It's an iPod Dammit

The one aspect of the iPhone that still hasn't sunk in for me is the fact that this thing is actually an iPod.  Inevitably the majority of attention has been placed on the phone/internet aspects of the iPhone, while its ability to be an iPod has been relegated to a casual mention in passing.  But the iPhone is quite capable of replacing your iPod, provided that you're not dependent on having more than 8GB of music with you at all times.  True music aficionados will still hang on to their iPods, but the iPhone is designed for the crowd with slightly less music who love their iPods but hate carrying two devices around.  If you carry your iPod around everywhere, the iPhone should be quite tempting as it helps reduce pocket clutter. 

The iPod + phone meld not only makes sense, but it's done well on the iPhone.  About the only thing that's missing is the ability to assign your MP3 files as ringtones.

The classic iPod interface is changed, having been replaced by something that conforms better to the iPhone UI.  Playlists are obviously still supported, as is the ability to create a playlist On-The-Go. 

You can browse music according to artists, songs, albums, composers or genres.  You can even customize the menu at the bottom of the iPod screen to give you direct access to audiobooks or podcasts.  The one thing that I'm really missing that's present in iTunes on the Mac/PC is the ability to type and search by name for a song/artist/album.   

Viewing all the tracks on an album gives you this slick interface, the slider at the bottom controls volume

Tilt the iPhone on its side and you get a layout of album covers to flip through, much like you would at a record store, if you'd like to listen to an album in particular.  If you have a lot of music that's unreleased (or poorly pirated), you'll be greeted with a bunch of blank album covers which ruins some of the beauty of this feature. 

This would look cooler if everything had album art

There doesn't seem to be a full hold mode on the iPhone; while hitting the sleep/wake button will prevent you from accidentally hitting anything on the screen, the volume rocker is still active. 

Thankfully the iPhone has a volume limiter that you can engage to prevent you from accidentally ruining your hearing while listening to music with the iPhone in your pocket. 

The speaker on the iPhone, while well suited for voice conversations, is not great for listening to music.  It's functional but prepared for distortion-a-plenty, you're better off sticking to headphones.

The earbuds that come with the iPhone are a standard set of iPod headphones with a mic/button about 5 inches below the right earbud.  If you're listening to music when you get a phone call, the iPhone will automatically fade out and pause your music so that you can answer your call (just click the button on the headphones).  Click the button again to hang up and you're back to your music. 

When I first went to try video playback on the iPhone I was lost, I kept looking around for a video player until I eventually remembered that the iPod button was all encompassing - audio and video seekers can find refuge there.  The video formats supported by the iPhone are the same as the iPod and Apple TV, you're basically limited to low bitrate H.264/MPEG-4 files, both of which Quicktime Pro will encode for you.  The iPhone is in dire need of DivX/XviD support, but that's something Apple will never do, so either plan on converting anything you want to watch to H.264/MPEG-4 or wait for someone to hack this thing. 

Videos look great on the iPhone and as a whole, it puts competing devices to shame.  While both the Blackjack and Blackberry can play MP3s and videos neither has the storage or interface of the iPhone, they are functional but not nearly as well done as a dedicated iPod or in this case an iPod within the iPhone. 

Wireless Networks: Edge, WiFi and Bluetooth Pictures
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  • jay401 - Tuesday, July 3, 2007 - link


    About the only thing that's missing is the ability to assign your MP3 files as ringtones.

    Now that's practically an unpardonable sin, given that it's such a basic request and something absent from most phones because most providers think people are dumb enough to pay money to download a ringtone (like hell would I ever do that nonsense).

    So why not just let people use their mp3s? I already do that on my cellphone but since I can't do it directly I do it in a round-about way by sending myself the mp3 clips as attachments to messages sent to my phone, which I can then download and assign as a ringtone.

    Why not just make it straightforward and easy? You'd think this is one thing Apple could do right. :(
  • jay401 - Tuesday, July 3, 2007 - link

    from page 11:

    Tell me that's not the best looking PDF on a mobile phone you've ever seen

    If I could read any of the incredibly tiny text in that picture, maybe I would be able to. ;P
  • Anand Lal Shimpi - Tuesday, July 3, 2007 - link

    Seriously, the PDF looked shockingly good. Once you stretch to zoom in so you can actually read the slides, it's amazing. Yes, I realized being excited about how good a PDF looks on a phone is silly, but I figure after waiting in line for five hours for said phone, I've got nothing more to lose :)

    Take care,
  • Griswold - Tuesday, July 3, 2007 - link

    You can't make videos on the phone, you can't copy/paste, there's no IM client, you can't replace the battery on your own, you can't add applications to it, there's no Flash/Java support, it's heavy and the list goes on. But here's the catch: there isn't a phone out today (smart or not) that doesn't have at least as long of a list of issues.

    But for a price tag like this, I expect a shorter list. And unfortunately, many of the things on this list are important to me.

    Still, after being so skeptic about the iphone, I'd still like to have one (yea, it does have this star trek datapad feeling!!) but due to the flaws and shortcomings, i'll just wait for the next incarnation that will most likely hit the street within a year.

    I dont believe in early adopting gear from a company with zero experience on this particular field, and while apple did most of their homework, my motto (rightfully) stands.

    The next iphone will most likely be much better suited for me.
  • mongo lloyd - Tuesday, July 3, 2007 - link

    Comic Sans? Really?
  • plinden - Tuesday, July 3, 2007 - link

    No -">Marker Felt Thin
  • mongo lloyd - Wednesday, July 4, 2007 - link

    Oh ok. Equally terrible font, I'd say. Is that a standard-use font for Apple? Yikes to that.
  • Sunrise089 - Tuesday, July 3, 2007 - link

    Lots of personality, info that wasn't just a run down of specs, and best of all telepathy.

    I was actually thinking while I read this "I wonder if I'd be able to watch TopGear clips on this, since often they get pulled from Youtube. I scroll down the page, and see Clarkson staring back at me. Amazing.

    One more thing, about the homeless guy's choice between the Enzo and the Veyron - between ugly and boring, I don't know which I'd pick either. After all these years, McLaren F1 FTW!
  • Yongsta - Tuesday, July 3, 2007 - link

    Nice Review, the iphone sounds great but $600 is out of my budget. Hopefully Apple in the future releases new types of iphone's at affordable prices. Maybe Samsung/Nokia/Motorola will try to make a copycat phone but they probably cant match Apple's UI.
  • Locutus465 - Tuesday, July 3, 2007 - link

    I do love the looks of the iPhone... However if everything I hear about it is true then it would not interest me. Complete lack of 3rd party software support? If this is true then yikes! I've got my Windows Mobile phone running with quite a bit of 3rd party software and for me that's a huge must... Like my Trillian like all in one chat client, Pocket Putty, CISCO VPN client and of course, pocket mahjoong (spelling?).

    Also, I've heard for a closed system they missed the boat on what would be some truely killer features (which could be solved via allowing 3rd party software). For instance it has (google?) maps, yet from what I hear no GPS integration? Why not? At least in windows mobile you have options (though yes, it's not built into that platform either).

    It would however, be nice to see more cell companies consentrate on end user experience... It's appriciated that is for sure.

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