Guillemot/Hercules 3D Prophet II GTS 64 MB- Card Specs

3D Prophet II GTS 64 MB Specifications

64 MB Hyundai DDR SDRAM 6 Ns
Heatsink/Fan combo with Memory Heatsinks
131 F
Brooktree 869
NVIDIA Reference
Highest Overclock (max core)
230/400 MHz
Highest Overclock (max memory)
225/418 MHz
Overclocking Utility
NVIDIA Reference
SBA State
89 MHz AGP Bus (133 MHz BX)
99 MHz AGP Bus (148 MHz BX)
Software/Gaming Bundle
Estimated Street Price
$420.00 estimated retail price
Found on-line for $357.00

As always, the Guillemot/Hercules 3D Prophet II GTS 64 MB is an extremely easy card to find. Not only is this card present at your local Best Buy and CompUSA, it is also found at a very large number of on line vendors. This is in very stark contrast with other 64 MB GeForce 2 GTS cards out there, which remain to be almost impossible to find, making the 3D Prophet II GTS 64 MB almost the card by default for those wanting 64 MB GeForce 2 GTS power.

The card features a very eye pleasing blue color, complete with blue RAM-sinks and a blue striped capacitor. As described previously, the RAM-sinks may have just as well been left off, as they provide no benefit in terms of overclockabilty. The card features 64 MB of Hyundai DDR SDRAM, which is well known for its overclockabilty. We were able to get the card to run at an impressive 418 MHz memory clock, which helped boost performance to a new level.

The card is also one of the first ones we have seen to come with both DVI-output and TV-output standard. These are both extremely useful features that add to the longevity of this powerful card. Then again, what do you expect for a retail price of $420.00? Do beware of the DVI output, however, as some problem seem to have arisen regarding the output on specific flat panel displays. We are still looking into the matter, but if you are in need of a card with DVI-out for your current display, it may be prudent to wait a while and see what the resolution to this problem turns out to be.

ELSA Gladiac- Driver Pictures Guillemot/Hercules 3D Prophet II GTS 64 MB- Driver Pictures
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