Battery Life - DVD Playback

The DVD Playback 2005 test is just as it seems. This benchmark measures battery life while playing DVD content. The content is provided by BMW:

MobileMark 2005 - DVD Playback 2005

When playing a DVD, almost all of the notebooks performed the same, offering between 140 and 150 minutes of battery life.  The exception was, once more, the Dell Inspiron 2200, which underperformed at 128 minutes.  Even the Dell's 128 minutes should be long enough for most movies, though.

Battery Life - Reading Battery Life - Wireless Web Browsing
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  • rqle - Tuesday, November 29, 2005 - link

    Hmm, didnt know these littler celeron M 1.4ghz can pretty much outpace the new architecture of the sempron 2800+ cpu. interesting.
  • Questar - Tuesday, November 29, 2005 - link

    How about an Inspiron 6000? I snagged one for $584 + $19 shipping.
  • Questar - Tuesday, November 29, 2005 - link

    BTW, that was with a P-M, not a C-M.
  • bjacobson - Tuesday, November 29, 2005 - link

  • Questar - Tuesday, November 29, 2005 - link

    Yeah, and now I see you can get a 600m for less than $600.
  • Alphafox78 - Tuesday, November 29, 2005 - link

    I have a V2000Z with a Turion64 and its great!!! It sounds like the article is biased against compaq or something, the thing is sweet. works great in World of Warcraft and even plays BF2, althouh its not too fun. the form factor is great, I highly recommend it. mine does have the brightview screen, 1GB of PC3200 ram and a 5400rpm drive tho.. ;)
  • SS - Tuesday, November 29, 2005 - link

    The point of this was for $600 range laptops, going with the Turion64 setup over the Sempron and upgrading the RAM and hard drive all would push the price well over the price point this review was for.

    So you are basically asking to rate the $600 laptop based off the $1400 model's preformance.
  • Alphafox78 - Tuesday, November 29, 2005 - link

    I got mine for $760 after tax. then the free buestbuy ram, used the HD from my old laptop. lower than $700 after the free ram and stuff. I didnt get it for $500, missed that offer by a week! arg!
  • Hacp - Tuesday, November 29, 2005 - link

    Tell that to the people who got the Turion 64 V2000Zs with wireless/12cell for around 500 shipped taxed. Then add the free 1GB bestbuy ram.
  • Hacp - Tuesday, November 29, 2005 - link

    Ya if you can get it for under 450 taxed shipped of course its great :).

    Also to further my comments, I think this article really shows the strenght of the Intel centrino platform. In other tests with dedicated graphics cards, the Turion/sempron/ and Pentium M come really close in terms of battery life, but in this test, comparing the V2000 to the V2000Z, we see that the whole platform makes the celeron have much battery life, even though the sempron "should" have more Blife.

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