Xbox/PS3 Requests?

by Anand Lal Shimpi on June 21, 2005 5:34 PM EST
As I finish up the Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 piece, I realized I hadn't asked to see if there was anything you all would like me to touch on in the article. So, as always, let your voice be heard :)
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  • Chad - Tuesday, June 21, 2005 - link

    Similar to #3, according to the ATI guys, separate vertex and pixel shaders are (50-60)% efficient, so that would mean PS3 2 TFLOP's claim are more like (1-1.2) TFLOP's actual. Is that true?

    How efficient are unified shaders? It can't be 100% efficient like they claim, can it?

    Basically do you have an idea what the "ACTUAL REAL WORLD" numbers be for both systems?

  • knitecrow - Tuesday, June 21, 2005 - link

    I would expect a lot of gaming sites to pick on this article because they themselves lack the expertise to write a comprehensive article on the subject. Take a look at Gamespot or IGN -- they merely parrot the PR folks. Sad state of journalism in the gaming industry. I would therefore like to see an unbiased article that cuts through the plethora of misleading marketing numbers (flops being a prime culprit)

    Technical explanations such as those from arcstechnica on the Xenon CPU and the beyond3d article on the xenos are all good and well – but most people don’t have the specialized knowledge to draw conclusions even when presented with facts. I wouldn’t mind seeing anand’s commentary on the specific design choices and how they related to console gaming.

    I personally would like to know:

    How will specific design choice affect games and game development (given real world conditions and real world restriction)? [E.g. I personally think going with in-order processor was a bad decision]

    Given a trend towards multiplatform development, what can we expect out of future multiplatform games and multiplatform development?

    I know you have given hints of the RSX being similar to the G70 -- how true is it? What differentiate the RSX from the G70. Sony claims the RSX isn't even taped out. Will reviews of nivida's G70 give me an idea of what the RSX can do?

    #9 beyond3d has the info
    232 for main core
    105 for daughter die

    you have different silicon handling video functions... so combine it adds up to a lot of transistors
  • MDme - Tuesday, June 21, 2005 - link

    #10 I think I do remember sony touting the PS3 with multiple cell chips and no RSX. I think they changed their mind after they saw the actual performance of the cell (when used in graphics rendering) compared with PC GPUs.

    Anyway, Anand, can't wait to read the article. What I want to know is in your opinion, what's hype and what's real to expect from either system (especially the PS3 since sony has a history of "hype"). I'm sure nobody wants another emotion engine. :)
  • Chad - Tuesday, June 21, 2005 - link

    I want to know if Sony really wanted to put multiple Cell chips and no RSX originaly in the PS3 (according to their patents) and why did they change their mind and go with an Nvidia GPU?
    Did it have to do with manufacturing problems, and leading them to disabling an SPE?
  • Pinkus777 - Tuesday, June 21, 2005 - link

    Advantage of Unified Shaders vs Standard and who appears to have the edge in graphics Xenos or RSX. Benefits of eDRAM. Confirmation of total transistors for Xenon. Also I heard the Xenon has an interesting feature that each of the 48 ALU's have the ability to access memory anyway needed for their separate tasks.
  • firerock - Tuesday, June 21, 2005 - link

    Why are we even comparing PS3 and Xbox360? PS3 only exists on paper as of now, but Xbox360 will be in production soon. Of course, I expect PS3 to be better than X360...duh
  • andrew - Tuesday, June 21, 2005 - link

    could you include a section on what lcd monitor would play best on these systems.Im sure most cant or wont buy a hdtv.
  • Jason - Tuesday, June 21, 2005 - link

    720p rather.
  • Jason - Tuesday, June 21, 2005 - link

    A summary on their HD strategies and the interfaces would be interesting. Will they support HDMI, Firewire, DVI? 780p or 1080p?
  • Ghandi - Tuesday, June 21, 2005 - link

    XDR Advantage? Is there one?

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