Prey Performance

Our obligatory OpenGL test is Prey. While not as graphically intensive as some of the other titles we will be testing, this is an important staple in a well rounded benchmark suite. Over our three test resolutions, the 8800 Ultra again showed about a 10% advantage over the 8800 GTX. But this time performance of the 8800 Ultra matched the performance of our overclocked EVGA card almost exactly. The graphs really do speak for themselves here.



The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Performance Rainbow Six: Vegas Performance
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  • ssidbroadcast - Wednesday, May 2, 2007 - link

    $300-$200 more for an overclock? That's it?

    For that much more money, buy a GTX, take off the stupid heatsink that takes up a whole slot, and spend the extra 200-300 on a decent water cooler.

    nVidia is getting just plain arrogant now. C'mon, AMTi... pull it together!
  • MadBoris - Wednesday, May 2, 2007 - link

    Obviously it's the best nvidia could do with the time they had to compete with the R600. They came out with something to maintain perfromance crown, better than nothing.

    Obviously not worth the price...

    How fast can this card really go with core and mem?
  • sxr7171 - Thursday, May 3, 2007 - link

    Yeah it is a trophy card. They had to do it for good PR. Now if anyone actually buys it, I guess that's a bonus for Nvidia. There are a good number of people in the world with more money than they know what to do with. This is for those people who buy $300 shirts regularly or don't think twice before dropping $20,000 on a sofa.
  • bob4432 - Wednesday, May 2, 2007 - link

    this kind of b.s. from a company will mean i will probably never buy another nvidia gpu, and after my next build another m/b based on their chipset. this is a complete joke and i can't wait for amd/ati to put out something soon. the x1950x is a good card but needs a big brother that is dx10.

    this has got to be the dumbest thing i have seen since the killernic...this move should even make the fanboys question their allegiance.
  • sxr7171 - Thursday, May 3, 2007 - link

    You are the fanboy for getting so riled up over this and thinking that you shouldn't buy Nvidia's currently superior products because of it. If you have $300 to spend on a video card, there is nothing that beats an 8800GTS now. What does Nvidia releasing a BS $830 card have to do with the excellent price/performance you have been able to get from their other products since late last year.

    The dumbest thing I have seen is people who will wait to buy something only from a specific company to get poorer performance for their dollar. It is the same kind of sucker who would buy the 8800GTX Ultra.
  • ss284 - Wednesday, May 2, 2007 - link

    This kind of BS happens because ATI can't come out with anything to beat the 8800gtx, even 6+ months after it was released. Nvidia is price gouging because they really have no competition. The R600 is a complete joke, hopefully the coming reviews will shed some light on why.
  • defter - Wednesday, May 2, 2007 - link

    Can you tell me what is the difference between $999 Q6700 and $530 Q6600? The price difference is huge, $470...
  • coldpower27 - Wednesday, May 2, 2007 - link

    Unlocked Multiplier and 266MHZ more.
  • mlambert890 - Friday, May 4, 2007 - link

    Also, the 266 Mhz more and the "Extreme" branding means that the silicon tested higher. People seem to not want to place value on that, but then they get pissed if they're the one that buys the cheap part that will NOT o'clock. If you opt for the budget version, just realize that its a gamble. The "Extreme" parts are essentially geared towards o'clocking and should oclock.

    For example, getting my QX6700 to 3.2 was effortless and 3.46 required only a minor voltage bump. On water and with a bit more voltage I can do 3.7 but it gets hotter than I would like so I keep it at 3.46. Many people do better than I with the QX6700. This is ALL just multiplier also... NO FSB o'clock so NO need for better RAM and a mobo that isnt picky with FSB o'clocking.

    personally, I think there is a LOT of value in all of that. People who dont can buy the cheaper part and feel the Extreme is a "ripoff".

    The QX6700 vs. Q6600 is NOT analgous to this situation with the 8800GTX Ultra. NVidia is being ridiculous.
  • Staples - Wednesday, May 2, 2007 - link

    This is just like CPUs the past few years which are 10% faster, the price is usually 50% or more. This is getting crazy without ATI in the market.

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