Real World Tests

Synthetic benchmarks are not always the best gauge in measuring the "real" performance of hardware, which is why we have incorporated a few real world tests in our storage reviews. One of our tests, the file system performance test, measures the drive's ability to handle file zip, unzip, and copy operations. This is a great measure of how one drive compares to another and we have put together a group of tasks that most of us typically use.

File System Tasks Within Drive
  1. File Zip Test - We take a 300MB file and measure the time that it takes for our test bed to compress it to ZIP format. We then run the test again with 300 1MB files to see how the drive performs when working with multiple files.
  2. File Unzip Test - Using the same methodology as the File Zip Test, we take a ZIP file of a single 300MB file as well as a ZIP file of 300 1MB files and measure the time that it takes to uncompress each ZIP successfully.
  3. File Copy Test - We measure how long it takes for the system with our test drive to copy a single 300MB file as well as 300 1MB files.
Take a look at the results for these file system operations within the high capacity drives.

File Zip Test - One 300MB File

File Zip Test - 300 1MB Files

File Unzip Test - One 300MB File

File Unzip Test - 300 1MB Files

Copy Folder Test - One 300MB File

Copy Folder Test - 300 1MB Files

The File Zip/Unzip tests are more dependent on the CPU than the File Copy tests which is why we see the extremely close results. The File Copy test shows Hitachi's 7K500 performing slightly quicker than the Seagate and Western Digital drives.

HDTach – Sequential Read Speed/Burst Speed Real World Tests - Multitasking Performance
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  • bjacobson - Friday, December 2, 2005 - link

    Anandtech is such a great site. Seems like every other day theres a new benchmark or review of some sort. Far more stuff comes out from AT than many other tech sites. Thanks Anand.
  • johnsonx - Friday, December 2, 2005 - link

    Anandtech does have more new articles per week than most sites, aside from THG. Unlike THG though, Anandtech's articles are quite well thought out, written, and supported. THG's flood of articles every week is more like a bad case of the $hits.
  • Visual - Friday, December 2, 2005 - link

    AT, it might be good to include a link to your 7200.9 article ( The so-called mouth-watering failure,"> ) and maybe if you've done separate reviews for the other drives link them too in the first page of this one.
    And this reminds me, we haven't yet seen a review of the highest-density 7200.9, the 160GB model. Nor the 133gb/platter 400gb drive :/

    But yeah I know I shouldn't complain, I should just google for reviews by other sites.
  • PuravSanghani - Friday, December 2, 2005 - link

    We are currently working on getting our hands on a 160GB 7200.9 unit with the 160GB platters; hopefully within the next month or so.

  • Zar0n - Friday, December 2, 2005 - link

    Thanx 4 the review, but in the last benchmark, acoustics, u should remove the legend to the bottom so that the bars expanded, and it's easy to see the difference between all drives.

    Waiting for Maxtor DiamondMax 11 to chose the best drive :)
  • Slaimus - Friday, December 2, 2005 - link

    It is fairly uncommon for HD manufacturers to release updated firmware after the fact, but that might be what the other drives need.
  • irev210 - Friday, December 2, 2005 - link

    firmware aint gunna help these drives.

    They are all very fast drives... just that the 400gb wd stands out because of its raptor heritage.
  • irev210 - Friday, December 2, 2005 - link

    From what I read at storage review, the 400gb western digital has the same chipset/technology as the 10k raptor, just with 100gb plattersx4. That is why you see such high I/O scores.

    I picked up two 400gb RE's (raid edition) to back up my data in a 400x2 raid 1. I couldnt be more pleased with the price/performance. The 400gb drives boast a 1.2 million hours MTBF, which seems pretty impressive for such an inexpensive drive. The motor looks rather large compared to other units, but i was too chicken to take apart my new drives to inspect.

    What really bothers me is that anandtech rounded up the T7k250gb 160gb version which uses different platters than the T7k250 250gb. The 250gb uses 2x125gb platters which greatly improves performance over the 160gb.

    For me, I use the T7k250 250gbx2 in a raid0 SATA 3.0gb/sec with the option of adding 2 more for much better performance and space in a raid0

    for data, I use 400gbx2 raid 1

    the best part is, I have lots of room to grow. I can grow to a 1tb main array and a 800gb data array.

    I hope to see anandtech tackle some more hard drives! The 400gb western digital is an absolute STEAL at the price.
  • karioskasra - Friday, December 2, 2005 - link

    How would the WD perform in RAID1 when compared vs the other drives in RAID1? You hinted at it possibly being slower when striped, but how big is the difference? Does it maintain the lead over the other two when striped, or is it outperformed?
  • Cygni - Friday, December 2, 2005 - link

    Makes me chuckle that a 1.5Gbps drive dominated the 3.0's. Not a surprise at all. ATA133 isnt even maxed out by these drives, let alone a SATA150 connection. Kinda reminds me of AGP... or PCI... or pretty much most of the standards these days getting replaced by "better faster must have!" standards that cost the end user money and offer no real improvement in performance.

    Hey, gotta keep selling boards, i guess.

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