SLI Performance

We installed the supplied SLI bridge connector and the ULi PowerExpress Engine Enabling driver with the NVIDIA 81.98 WHQL driver set for SLI testing. Upon installation of the ULi PowerExpress driver and a system reboot, the NVIDIA 81.98 driver properly recognized our additional MSI 7800GTX video card for SLI operation.

Gaming Performance - SLI

Gaming Performance - SLI

Gaming Performance - SLI

Gaming Performance - SLI

Gaming Performance - SLI

The performance of the ASRock 939SLI32-eSATA2 board in our SLI gaming benchmarks is competitive and, at times, equal to our NVIDIA nForce4 boards. The Doom3 scores are almost equal to that of the nForce4 boards and they do not show the anomaly that we witnessed in the single video card testing. However, the F.E.A.R. scores are lower than what we expected based upon the single card testing. This could be the result of the PowerExpress driver not being fully optimized or a potential issue with power delivery under stress testing.

Graphics Performance - SLI

Graphics Performance - SLI

Graphics Performance - SLI

The performance pattern continues in the synthetic benchmarks with the ASRock board, scoring a victory in the 3DMark06 test although it trailed the top NVIDIA based boards in the other 3DMark tests. We were impressed with the general SLI performance of the ASRock 939SLI32-eSATA2 and did not find any performance or graphic issues in our test suites. We extensively tested the board in SLI operation with several game titles without issue and believe the ULi PowerExpress Engine Enabling driver is a very stable solution at this time. However, please note the board has not been certified by NVIDIA for SLI operation.

Gaming Performance Disk Controller Performance
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  • UJMA - Sunday, March 5, 2006 - link

    I see, I'm still interested to see how this Epox board overclocks, I look forward to the Anantech review. If its priced similar to the Asrock Sli but with better voltage options I will get one despite it being x8 x8 ... thanks for the info.

  • UJMA - Saturday, March 4, 2006 - link

    fantastic!!! I rate Epox boards highly, I'm waiting for that particular board to make an appearance in the UK ... I look forward to your results!
  • Redrider - Saturday, March 4, 2006 - link

    I am looking to build a system for my 15 year old son who does video editing as his system stressing function, not gaming. We do video editing on my own aging but still quite nice FIC AU13max, Athlon2500+, All-in-Wonder 9700pro, 1GB (2x 512)PC2700, system that I built 3 years ago (my only other previous build). I want to build a system that will be good for video editing primarily but provide for gaming should his gaming interest change from his Playstation2 to his PC. I would build my own system and pass my old system down to him like I did last time, but really like the DVR/home theater I have set up with my TV, JVC 9010VBK receiver, and AIW AGP card.

    Anyway, things sure have changed since my last build! I could use a bit of guidance. I am considering this board and would like advice on the least expensive (as a baseline, I will work my way up from there budgetarily) CPU, memory, video card, etcetera that would serve the aforementioned needs.

    To add a bit of complexity to my question (I hope this off topic diversion is ok) I had been considering a DFI LP UT NF4 Ultra-D mainly for the future potential if he gets into overclocking and such as well as the cool factor with a uv lighted case. Some reviews gave this poor marks for stability at the default settings which sent me looking elsewhere like here. Does the X2 support of the ASRock 939SLI32 warrant going with a dual core and this board for multitasking capability?

    Thanks for your assistance.
  • dab - Saturday, March 4, 2006 - link

    my $.02
    I just RMA'd a defective Ultra-D. The power requirements are very high, as it is capable of severely overvolting your hardware. It is also a very advanced board and may be difficult to use in many situations. Read at before purchasing system components if you're serious about this avenue.
    Perhaps he would be better off with a less demanding, more user friendly board like the Asrock board or an Asus offering.
  • Redrider - Saturday, March 4, 2006 - link

    Thanks for the heads up. I was a bit apprehensive about the reviews referencing compatibility issues on the DFI. This ASRock seems interesting. Asus seems like people either love'm or hate'm. I tend away from mainstream as evidenced by my FIC Mobo which appears to be one of the last of the line. I guess I'll keep on looking to see what I come up with.

    If I go with the ASRock any component suggestions? Any other specific components that I should avoid?
  • Live - Friday, March 3, 2006 - link

    Great to see the new way of presenting the gaming benchmarks. The "min" numbers are especially useful. Nice and easy to understand as well. Keep up the good work! I hope you will continue to use this in all your gaming benches. With the reports/speculation of Nvidias next high end offering being close to ATIs X1900XTX in the sense that it will beat it in some and loose in others this extra info might be the decisive factor.
  • Missing Ghost - Thursday, March 2, 2006 - link

    I don't like it. The layout is not very good. The chipset heatsinks look crappy. It seems like the southbridge heatsink is too high and will be in the way of expansion cards. And why a 20 pin power connector? I want 24 pins, especially because this board supports sli. I think I can find better for this price, but maybe that's because I don't care about 16x pcie slots.
  • kelim - Thursday, March 2, 2006 - link

    Can anyone confirm what (if any) Zalman HSFs are compatible with this motherboard?
  • Gary Key - Friday, March 3, 2006 - link

    Zalman CNPS-9500 - Yes
    Zalman CNPS-7700 - No
    Zalman CNPS-7000 - I do not have this item but looking at the measurements it would be extremely close, taking the measurements off the 7700 unit in place it might fit but just as easily might not.
  • kelim - Saturday, March 4, 2006 - link

    Thank you good sir. The 9500 is what I'll be coupling with this baby.

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