Intel Celeron 700

by Anand Lal Shimpi on June 26, 2000 1:03 AM EST


The Celeron 700 is another step in the Celeron line and it is another reminder to Intel that the Celeron needs a 100MHz FSB and 100MHz memory bus in order to compete with the Duron. Even then, we're not entirely sure if the 100MHz FSB is enough to make the Celeron compete with the Duron which is clearly dominating the value market right about now.

If you care about performance at all you'll want to stay away from the Celeron 700, you're better off trying to overclock a lower clocked Celeron if you must go down that path otherwise the Duron is clearly the solution for you. With overclocking reports already emerging that the Duron 700 can hit the 900 - 950MHz pretty easily, so long as you're using the right motherboard, there shouldn't be a reason for you to go with anything other than AMD's new value performance leader.

RC5 Performance - Windows 2000
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