their reactions often come just short of outright epiphany. The prices on some of these are high (excepting the G100s, which is actually a pretty straightforward deal), but peripherals are very particular from user to user, and the good stuff can really make all the difference.

The Logitech G-Series Software
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  • Dnann - Friday, June 14, 2013 - link

    My Logitech mice have been doing fine so far. Recently got the G700s and it's a pretty slick upgrade. You might have unluckily gotten a lemon. But if you think Logitech mice are cheap, you should look at other mice.

    My Razer mouse broke after less than a year of use, buttons failed. You can see some pictures here:

    And also watch the Logitech G700s push the Naga over the edge.

    Well, there are no perfect mice on the market at the moment. It's the lesser of two evils. I'm going with Logitech... for the moment.
  • Codex77 - Saturday, July 9, 2016 - link

    I've had the Logitech G9 for roughly 9 years and it still works perfectly. Absolutely no problems at all...
  • ijozic - Saturday, March 30, 2013 - link

    Apparently, some of the previous mice had similar issues - a friend and me bought G7 and G5 respectfully as soon as they were released. His left click button gave up within the first six months, while my G5 is still working, though I'm mostly using the G9 in the last few years (G5 is a bit too big for my preferred style of handling the mouse). I also remember that the G7 was very lacquered so your hands would sweat a lot on it, while the G5 had a very nice matt texture and rubberized grip which was very much the opposite. Considering that those things were costly, the cheap button quality is really disappointing.
  • Eugene86 - Sunday, March 31, 2013 - link

    I'm currently on my third G500. The left click button failed on my first one about a year after I got it. I called up Logitech and got it replaced for free with another G500. The left click button on this second G500 failed after about 4 months of use. I called up Logitech again and got another replacement.
    With this third G500, I believe that Logitech has actually replaced the buttons as well as laser. The button clicks sound different from that of the first two G500's that I owned. Also, with the first two G500's, I used a blue Icemat as my mousepad. The third G500, however, does not properly track on the Icemat, which leads me to believe that the laser has been changed.
    I guess time will tell if Logitech actually fixed the buttons.
  • sigmatau - Tuesday, April 2, 2013 - link

    I'm on my 4th G500. Stupid wire keeps failing. On the 3rd replacement they asked me if I had the old one. I told them I had all 3 and they could have all that crap back. I am never buying another wired Logitech mouse.
  • HisDivineOrder - Saturday, March 30, 2013 - link

    Didn't you see? The article says they knew it wasn't particular durable. They fixed the problem for you. You just have to pay them more money and buy the refresh. Didn't you know? They built your mouse likely after they determined the fault was common, but hey, it was a great way to ensure there was an expiration date on your mouse.

    They're doing it for you. They don't want you using a mouse for too long without buying the vaguely improved refresh for MORE money.

    Logitech: Science! ...You're welcome.
  • Lyianx - Thursday, April 11, 2013 - link

    I would be very happy if they found room in the G700 for a 2nd Enloop rechargeable batt for longer life.
  • piiman - Tuesday, March 18, 2014 - link

    You're an idiot.
    What mouse never breaks and last forever? Tell me a mouse that last longer?
    I bought the 700s because I was happy with the 700 which I had since day one and it just started having a sticky button 4 BIG WHOOP! nothing last forever but if you can show me a more reliable mouse on the market I'm open to suggestions. But all I see from you is bitching and nothing to offer.
  • CloudFire - Wednesday, April 3, 2013 - link

    I went through the same thing, on my 3rd G500 at the moment. The great thing about logitech was that there was no hassle in getting a replacement but it's quite annoying in terms of quality. My G5 lasted over 3 years without any problems yet each G500 barely made it to the 1 year mark. The current G500 seems to be running fine though, no problems yet and I also suspect that they may have upped the quality on the newer batches.
  • jginnane - Saturday, March 30, 2013 - link

    Hoe about a quick review for left-handed mouse users? Granted, the market is only ~11%, and even less in countries with strong social taboos like China. However, many companies would love to have an 11% market share of anything!

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