Windows Support

I've got good news and bad news for Windows 7/Boot Camp users. If you're using the Pegasus as a pass through for a 27-inch Cinema Display, your monitor will still work under Windows 7. Unlike what we saw when Apple first introduced the MacBook Pro, there's now a Thunderbolt device listed in Device Manager. As we mentioned in our review of the MacBook Pro, the Thunderbolt device branches off 4 PCIe lanes from the Sandy Bridge CPU itself:

The bad news is that neither Promise nor PMC Sierra have published Windows drivers for the PM8011 SAS/SATA RAID controller - the Pegasus is currently unavailable under Windows.

There's some more bad news. With the Pegasus attached, you lose the ability to put your machine to sleep under Windows. Sleep works totally fine under OS X, just not under Windows with a Thunderbolt device attached. Target display mode isn't supported under Windows either.

There are a couple more quirks that exist under Windows. Apparently you can't use the ExpressCard slot while a Thunderbolt device is connected to your MacBook Pro under Windows. And finally if you have a Thunderbolt device connected and choose to eject it using the taskbar tool, you can't reactivate the device without restarting Windows. This last quirk doesn't really apply yet since there is no Windows driver support for the Pegasus, but these issues do seem a little worrisome for Thunderbolt adoption under Windows. It remains to be seen whether these are Boot Camp issues or broader problems that will impact all Windows implementations of Thunderbolt.

DisplayPort Passthrough Final Words
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  • darwinosx - Friday, July 8, 2011 - link

    Hardly anyone uses projectors so VGA ports should only be on business class laptops.
  • Zok - Friday, July 8, 2011 - link

    Can't say I agree with you there. Despite being issued a corporate laptop, I use my personal one for most of my work, including (VGA-requisite) projector presenting.
  • cacca - Friday, July 8, 2011 - link

    some questions:

    Does USB 3 port do the same?

    Does the PCI-E external do the same?

    Does External SATA do the same?

    Thunderbolt is just another PROPRIETARY standard that competes with others.

    It reminds me RAMBUS.

    were cost and compatibility matters. Is faster but....

    We will ever seen a review of something from Intel that points out the shortcomings?

    or this place is ADDtech instead of anandtech?
  • André - Friday, July 8, 2011 - link

    Rest assured that USB 3.0 does NOT in any way or form do the same as Thunderbolt.

    The protocols are very different, as in, USB 3.0 nearly doesn't support any and Thunderbolt being an extension of a 4 x PCI-Express slot does support heaps of features, like Target Disk Mode, S.M.A.R.T.-status, Native Command Queuing, daisy-chaining (with very low latency) making it ideal for many professional applications (Audio/Visual devices), bi-directional bandwidth, DisplayPort, 10 Watt of power and native software driver support.

    Just to name a few.

    External SATA doesn't do the same either.

    Thunderbolt is a multi-purpose connector, not limited to only storage or transfer of files.

    If you for a minute think that USB or E-SATA does the same as Thunderbolt, then you need to educate yourself.

    It has the potential to replace all other external connectors. One cable to rule them all, instead of legacy cables that clutter up the backside of your computer and collect dust.
  • Anato - Friday, July 8, 2011 - link

    And one controller (maker) to rule us all. Thats a big problem in PC, but not necessarily in Mac.
  • Jaybus - Sunday, July 10, 2011 - link

    Not really. Light Peak is essentially protocol agnostic. It tunnels PCI-E. The PCI-E-to-whatever bridge is built into the cable and/or dongle. In other words, a USB 3.0 adapter/hub that plugs into a Light Peak port is possible and even likely.While Intel may control the Light Peak controller, which will no doubt be integrated into motherboard chipsets, I don't think that will give them a monopoly on the bridge chips that make LP actually useful.
  • Exodite - Friday, July 8, 2011 - link

    Cue 'potential'.

    It's not hard to foresee another Firewire or mini-DP in the making, or a Beta if you prefer going old-school.

    Coupling Light Peak technology with mini-DP was a mistake. The technology is new, unproven and offers precious few usage scenarios with non-existent device support. Piggy-backing it on mini-DP, which suffer from pretty much exactly the same issues, won't help adoption rates.

    Choosing USB over mini-DP as the 'legacy' interface would have been a much better choice.
  • André - Friday, July 8, 2011 - link

    Except that the USB connector is only allowed to be used as an USB connector.

    DisplayPort is also vastly superior to any other display cable standard, so I cannot see the problem in that regard. Mini-Display is already shipping in millions and millions of computers, as well as Mini-DisplayPort. The same can be said by Thunderbolt, even though it is only Apple who have fully embraced the technology.

    As a professional in the audio/visual segment I can hardly see the problem with it being a repeat of FireWire, because my market usually adopts the better technology despite of a small price increase. Of course, it helps that we only use Apple computers to begin with and have already ditched all the back-alley, legacy connectors.
  • Uritziel - Friday, July 8, 2011 - link

    Heh, yet another continuation of the myth that media professionals only use macs...
  • André - Friday, July 8, 2011 - link

    Kindly don't put words in my mouth ;)

    I didn't say media professionals only use Apple computers, I said my company only use them.

    As for now it only makes sense to discuss Thunderbolt and Apple computers as Apple are the only ones who has it currently.

    But you just have to look at the companies that are releasing Thunderbolt enabled devices to understand that this connector is really something professionals are going to use. Next year the market will open up when PC vendors finally, if they so choose, to embrace the technology.

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