High Queue Depth Sequential Performance, Just Amazing

Our default sequential write tests have a queue depth of 1, representative of what most desktop users would encounter. Our random write tests bump the queue depth up to 3, but not high enough to really stress a four drive SF-1200 RAID setup. What we’ve done here is provide performance results for the IBIS drive in our standard Iometer tests as well as at a queue depth of 32. The latter is only useful in showing you how performance can scale with very IO dependent workloads, while the former points out that this is probably overkill for a desktop user.

We’ll start with sequential performance. With our standard queue depth of 1, we can write to the IBIS at 323MB/s. That’s a 50% improvement over a standard 120GB SandForce based drive like the Vertex 2 or Corsair Force.

Iometer - 128KB Sequential Write

When we crank up the queue depth to 32 simulating a ton of sequential IO the performance gap grows tremendously. While standard SSDs are already limited by SATA at this point, the IBIS jumps to 675MB/s. That’s from a single HSDL port. A 4-way RAID of IBIS drives would deliver absolutely staggering performance assuming linear scaling.

Colossus owners will obviously feel very sad as a single SandForce drive comes close to outperforming the Colossus 500GB drive in this test. The IBIS just puts it to shame.

Iometer - 128KB Sequential Read

Sequential read speed is even more impressive. With a queue depth of 1 the IBIS was able to pull 372MB/s, a 77% increase over a single SandForce drive. Crank the queue depth up to 32 and our IBIS sample managed 804MB/s. Again, this is from a single HSDL channel, four of these in RAID-0 should be amazing.

Desktop Performance Making Random Performance Look Sequential
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  • Johnsy - Wednesday, September 29, 2010 - link

    I would like to echo the comments made by disappointed1, particularly with regard to OCZ's attempt to introduce a proprietry standard when a cabling spec for PCIe already exists.

    It's all well and good having intimate relationships with representatives of companies who's products you review, but having read this (and a couple of other) articles, I do find myself wondering who the real beneficiary is. . .
  • 63jax - Wednesday, September 29, 2010 - link

    although i am amazed by those numbers you should put the ioDrive there as a standard.
  • iwodo - Wednesday, September 29, 2010 - link

    I recently posted on Anandtech forum about SSD - When we hit the laws of diminishing returns


    It is less then 10 days Anand seems to have answer every question we have discussed in the thread. From Connection Port to Software usage.

    The review pretty much prove my point. After current Gen Sandforce SSD, we are already hitting the laws of diminishing returns. A SATA 6Gbps SSD, or even a Quad Sandforce SSD like IBIS wont give as any perceptible speed improvement in 90% of out day to day usage.

    Until Software or OS takes advantage of massive IOs from SSD. Current Sandforce SSD would be the best investment in terms of upgrades.
  • iwodo - Wednesday, September 29, 2010 - link

    I forgot to mention, with next gen SSD that will be hitting 550MB/s and even slightly more IOPS, there is absolutely NO NEED for HSDL in consumer space.

    While SATA is only Half Duplex, benchmarks shows no evidence such limitation has causes any latency problem.
  • davepermen - Thursday, September 30, 2010 - link

    Indeed. the next gen intel ssd on sata3 will most likely deliver the same as this ssd, but without all the proprietary crap. sure, numbers will be lower. but actual performance will most likely be the same, much cheaper, and very flexible (just raid them if you want, or jbod them, or what ever).

    this stuff is bullshit for customers. it sounds like some geek created a funky setup to combine it's ssds to great performance, and that's it.

    oh, other than that, i bet the latency will be higher on these ocz just because of all the indirections. and latency are the nr. one thing that make you feel the difference of different ssds.

    in short, that product is absolute useless crap.

    so far, i'm still happy on my intel gen1 and gen2. i'll wait a bit to find a new device that gives me a real noticable difference. and does not take away any of the flexibility i have right now with my simple 1-sata-drive setups.

    anand and ocz, always a strange combination :)
  • viewwin - Wednesday, September 29, 2010 - link

    I wonder what Intel thinks about a new competing cable design?
  • davepermen - Thursday, September 30, 2010 - link

    i bet they don't even know. not that they care. their ssds will deliver much more for the customer. easy, standards based connection existing in ANY actual system, raidability, trim, and most likely about the same performance experience as this device, but at a much much lower cost.
  • tech6 - Wednesday, September 29, 2010 - link

    Since this is really just a cable attached SSD card, I don't see the need for yet another protocol/connection standard. Also the concept of RAID upon RAID also seems somewhat redundant.

    I am also unclear as to what market this is aimed for. The price excludes the mass desktop market and yet it also isn't aimed at the enterprise data center - that only leaves workstation power users which are not a large market. Given the small target audience, motherboard makers will most likely not invest their resources in supporting HSDL on their motherboards.
  • Stuka87 - Wednesday, September 29, 2010 - link

    Its a very interesting concept, and the performance is of course incredible. But like you mentioned, I just can't see the money being worth it at this point. It is simpler than building your own RAID, as you just plug it in and be done with it.

    But if motherboard makers can get on board, and the interface gains some traction, then I could certainly see it taking over SAS/SATA as the interface of choice in the future. I think OCZ is smart to offer it as a free and open standard. Offering a new standard for free has worked very well for other companies in the past. Especially when they are small.
  • nirolf - Wednesday, September 29, 2010 - link

    <<Note that peak low queue-depth write speed dropped from ~233MB/s down to 120MB/s. Now here’s performance after the drive has been left idle for half an hour:>>

    Isn't this a problem in a server environment? Maybe some servers never get half an hour of idle.

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