Intel Pentium III 866, 850

by Anand Lal Shimpi on March 20, 2000 12:24 AM EST

The performance of the Pentium III under CC Winstone 2000 is pretty much identical to the Athlon on a clock for clock basis. The main difference here comes in the form of the various chipset/memory combinations that can be used with the setups.

Under a multitasking environment which CC Winstone 2000 helps to simulate, the VIA 133A chipset seems to take a back seat to the i820 + RDRAM combination but not by a large amount at all. With RDRAM still going for 3 to 5 times the cost of PC133 SDRAM, the small performance hit here is definitely worth it.

Contrary to what Intel may say, the Apollo Pro 133A chipset is definitely the way to go for 133MHz FSB support with the Pentium III.

The Test BAPCo SYSMark 2000 Performance
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