
Recommendation: Samsung 955DF (19") DynaFlat CRT
Price: $200 shipped

To this day, the 955DF is still one of the best bang-for-the-buck 19" monitors on the market. The .20mm dot pitch, max resolution of 1600x1200 @ 68Hz, and well known reliability, usability, low price and picture quality of this monitor are all reasons why we highly suggest taking a look at it. We've had extensive experience with this monitor, having done a review of it back in April 2002. We are still impressed with this monitor and will still confidently recommend it. As you may have guessed by now, CRT technology (especially in the bang-for-your-buck price range) hasn't moved much in quite some time, but that is the norm in this industry. So, don't be surprised if we continue to recommend this monitor for mid-range Buyer's Guides for some time. Of course, you shouldn't be surprised to see it here either, since overclockers usually demand good 19" CRTs for gaming.

Monitor Alternative: NEC Diamondtron 19" CRT (model FE991SB)
Price: $257 shipped

While costing significantly more money than a 955DF, Diamondtron monitors have gained popularity as some of the best CRTs on the market. This specific model has a 1792x1344 @ 68Hz, which is slightly better than the 955DF. Overall, having closely judged both monitors, we'd have to say that the Diamondtron's picture clarity/sharpness is better than the 955DF. Gaming performance isn't much different at resolutions like 1600x1200, so there's no discernable difference there. However, if you want one of best of the 19" monitors out there, you certainly can't go wrong with this Diamondtron model.

Computer Case

Recommendation: Kingwin K11 Aluminum ATX case
Price: $70 shipped

We've recommended the Kingwin K11 before as an alternative and as our primary recommendation, and we continue that feeling this week with our overclocking system. Ventilation is very important for an overclocking system and the K11 is able to deliver with four different fan positions specifically located so that as much hot air as possible is blown out of your system. Even with all your components installed, the case is still relatively light, even light enough to carry to a LAN party or to bring over to your friend's or family's house, mostly because of its aluminum construction. It comes with four 5.25" Bays, two external 3.5" Bays and five internal 3.5" bays, four USB 2.0 ports, and one Audio, Mic, FireWire port. As we mentioned before, there are four different fans, located at the top, at the rear, and two front fans as well. The case construction and quality is quite good; the material isn't cheap or flimsy by any means. You also don't run the risk of cutting yourself on sharp edges while building your system, as pretty much every corner of this case is dull to the touch because of its aluminum (and not pure stainless steel) construction.

A power supply that is able to generate consistent, stable voltages is vital to the success of an overclocking system. Quality is of the utmost importance in this particular area, and because of that, we would have to suggest the highly touted Antec True Power 430W (TRUE430) power supply. This power supply was used for each of our overclocking tests in this guide and is the perfect power supply for serious overclockers. It provides stable voltages on all rails and has an excellent reputation for longevity. We've personally built several overclocking systems around it with great success. If you're looking for a more affordable variant, we suggest the 400W version of this Antec PSU for $55 shipped online.

A little buying advice - search your local PC Club or go online ( if you're having difficulty finding the Kingwin K11 Aluminum for $70 shipped.

If you cannot find the lowest prices on the products that we've recommended on this page, it's because we don't list some of them in our RealTime pricing engine. Until we do, we suggest that you do an independent search online at the various vendors' web sites. Just pick and choose where you want to buy your products by looking for a vendor located under the "Vendor" heading.

Memory and Video Sound Card and Speakers
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  • Evan Lieb - Thursday, April 8, 2004 - link


    3.0C is more of a crapshoot, not to mention more money than a 2.8C. The overclocking difference between the two is no where near 400MHz, either. Look at our 2.8C overclock as just one example.


    Spending well over $100 more for less storage and only occasionally noticeable access time increases just isn't reasonable. At least, IMO. :)


    I disagree. We're not claiming this overclocking system will meet everyone's needs. However, we make an attempt to fit as many needs as possible. It's impossible to please every buyer's (or in this case, overclocker's) needs. Some people will find this system perfect, while others won't. Not a whole lot we can do about it.


    Newegg listed the incorrect speed. It's 1.87GHz.
  • Muzzy - Thursday, April 8, 2004 - link

    Hum, I went to newegg. I found that the mobile 2500+ is clocked at 1.83, not 1.87 as suggested by the article. Am I missing something here?
  • Doormat - Thursday, April 8, 2004 - link

    The 3.0C isnt that big of a price increase from the 2.8C, $30 according to the chart at the bottom of that page. Especially since the guys at the forum have bought several and shown that average overclocks are 3.7G. One guy bought 4, one ran at 3.65, two ran at 3.75, one ran at 3.9+ (P95 stable, all on air). Those are pretty favorable numbers when you look at it. If a 2.8Cs averages at 3.35, and the new 30 cap 3.0Cs average 3.7, the $30 is worth it for the extra 400MHz. At least to me. YMMV.
  • PrinceGaz - Thursday, April 8, 2004 - link

    I spose the XP-M 2500+ is really what this article recommended and everything else was just padding.

    Unless you're talking high-end overclocking in which case water-cooling is only the beginning and peltiers aren't far behind, then the typical overclocker is looking to save money by getting something that stands a good chance of performing reliably at higher than rated speeds. Thats what the XP-M 2500+ offers as its almost a dead cert to overclock like a trooper when set to normal non-Mobile voltage, and all without needing to worry about extra cooling as you're not really overclocking it (you're just setting it to what is in effect its default voltage on what would otherwise be an underclocked chip). Stick it in your mid-range system of two weeks ago and you've got something a lot closer to what a typical cost-driven overclocker would probably consider and they'd save quite a bit of money too by avoiding certain premium components that give relatively small returns in terms of how high the CPU will go.

    The problem is theres all types of overclockers and an article which attempts to target a mixture of them usually ends up missing the mark on most counts.
  • TheDigitalDiamond - Thursday, April 8, 2004 - link

    *Gasps in horror at the case reccomendation*

    Anyways... Guys, the majority of overclockers do it to save money when getting higher performance, not to get higher performance at all costs. 3.0GHz P4C's, Raptors, those are all touchy expenditures when you're lookin' to save a couple hundred bucks.
  • Jeff7181 - Thursday, April 8, 2004 - link

    I still don't agree with the Raptor being the 2nd choice... I still think if you're concerned about speed at all, which overclockers are, you have to get a Raptor. Then you get a larger slower drive for storage.

    But hey... it's your article and your website =)
  • solsys - Thursday, April 8, 2004 - link

    If you happen to be an NVIDIA fan, its worth taking a look at the 5900XT. Most of the people I have seen with the card can overclock it to within spitting distance of the highend 5900 or 5950 parts. Kinda nice for a ~$200 card.
  • Scwarzenegger - Thursday, April 8, 2004 - link

    The radeon 9800 se should be mentioned, through drivers it can have all the hardware pipes enabled to perform as fast as (if successful) a 9500 pro (128bit mem) and even a 9800 if it has a 256bit memory bus.

    If this is incorrect let me know!
  • Doormat - Thursday, April 8, 2004 - link


    Anyways, I'm surprised the 3.0Ghz C chip wasnt recomended for the intel overclocking system. A lot of people have had great results, most get to 3.6, many can get to 3.75 on air, and water and better cooling get to 3.9, 4.0 (though it doesnt seem many get past 4Ghz). The ones that have 30 caps on the bottom, those seem to provide the best OC regardless of scode.
  • Doormat - Thursday, April 8, 2004 - link

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