
Corsair, a longstanding and esteemed manufacturer in the PC components industry, initially built its reputation on memory-related products. However, nearly two decades ago, Corsair began diversifying its product line. This expansion started cautiously, with a limited number of products, but quickly proved to be highly successful, propelling Corsair into the industry powerhouse it is today. One of Corsair's most triumphant product categories is all-in-one (AIO) liquid coolers. This success is particularly notable given that their initial foray into liquid cooling in 2003 did not meet expectations. However, Corsair didn’t throw in the towel. Undeterred, they re-entered the market years later, leveraging the growing popularity of user-friendly, maintenance-free AIO designs. This gamble paid off handsomely, as AIO coolers are now one of Corsair’s flagship product lines...

Corsair to release the H70

Water cooling is typically seen for an enthusiast, requiring pumps, reservoirs, tubing, know-how, and a cautious mind not to spill water all over your precious components. The benefits...

46 by Ian Cutress on 8/4/2010

Understanding SandForce's SF-1200 & SF-1500, Not All Drives are Equal

Less than 24 hours ago I was called into a meeting with SandForce, the SSD controller manufacturer that has been on fire lately. The company makes two controllers: the...

84 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 4/16/2010

Corsair's Force SSD Reviewed: SF-1200 is Very Good

Late last year we were told that SandForce's client controller, the SF-1200 wouldn't be as solid of a performer as the SF-1500. It would be on par with Indilinx's...

63 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 4/14/2010

This Just In: Corsair Force 100GB SSD (SF-1200)

Testing is nearly complete on the last Corsair SSD that came my way, but this morning UPS dropped off another surprise: the Corsair Force SSD. Based on a derivative...

42 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 4/13/2010

This Just In: Corsair Nova 128GB SSD

I haven't taken a look at a new Corsair SSD in a while. The company started out by shipping relatively uninteresting Samsung based SSDs, but since then we've seen...

12 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 4/10/2010

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