Laptop Performance

With the different power and performance characteristics of a laptop (not to mention the battery!) we’re going to break out our laptop results from the rest of our desktop data.

If you have seen our OS Mobility Explored article, where we compared laptop usage across Windows and Linux, then you should have a pretty good idea of what you’re about to see. The following is a selection of the most relevant data from that article, using Gateway’s very similar Intel and AMD power laptops: the NV5807u and NV5214u respectively.

Starting with the NV52, our Athlon 64 X2 laptop, we see some immediate advantages for Windows 7. In terms of battery life it edges out Windows XP in all situations, and clearly surpasses Vista, particularly in DVD playback. As laptops have been one of Vista’s most troublesome areas, it’s here where Microsoft needed to see some real improvement, and they have delivered.

Meanwhile performance in our limited suite of benchmarks is largely tied. Vista wins in PCMark 05 only due to higher scores in the transparent windows test (something we suspect is a product of the WDDM 1.1 memory optimizations), XP takes 3DMark 03, and Win7 takes PCMark Vantage. Our tendency is to put more weight in to PCMark Vantage, since it’s quantifying the improved laptop performance that we’ve been experiencing, but aren’t necessarily seeing in other benchmarks.

Finally we have boot and hibernation times. Microsoft has been putting some effort in to bringing down the boot times of Vista, and it shows here, although XP is too tough to beat. Hibernation is a similar story – it’s easier to resume from hibernation when you have less stuff to load.

The NV52 paints what’s probably going to be the average picture for Windows 7 on laptops. It’s as fast (if not faster) than XP and can pull off a slightly better battery life, but it’s not going to be able to beat XP in booting/hibernating.

Next we have the NV58, our Intel C2D laptop.

With battery life, we see some things similar to the AMD based NV52, and some things are different. Vista is still a loser, but Win7 doesn’t manage to build any kind of lead over XP in DVD playback, letting XP take it by a small margin. Battery life in our internet testing does go to Win7 however, once again with a small margin.

As for performance, we largely have the same results as with the NV52. Win7 wins PCMark Vantage, the test we care the most about, and pulls near-even elsewhere. 3DMark Vantage is an outlier this time, but this seems to be related to the Intel integrated graphics in this laptop.

Finally boot and hibernation times are similar to what we saw with the NV52. XP is still faster to boot and faster to return from hibernation, the benefit of an older, lighter-weight operating system. Win7 does handily beat Vista in all cases, however.

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  • Exar3342 - Monday, October 26, 2009 - link

    Darwinosx: "Is this the new mac operating system?"

    Apple store employee: "Yes, it is called 'Snow Leopard'".

    Darwinosx: "I like cats...this must be the best around because of the cute kitty on the box. I will buy it!"
  • JimmyJimmington - Monday, October 26, 2009 - link

    Yup, macs have no security vulnerabilities at all. Exactly.
  • StevoLincolnite - Monday, October 26, 2009 - link

    MacOSX is far from the best Operating system out there, it has a tiny market share, lacks software/API compatibility, and usually comes with rather antiquated hardware, and cheap plastic looks. (Even the Aluminum bodied ones, look cheap and flimsy to me, despite them being of a solid build).

    I usually avoid all Articles based around the Mac because it's completely pointless to read, I have never owned a Mac, I never want to own a Mac, I have used a Mac and hated every moment of it, not because of the "Brand" but because I have to "Search" for OSX variations of the software I use, in such a case the Operating system is useless to me.

    Windows 7 is awesome, been using it since the early Beta's, It's like a "Fine Wine" version of Vista, it's Vista that got better with age. - I don't expect a Mac user to understand the difference's as they are generally limited in intellectual capability.


    What I REALLY wanted from this article is Windows 7's performance on something like the Atom 230/330 based processors so we can see how usable the Operating system is on such processors.
  • darwinosx - Monday, October 26, 2009 - link

    I didn't say it was the best now did I? But it is certainly better than this band aided and scotch taped version of Vista. I don't have any particular idea of a "best" OS in mind because I work with all of them. I have for 20+ years and I am quite well paid for it. Whereas you still get an allowance from daddy.

    Market share is no measure of how good something is. That is obvious.

    Software/API compatibility? Meaning what exactly? I'd like to hear because I don't think you know.

    Tell me one thing that is antiquated about Mac hardware? Plastic? What plastic? Your comments on the unibody are laughable. I'll leave it at that.

    Oh you had to "search" for Mac software. That must have been difficult for you.

    I understand you are just some teenager who doesn't know anything. But don't think everyone here is the same as you.
  • B3an - Monday, November 2, 2009 - link

    Another moronic Mac user that knows nothing. All your points about about 7 are a joke. Chances are you have not even used it.
    The only "malware fest" was windows XP. I've used Vista since release with UAC turned off - never got anything.
    And yes 7 uses more RAM, as it's a real OS and not a toy, it supports hundreds of thousands of 3rd party hardware and software, it can do a lot more. This tends to increase the complexity of an OS.

    If OSX was actually good enough for most people to use, it would be a security mess as hackers would actually bother to attack it, and theres noway it's as secure as Vista or 7 if it came down to that.
  • Ahmed0 - Monday, October 26, 2009 - link

    Remember kids, dont put your hands through the cage and dont feed the trolls.
  • Lifted - Monday, October 26, 2009 - link

    You should stock up on the pads as it looks like you're in for some heavy flow this month ma'am.
  • Sc4freak - Monday, October 26, 2009 - link

    "But what I don’t get is why there’s any reason good enough for Windows to not come with an email client at all. It’s 2009, why is there an operating system being released without an email client?"

    But you see, that would be violating anti-competition laws and would reduce consumer choice. Bundling Windows Live Mail is clearly unfair to Mozilla Thunderbird, Opera Mail, and all the other email client providers out there!

    Obviously, the solution is that Microsoft must implement a ballot screen into Windows so users can choose whether to use Windows Live Mail or another competing product. Yep.
  • darwinosx - Monday, October 26, 2009 - link

    Bundling these apps was only an issue in Europe not in the U.S. It wasn't all of these apps ether. The biggest issue Microsoft regarding bundling is the browser and they still bundle that. So whatever Microsoft reason is for that it had nothing to do with bundling or anti-trust.

    A bigger question is why in an OS released in 2009 do you still need to manually defrag, still need registry cleaners, layers of anti-malware, and various other 3rd party utilities just to make it usable and semi-reliable? Pretty sad.
  • ProDigit - Tuesday, October 27, 2009 - link

    I prefer to do these things manually!
    Automatic defrag in Vista and 7 is one of the major reasons for a degrading OS over time (in speed).
    I prefer keeping control over many of the 'automatic' services,which somehow always seem to interfere with performance..
    Ever played a game,and in the middle noticed a virusscan was happening on the background?
    Or what about just silently reading a webpage, on the last of your battery of a laptop, and noticing how the HDD light flickers like crazy, making this annoying HDD sound while you're reading?

    Those are the curses of the automatic tasks.
    One of the first thing I did with XP and win98, when it got released,was disable the automatic task scheduler!
    Some find automatic tasks a blessing, some a curse.

    A Defrag on a normal system should be done twice or trice a year, not every day like Vista (provided if you stay above the 20% freespace).

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