
As our database of tested coolers grows, we see patterns start to emerge. To this point the heatpipe towers with side-facing fans are the top-performing coolers we have tested, in both overclocking ability and cooling efficiency. The 3RSystem iCEAGE performs in that category, with performance matching many other well-recognized brands of heatpipe towers.

The iCEAGE does not, however, reach the top of the heatpipe tower list. That is still the domain of the Thermalrights, Tuniq Tower 120, and a few push-pull configured towers. Performance for the iCEAGE falls in the tier 2 of heatpipe towers, with many other excellent heatpipe towers that overclock to just a hair below the top tier with cooling efficiencies not quite the top level. Like almost every other heatpipe tower, however, the iCEAGE generally outperforms the down-facing fan designs.

This makes the iCEAGE a very pleasant cooler with performance that is very competent. If 3RSystem makes a slight modification to allow mounting of 2 fans the iCEAGE might even join the Scythe Infinity, Scythe Ninja Plus Rev. B, and OCZ Vindicator at the top 3.90 overclock. This would be a simple change in manufacturing and it would make the iCEAGE even more competitive.

iCEAGE does excel in the area of installation. It is one of the most secure installations we have seen, which is particularly impressive considering how easy the iCEAGE is to install. If 3RSystem can just raise the mating pins on the back of the CPU block a bit for a more positive lock it will be all but perfect. When you see so many horrible install procedures from major names in cooling, you wonder what it takes to get an installation right. 3RSysytem obviously figured it out and got most things right as a new name in cooling. They are to be congratulated for their efforts, because the installation is truly simple and very stable.

Perhaps the suggestion we can make to many established names in cooling is to throw out your current install procedures and take a fresh look. There are better ways to do it, and the iCEAGE is one example of a much better installation method.

The iCEAGE is an excellent first cooler from a new name in air cooling. 3RSystem pride themselves in their Research and Development capabilities, and that talent shows in the design of iCEAGE. The cooler can be improved in a few areas with some simple changes, and we do hope 3RSystems will consider our suggestions.

You can get slightly better performance from our top tier heatpipe towers, but if you do decide to buy an iCEAGE you will likely not be disappointed. Performance is near the top, the design is the best heatpipe tower configuration, the variable speed high-output fan is effective, and installation is about as good as it gets. The biggest problem you may have is finding an iCEAGE for sale with such limited distribution in some parts of the world. When you do find iCEAGE for sale 3RSystems also tells us you will be pleased with the price. We are told the iCEAGE retail pricing will generally be at or below comparable offerings from other manufacturers.

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  • strikeback03 - Friday, June 22, 2007 - link

    I often get an error if it has taken me a while to type a response. My solution is to copy the post, then try and post. If/when it throws the error, close the comments page and reopen, has always let me post after that.

    I had assumed serrated meant that the fins were bent up and down in plane, allowing more surface area for the overall width. Looking back at the pictures that appears to not be the case though. Maybe the cuts on the fins are to quiet down some noise caused by tip vortices or something.
  • Wesley Fink - Thursday, June 21, 2007 - link

    On p. 3 CPU Test Configuration - we state "Room temperature is measured before beginning the cooler tests and is maintained in the 20 to 22C (68 to 72F) range for all testing." According to my test notes ambinet temp was just below 71F at the start of these tests. The lab is air conditioned, but we do have to set the system off to keep fans off during the few munutes it takes for noise measuremtns.

  • brian_riendeau - Thursday, June 21, 2007 - link

    Cliff notes:

    -Another decent tower cooler
    -Nothing special or mind blowing

    +8 pages of "content" to explain the 3 lines above

    I am continually amazed at the length and number of cooler articles that keep coming out of AT. With 8 pages, you could easily cover the relevant information on 8 seperate coolers, with pics and performance numbers for each cooler.
  • brian_riendeau - Thursday, June 21, 2007 - link

    Also from earlier...

    "With the vast number of heatsink tests done to date it's surprising the ACF7Pro has yet to be tested."

    Not really. People would lose interest in this type of article if they all ended with something like "Too bad the ACF7Pro works as well (or better!) at less than half the cost". The coolers that keep getting tested have very high mark ups.
  • strikeback03 - Friday, June 22, 2007 - link


    "Too bad the ACF7Pro works as well (or better!) at less than half the cost"

    umm, right...

    And despite how much of the article is cut-and-paste from previous reviews, it's amazing how many people will complain about aspects of the testing that have been mentioned each time.

  • strikeback03 - Thursday, June 21, 2007 - link

    2nd page under Specifications - the box says Thermaltake MaxOrb Specifications.

    4th page right under the Idle graph - says the VX managed 29C.
  • yacoub - Thursday, June 21, 2007 - link

    "The iCEAGE 120 should retail for around 45 to 50 USD"
  • yacoub - Thursday, June 21, 2007 - link

    I didn't see a $xx anywhere in the article.
  • yacoub - Thursday, June 21, 2007 - link

    Curious how much an improvement this offers over the AC Freezer 7 Pro, which a lot of overclockers run because it's cheap, easy to install, and performs decently well.

    If it's a significant enough improvemnt to warrant the purchase, that would be important to know. With the vast number of heatsink tests done to date it's surprising the ACF7Pro has yet to be tested.
  • Duraz0rz - Thursday, June 21, 2007 - link

    I want to see this cooler tested as well...I've had their A64 version for a while, and I loved it. I want to know how well the Freezer 7 Pro does with the Core 2 Duo, as I'm running the stock cooler right now, and the Freezer 7 Pro is freely avaliable and cheaper than the Scythe Mine Rev B I wanted to buy.

    Love how you guys are doing your cooler reviews here...keep it up! :)

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