Power Consumption

At the chip level, the Core i7 980X and the i7 975 basically draw the same amount of power. At the system level, the results are quite similar:

Idle Power Consumption - Win7/Radeon HD 5870

Load Power Consumption - Win7/Radeon HD 5870

It's rare that you get more cores, more cache and more performance at effectively the same power budget. But the Core i7 980X gives you just that.

Windows 7 Gaming Performance Overclocking
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  • Emcha_Audio - Saturday, January 8, 2011 - link

    Now that you've tested it with Sonar, might be worth it to test it with something more powerful and heavy than Sonar. I'd suggest Pro tools Le.
  • chakrivenu - Sunday, March 3, 2013 - link

    Hello, can anyone tell me what is the exact type or model of 3M tape used on the plastic plate.
    My motherboard had a problem and i removed the plastic plate. There are two strips in which one strip was spoiled while removing. Please help me..

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