Adobe RGB: Pre-Calibration Testing

Our first tests involve measuring the Philips 276E6 prior to any calibration being performed. These are arguably the most relevant numbers for this sort of monitor, as it's highly unlikely that consumers purchasing $300 monitors will also happen to have a colorimeter or spectrophotometer laying around to calibrate it. 

While no calibration is performed before this test, the display is set to a brightness level of 200 nits to keep results comparable between reviews. The white point setting has been left in the default Adobe RGB mode, which for some reason happened to be more accurate than the mode explicitly labeled 6500K.


On this unit, greyscale accuracy was where I would expect a low priced wide gamut monitor to be. What's strange is that the gamma was closer to a target of 2.6 despite the fact that I left the monitor in its default power 2.2 gamma mode. It's worth noting that the original unit had a gamma that was much closer to 2.2, but the RGB balance for grey shades was much more red shifted and so the greyscale DeltaE was actually higher than this unit. It looks like there's a fairly large degree of variance between different units of the 276E6.

Saturation Sweep

Due to the shifted primaries and improper gamma, the Philips 276E6 doesn't perform as well as it could in our saturation sweep test. Magenta is pulled toward red, while cyan is pulled toward green. For many levels of saturation there are fairly severe errors in magenta and blue, and even more so in green, red, and cyan.

Gretag-Macbeth ColorChecker

In the Gretag-Macbeth ColorChecker test the Philips 276E6 doesn't perform very well. The average DeltaE is nearly five, with a number of colors actually exhibiting individual errors above six. In this case the oversaturated red primary is causing significant problems with accuracy by also shifting shades of yellow, orange, and magenta toward red. I really have no idea why Philips decided to tune the monitor in this manner, and unfortunately it makes the monitor not very useful for work that depends heavily on color accuracy.

Adobe RGB: 200 Nits Calibration

Our 200 nit calibration target is still the Adobe RGB gamut with a power 2.2 gamma. Since we can't actually alter the display's primaries due to there being no 3D LUT, there will be no way to improve upon the errors with the color gamut and any saturations or color mixtures that rely heavily on accuracy there.

While my earlier testing was done in the monitor's default Adobe RGB mode, for calibration I moved to using the user defined mode which allows control over the white point through a set of RGB sliders. This allowed improvements to be made at the monitor level before making further tweaks by performing the greyscale calibration, which helps to retain tonal range as there are fewer adjustments that need to be made in the GPU's LUT.


Greyscale accuracy on the Philips 276E6 improves dramatically after calibation. While the gamma is still far too high in the darkest shades, it's much more linear and now tracks fairly close to our 2.2 target rather than 2.6. The greyscale does have a number of areas where one shade will have a much higher error than the surrounding ones, and it may take moving from a 65 point to an even more comprehensive 255-point calibration to eliminate these errors.

Saturation Sweep

The average error with primary and secondary color saturations is lower after calibrating the 276E6, but there's a caveat. Due to adjustments made to the greyscale, as well as the adjustments made to the monitor directly through the white point settings before calibration, the error in cyan and green is actually much higher in the lower saturations, while the errors for blue, red, and magenta in the more intense saturations are also higher. I'm honestly hesitant to actually describe this as an improvement, and many of the errors are far too severe for the monitor to be usable in color critical applications.

Gretag-Macbeth ColorChecker

Performance in the Gretag-Macbeth ColorChecker test improves after calibration, but much of this is due to the improvement in greyscale accuracy, with many colors still exhibiting very large errors. Unfortunately, even after calibration, the Philips 276E6 isn't really suitable for use as a monitor for photo or video editing.

Adobe RGB: 80 Nits Calibration

For our 80 nit calibration we continue to target the Adobe RGB gamut, but in addition to the lower brightness we also target the sRGB gamma curve rather than a simple 2.2 power function. sRGB's gamma allows for greater detail in the darkest regions of images, and this calibration target closely reflects what one would target on a professional display where images are being edited for print.


As expected, the 276E6 struggles when calibrated using the sRGB gamma target. In the darkest shades of grey the errors are quite high, descending from a DeltaE value of roughly 9 at black to an error of 3 at roughly 25%. Beyond that point the calibration is actually fairly good, and the average overall error is below our target value of 3.0. However, the severe inaccuracy in the dark regions makes it fairly evident that the monitor won't be usable in applications that require strict conformance to the sRGB gamma and luminance specifications.

Saturation Sweep

Surprisingly, the Philips 276E6 performs much better in the saturation sweep with our 80 nit calibration than it does at 200 nits. This may be due to the modifications I have made at the monitor level to correct the white point before doing a greyscale calibration in CalMAN, and given that the white point settings on my two samples were very different it's likely that results with different calibration targets will vary a great deal from unit to unit.

Gretag-Macbeth ColorChecker

Another surprise is the fairly low average error in the ColorChecker test. I can really only ascribe these differences to the changes made when altering the monitor's white point, but it really is interesting to see a display perform better with this arguably more difficult calibration target than with the 200 nit calibration with a simple power 2.2 gamma. 

Contrast, Brightness, and Gamut Display Uniformity
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  • Brandon Chester - Thursday, April 28, 2016 - link

    Ryan was up very late doing some editing and must have made it when he expanded on my admittedly sparce placeholder title (Monitor Review). My apologies.
  • Infy2 - Thursday, April 28, 2016 - link

    The message of this article is for average Windows user to stay away from wide gamut monitors.
  • Murloc - Thursday, April 28, 2016 - link

    average user thinks oversaturation looks cool
  • watersb - Thursday, April 28, 2016 - link

    Excellent. Thanks for this in-depth discussion. I know very little about color and color management.

    Yesterday, I was in an Apple Store and I compared wide-gamut images side by side on the new, 9.7-inch iPad Pro, the 12-inch one, and the 5K iMac. I used iconFactory's blog post for reference images. Wow.

    This is becoming a real thing for popular consumer devices. Interesting times!
  • theduckofdeath - Thursday, April 28, 2016 - link

    The only thing I'm getting from this review is, I have a strong feeling that markets with stronger marketing regulations will soon nerf the Quantum Dot term the same way "LED" displays were a few years ago. The marketing implies that QD is as advanced as OLED while the displays clearly still use edge lighting with all of its issues.
  • saratoga4 - Thursday, April 28, 2016 - link

    The marketing on hype on QD is particularly ridiculous given that they're essentially a cost-reduction measure designed to save a few dollars on multi-color LEDs or OLED while (hopefully) being good enough.
  • Murloc - Thursday, April 28, 2016 - link

    80$ is not a few.
    A new thing or a cost reduction are the same thing in this case: consumers will have something they didn't have before.
  • saratoga4 - Thursday, April 28, 2016 - link

    Going from 1 type of LED to 2 types of LED in an array doesn't anywhere near $80. The savings is much larger compared to OLED, but OLED has other advantages beyond gamut that QDs can't match anyway.
  • name99 - Thursday, April 28, 2016 - link

    I think you're missing the larger picture.
    Of course any technology can be cost-cut to the point where it is a joke, and Phillips seem to have done that here. OK, Phillips being stupid, nothing new there. But that's not interesting.

    The more interesting aspect is that we are moving towards richer monitor technology. It started with retina (sorry HiDPI !) displays, now we're going to wider gamut. At some point wider gamut is going to move to something like 16 bits per pixel rather than 8 (or occasionally 10 or 12), along with maybe even 4 phosphors. And at some point the standard device frame rate is going to up to 120fps.

    OK, so with this hardware background, it's now interesting to contemplate the SW background.
    In one corner we have MS. Apparently still incapable of handling color correction after all these years, and incapable of handling the UI. Ad that to their HiDPI support. They seem unlikely to adapt well to this new world...

    In the second corner we have Android. Not clear to me how much better off they are. They have handled DPI a lot better, which is a good start. As far as I know there is still no color correction built into Android; but the larger issue is one of how easily their architecture would allow for inserting color correction. Can they do it in such a way that all (or at least most) apps just do the right thing? And would it rely on the phone OEMs to create drivers and lookup tables that most of them would screw up?

    In the third corner we have Apple which seems perfectly positioned for all this (meaning that they will likely drive it). They've been happy to push hiDPI (including on OSX as fast as Intel's built-in GPU's allows it ---which wasn't very fast, suggesting that maybe they'd be better off with another vendor for OSX SoCs, but that's a different issue), and they're now pushing color accuracy both on the camera side (TrueTone flash, high dynamic range sensors) and the screen side (new iPad Pro screen, presumably to spread throughout the product line as manufacturing volumes and power budgets allow).
    I fully expect them to stay on this path for a while, never actually stating technical phrases like "full Adobe RGB Gamut" but constantly subtly pointing out in their keynotes and advertising "Our colors look good, and look correct, across ALL our devices --- photos on your iPhone look exactly the same on your iMac. Good luck getting that consistency with photo from your Android phone on your Windows screen."

    From this point of view, then, the relevance and interest of QD technology is whether it allows larger gamut to move to iPhone this year or at least soon.
  • jlabelle - Friday, April 29, 2016 - link

    - Apparently still incapable of handling color correction after all these years, and incapable of handling the UI. Ad that to their HiDPI support. They seem unlikely to adapt well to this new world... -

    such statement is not correct and the article describes it pretty clearly. Beyond the way to set it up (which, yes, is somehow confusing), the real issue is simply that many programs are not color managed.
    This is not only limited to Windows and OS X is suffering of the same issue so it has nothing to do with Windows per see but the programs you are using.
    The issue behind is that some default program on Windows are not color managed. It seems it is the issue with Store app (like it is for iOS apps that make iPad useless for photo editing for instance). So some important apps like Photo and Edge do not take care of that. That is a big issue.
    But many programs does.

    That is why there are 3 different cases :
    1/ Use a screen very accurate within sRGB gamut out of the box - only use sRGB images --> no issue anymore but obviously you will never display any image beyond sRGB

    2/ Use a screen with sRGB gamut (or a wide gamut screen that you switch to sRGB mode) with calibrated with an ICC profile set as default (as described) - use only sRGB images --> here, you will have perfect color accuracy for all applications color managed. In case of applications not color managed (Edge, Photo, Chrome...), you will have the color inaccuracy of the screen default (because ICC profile not applied) BUT you will not have images under or over saturated. Therefore, the impact will still be minimal for the user.

    3/ use a wide gamut screen : then, you have no other choice that carefully use color managed application --> for every application color managed, display will be fine and you will take advantage of the wider gamut. For all others, the images will appear oversaturated.

    It is such an issue that I used to have a wide color gamut DELL U2711 screen.
    1/ first, you only have a good accuracy in color managed applications but in others, everything is oversatured.
    2/ Second, while shooting FF DSLR in aRGB, I may have seen less than 10 pictures out of 70 000 where you could see in an direct A-B comparison a tiny difference between the sRGB version and aRGB. In real world, it is VERY unlikely to go beyond sRGB.
    3/ Third, even if you keep for you aRGB versions of your pictures (to take advantage of your screen), you have to have a sRGB copy because when you share it outside, other people will face the issue on non color managed application that your pictures will be completely washed out. And even many online print shop only take sRGB.

    At the end of the day, it is so much a hassle for virtually almost 0 visual benefit (speaking of photo of real color in the nature) that I now have a Dell U2313UH which is a sRGB gamut screen.

    Bottom line : wide gamut screen currently is a chore and NOT recommended. And not only Windows, nowhere because even if your browser is displaying correctly the image (Safari, Firefox with a certain flag activated), what is the point then to have a wide color gamut screen to see sRGB pictures ?

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