
Vendor overclocked cards tend to throw a wrench in to our recommendations due to their very specific price points and the fact that they’re often just “X but 5% faster” products, leaving us with little to say about the product. Thankfully Sapphire’s 5850 Toxic Edition is not one of those cards.

Sapphire’s Vapor-X cooler is once again a tangible benefit to the product. Their marketing literature ultimately overstates the benefit by claiming that they can get upwards of a 15C and 10dB improvement in temperature and noise respectively, but it’s clear that it’s still a better cooler than our reference cooler. It’s not a night-and-day difference, but it’s better.

As for the custom board, it’s not as strong of a selling point. On a professional level we’re interested in it because after 5 months it’s the first thing we’ve seen that’s different from a reference 5850. From a feature and value standpoint however it’s a wash. The extra idle power usage is 9W over a reference card that only consumes 27W idle power, so the 5850’s amazingly low idle power usage takes a hit of 33%. We would have also liked to see the PCIe power plugs get moved up top, since the card surpassed 10” in length.

On the plus side, we’re quite happy to see a real heatsink setup for the 5850’s VRMs. The 5850 really isn’t the right card to benefit from it (particularly when we can’t overvolt it) given that the 5850 doesn’t drive the VRMs especially hard, but it’s a series-wide weakness that we’re glad someone took care of. We’ll hold off on talking about overclocking for now since we haven’t seen any other vendor’s 5850s (particularly those with overvolting options) and our own 5850 reference cards are especially poor overclockers. To that end we don’t have enough data (or really any good way to collect it) to quantify any possible advantages of the Toxic’s custom board – all we can tell you with absolute certainty is that it’s big and it’s blue.

Throwing out the custom board for a moment, between the Vapor-X cooler and the factory overclock the 5850 Toxic Edition is clearly superior over the reference 5850 for most purposes. Sapphire told us that the MSRP on the Toxic is $319, which at today’s average 5850 price of $299 puts it at a mere $20 over those reference cards. For a 6.5% increase in price we get around that much of an improvement in performance and a better cooler, and that would make the Toxic an easy card to recommend.

Instead, like virtually every other 5800-series product, the card is selling for above MSRP. Right now the Toxic is going for around $339, which makes it $40 (or 13%) more expensive than a reference 5850. This is still below the 5870 by a wide margin, but it puts it at the top of the 5850s in terms of price. At $339, it’s not the steal that it was at $319. It’s the best you can do if you can’t afford a 5870, otherwise the price gap is a bit much. Since it was just launched, we’d recommend waiting a week or two and see if the price stays that far above MSRP.

In the absence of enough data to work with to properly compare the overclocking capabilities of the 5850 Toxic Edition or to quantify the benefits of a custom board, the only thing we can really work with is the factory overclock, the Vapor-X cooler, and the price. The 5850 is already a fairly cool card, so while the Vapor-X cooler is superior to the reference cooler, it’s not enough of a reason on its own to justify the Toxic. But if you take that in to consideration with the factory overclock and the price, if the actual retail price of the Toxic can come closer towards the MSRP and the existing reference cards, then Sapphire would have a sure winner on their hands.

Power, Temperature, & Noise
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  • CptTripps - Friday, February 19, 2010 - link

    That sentence is cut and dry and you are really reaching to cause problems where there is none. Everyone else got what was said and did not feel the need to read between the lines because there is nothing to read.

    I got exactly this from the sentence...

    "Due to intial fab problems and no competition from Nvidia the demand for the 5xxx series has been so high that it could not be filled until now".
  • 7Enigma - Friday, February 19, 2010 - link

    Fanboy sit down. The sentence is clearly saying there are 2 factors as to why the demand has been so high. 1 is due to lack of inventory, and 2 is due to lack of competition. If anything it's ragging on NVIDIA a bit.

    Unbelievable what some people want to harp on!
  • Ryan Smith - Friday, February 19, 2010 - link

    Just so that everyone is clear, this is exactly what I mean (other than the ragging on NVIDIA bit).
  • blyndy - Friday, February 19, 2010 - link

    Incorrect. It is not clear.

    "Process problems over at TSMC and a lack of a competitive card from NVIDIA has resulted in a level of demand that until this year could not be satiated." is ambiguous -- it can easily be interpreted in a different way than to your interpretation. A hint for you: it hinges on the word 'demand'.
  • FATCamaro - Friday, February 19, 2010 - link

  • Griswold - Sunday, February 21, 2010 - link

    Shaddap nutsack, as well.
  • Rindis - Friday, February 19, 2010 - link

    Gratuitous caps lock was not.
  • Voo - Friday, February 19, 2010 - link

    I think it's absolutely clear for anyone who doesn't read his own preferences into every other sentence..
  • b15h09 - Friday, February 19, 2010 - link

    Doesn't sound too ambiguous to me. Low production and no comparative alternative means high demand. Pretty straight forward.
  • Hypernikes - Thursday, February 18, 2010 - link

    Nevermind. Looks like it was fixed.

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