Day of Defeat: Source Performance

It seems that there is some sort of ~60 fps cap that we can't get around in Day of Defeat: Source. We made sure that vsync was disabled and that max_fps was set to a high value, but nothing seemed to remove the framerate limit. We tested the game with all the settings on the highest possible level but AA (which was toggled between disabled and 4x).

Without AA, cards don't really start to distinguish themselves in performance until above 1600x1200. The 7800 GTX 512 does very well under these conditions and leads just about everything including most SLI numbers (with the frame rate cap, CPU overhead of SLI starts to decrease the performance benefit).

Day of Defeat Performance

The high end ATI hardware again scales better than NVIDIA hardware when 4xAA is enabled.

Day of Defeat Performance 4xAA

Black & White 2 Performance Doom 3 Performance
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  • ElFenix - Monday, November 14, 2005 - link

    i've been asking them to hire an editor for a few years now, but i'm pretty sure they haven't taken my advice yet. every once in a while they post an article that is just unreadable due to the run on and compound sentences.
  • yacoub - Monday, November 14, 2005 - link

    It's worse when you have a journalism degree. It drives you up a wall to read so many grammatical and spelling errors. Even so I'd rather they put the money into doing more 'real world' style tests instead of just these Top of the Charts/ GPU with the Biggest Dick contests.
  • phusg - Thursday, November 17, 2005 - link

    It could be worse, at least they updated the article to change this comical spelling mistake. Puts them in line with the rest of the computer industry where the testing phase of the development cycle is outsourced to the consumer ;-)
  • Methusela - Monday, November 14, 2005 - link

    This thing just destroys every other single card, and every other SLI configuration in almost every test! Yikes. I guess it had better do so at $700 apiece, though.

    Maybe this will push the price of the 7800GT and GTX models down in a couple of weeks? Cost-conscious buyers like myself can only hope so.
  • route66 - Monday, November 14, 2005 - link

  • Googer - Monday, November 14, 2005 - link

    Holy Handgranades 54.4 GB/s Memory Bandwith!
  • pol II - Monday, November 14, 2005 - link

    Nice card

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