Final Words

There’s a huge amount of excitement around mobile devices these days. Smartphones and their associated OSes are evolving more rapidly than anything we’ve ever seen before. This is mostly due to the fact that all of this innovation has already happened over the past twenty years, it’s merely a matter of picking and choosing what to implement.

The concept of folders or keeping apps resident in memory is nothing new. These were difficult problems at one point in time but some very smart folks found good solutions long ago that are simply being revisited and tweaked for use today.

Apple is doing its best to implement desktop OS features in a way that makes sense in iOS, all while growing the platform in a controlled way without sacrificing user experience. Apple is in a position it hasn’t been in before: it is a market leader in a very important segment. Remaining true to its roots while not making the same mistakes that its rival made in the desktop space surely has been and will continue to be a very difficult task. Apple is constantly straddling the line between being Apple and being Microsoft. So far it has done a good job of preserving the Apple experience.

There are of course the dangers associated with any company getting too big or having too much control. Not to mention the troubles that we’ve seen with iOS 4 already. These are both examples of things that are very much not the Apple we’re used to from the Mac side. In a few days we’ll find out if the new iPhone tilts the see-saw back to balance again.

Grand Central Dispatch, High Res Development & the Missing Game Center
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  • SunSamurai - Friday, June 25, 2010 - link

    Get over it. Its either ads or no free apps.
  • robco - Tuesday, June 22, 2010 - link

    AdMob isn't blocked from the iPhone, nor does Apple have a monopoly. Since AdMob is owned by Google, a major competitor with Android, there are some analytics Apple won't allow AdMob to access. If you think about it, this makes perfect sense, why give a competitor access to information on potential customers (who are presently your customers)? Developers can still use AdMob if they wish, they just won't get as much data.

    So far I haven't had many issues. I think we're still waiting for developers to catch up to the new OS. But it works like a charm on my 3GS. Folders is a little clunky, but I'm happy not to have to swipe across multiple home screens to access apps. As for the iPhone 4, the only real compelling feature for me is the new camera with flash. Since I have a 3GS, I'd have to pay through the nose to "upgrade" and I won't do that until LTE is rolled out and the iPhone supports it. Oh, and it's available on a network that isn't AT&T.

    Android is looking good, but Google does a horrible job with UI. I know they have UI designers working there, but it appears nobody at Google listens to them. Stock Android looks like Windows 3.1.
  • anandtech02148 - Tuesday, June 22, 2010 - link

    iAds sounds yuck, i'll keep my 3GS and the old os3xxx. another reason why iphone 3gs is so popular because it has a pirate community, reminder to the pc system where you where you have a vibrant thriving hacking community for warez, gamez,. apzz., Google Droid can go to hell, a billion dollars in marketing from verizon won't save you.. Look at Google trying to get back into China. what will hapen to Symbian ^3? nokia N8 looks appealing from hardware standpoint..but their software really needs refresing idea like Palm OS. Intel and Nokia are great hardware companies but software they really need a saviour.
  • haplo602 - Wednesday, June 23, 2010 - link

    wow, so Apple is finaly introducing basic features into it's sofware ... how suprising and inovative ...

    seriously ... I gave up in the middle of the article. there's nothing interesting in it. just the shock at people thanking Apple for providing basic features (ipod playlists FINALY editable, now that's groundbreaking).

    my age old HTC Herald can do all these things already a few years. Sure the HW is old and slow, but the functionality is still there.
  • Death666Angel - Wednesday, June 23, 2010 - link

    That a customer (and tech reviewer) can (blindly?) trust a company that is worth over half a trillion USD to look out for him is astonishingly naive, stupid, or malicious, possibly all 3 and even more.
    A company that has a proven record of shady decisions (we will ban this app, oh wait, it gets media attention, let's actually allow it!), shady handling of the press (accidental leaks, rumors, investigations), shady handling of its competition (violating patents, very closed system) should have the end users best interest at heart? Are you insane?
    After reading this and the Froyo article, I have deleted my AT bookmark and will refrain from coming here in the future.
    Good bye
  • buyaofeichu - Friday, June 25, 2010 - link

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