Final Words

The Nikon Coolpix 4100 offers quite a bit for its price. It features a 4 megapixel sensor, 3x optical zoom, and a good array of recording modes. Although there are no advanced exposure controls, metering options, or ISO settings, the 4100 does offer exposure compensation and manual white balance. In our regular lineup of tests, the Coolpix 4100 puts in a mixture of performances. For example, the camera takes 4.02 seconds to start up and take a picture, which is fairly slow compared to the competition. We weren't very impressed by its cycle times either. With the flash disabled, it can shoot with a mediocre 1.90 seconds between frames. When the flash is enabled, the camera takes an average of 12 excruciating seconds between frames. Although the camera is slow to start up and take pictures, the 4100 has very impressive shutter lag/focus times. In addition, the camera features an AF-assist lamp to aid in focusing in ultra-low light environments. The Coolpix 4100 also did extremely well in our battery test and has the advantage of using affordable AA batteries.

In our assessment of image quality, the Coolpix 4100 falls a bit short. For example, we noticed a grainy quality throughout almost every picture taken with the 4100. Also, despite a good performance on our resolution chart, the 4100 produces images with a slightly soft/muddy appearance. Smaller than average file sizes are usually an indicator of over-compression and we were disappointed to find that this is the case with the 4100. With an average file size of 1.34 MB, we found some subtle JPEG artifacts as well as jaggies along diagonal lines in our sample photos. So, don't expect pristine 8"x10" prints with this camera, but it will certainly do a good job on smaller prints or for web use. The Coolpix 4100 can currently be found for ~$160. However, for about $100 more, the Nikon Coolpix 4200 offers a larger sensor (which should reduce grain), metering and ISO options, and a slightly smaller body.

 Pros  Cons
- Good resolution performance
- Fast shutter lag
- Very impressive battery life
- Very accurate colors in sunlight
- AF-assist lamp
- Yellowish cast with Auto WB in tungsten light
- Very slow Shot to Shot w/Flash
- Soft and grainy images
- Slow startup time
- No options to adjust ISO setting
- Low quality movie mode

Thanks again to for loaning us the Nikon Coolpix 4100 for review.

General Image Quality
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  • stephencaston - Friday, March 11, 2005 - link

    #4: You make a good point. As we are relatively new with digital camera reviews, we are still building our base of comparisons. However, check out the comparison cameras on the testing pages to see the relative performance of similar models we have reviewed.
  • Turin39789 - Friday, March 11, 2005 - link

    In most hardware reviews when a product falls short in terms of quality for its category/price range the article will mention the top performers/best values. This article tells me the nikon 4100 is not for me, but doesnt really point me in the right direction for a better choice.
  • skrivis - Friday, March 11, 2005 - link

    I looked at these, but Nikon USA is offering a rebate of $200 on the Coolpix 5400. (Until 03/31)

    I got much more camera for about $50 more. Total price after rebate was $259.
  • stephencaston - Friday, March 11, 2005 - link

    #1, I think you meant the 4600. At any rate, we are always limited to what is available to us at the time. We certainly intend to look into the entire new line-up of Nikons in the future as they become available to us. Even so, the 4100 is very popular and widely available. Hang tight for the new Nikons...we are eagerly awaiting our chance at reviewing them.

  • buttwhacker - Friday, March 11, 2005 - link

    Its a good thing Anandtech is reviewing cameras but please the next time before you review the cameras make sure they are current coz this one is discontinued.... yeah, discontinued. The replacement for Coolpix 4100 is Coolpix 4900, pretty much the same but with a bigger screen and smaller size, look into that.
    Thanx for the review anyways.
  • woodhamiiltonn - Monday, January 28, 2013 - link

    Nikon Coolpix 4100 is a good camera and you've allocated an informative review of this camera. I enjoyed the camera comparison you've made and I think anyone would be delighted before purchasing Nikon Coolpix 4100. Thanks.

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