FC-Test: Just to Make Sure

I ran one more set of tests to further vet the updated firmware. Using Xbitlab’s FC-Test I ran a few file creation and file copy benchmarks on the Vertex. The benchmark will simply create a directory full of files and then, at your request, time how long it takes to copy those files. The number and size of the files depend on the pattern you ask FC-Test to use. You can also create your own patterns based on existing files and directories on your system. To keep things simple I ran three tests: 1) Copying ISOs, 2) Copying MP3s and 3) Creating the FarCry 2 installation directory. The first two come with the benchmark, the last one I made using my FarCry 2 installation directory - it’s the closest I could come to simulate a game-installation benchmark.

The performance improvements speak for themselves:

FC-Test - Copy ISO

FC-Test - Copy MP3

FC-Test - Create FarCry 2

All in all the 1275 firmware looks to be promising. While it won’t make the Vertex into something it’s not, it will make the drive an even bigger value if we can be sure that there are no added problems associated with the new firmware.

Real World Sanity Check SuperTalent’s Indilinx Drive: The UltraDrive ME
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  • The0ne - Monday, March 30, 2009 - link

    imo, flash memory is going to be pretty big this year and the coming years. I'm already anticipating very high capacity flash memory since the technology is already there to push it up to 2TB. It's just a matter of time, cost and market to be able to get to those levels. As for SSD I think it's picking up but not as quickly as most had hoped for, myself included. And again, IMO, I think SSD technology is still in the infant stages where there are still lots of improvements to be made. Speed (write/read) and capacities are the two major ones of course.
  • iwod - Monday, March 30, 2009 - link

    It seems Samsung's Controller wont be that good at all. At least from the look of it, it will be worst then Vertex's one.

    Which is strange since they are the largest Flash manufacture in the world. Does it make sense to develop the best SSD conrtoller to improve Flash sales?
  • siuba - Monday, March 30, 2009 - link

    it seems slow peroformance on intel x25-m, i can get 38xxx PCMark Vantage HDD Score after HDD Erase, but the overall i can say vertex can outperformance x25-m
  • duploxxx - Monday, March 30, 2009 - link

    2 very nice articles regarding ssd, although i am not so convinced what to buy, ocz or intel one, since both have similar performance in real world apps i believe it is more a price discussion.

    the one thing i miss in both reviews, is the failure rates, the burn in rate and the way they prevent the burn in by more capacity then rated, write, mixture, etc.....

    Afterall that is one of the main reason why many large storage vendors are still offering this solution as a second line-up (except for the prcie/gb offcourse and the issue that few of those disks kill there global controller performance)

    any news on that part and new enhancements in the future.
  • Denithor - Monday, March 30, 2009 - link

    Page 3 - midway down the page - you refer to 'firmware 0112' - should be 0122 (several instances in one paragraph).
  • andreschmidt - Monday, March 30, 2009 - link

    Just as I were on the fence to try out the Intel X25-M I hear rumblings of their Solid State Drive roadmap.

    Would be a real shame to buy the relatively pricey X25-M 80GB ($481 in Denmark) only to see it replaced in the next month or two by an even better product by Intel.

    Good follow-up article though.

  • 7Enigma - Wednesday, April 1, 2009 - link

    With this latest firmware update I would not be pulling the trigger on the Intel drive. Unless there are some serious defects with the latest Vertex firmware, 2 drives in RAID0 have to be superior in performance, not to mention the extra capacity.

    I would definitely wait, but not for the Intel drive, but rather for the confirmation the latest firmware for the Vertex is solid.
  • strikeback03 - Thursday, April 2, 2009 - link

    Dunno, that difference in random writes (1st graph page 3) seems more than RAID would help. Combine that with the face that I have never had a good experience with onboard RAID and never seen it make a large difference in real-life timing, if Intel dropped their price to something closer to the OCZ I'd rather stich to a single drive (though the fact that Intel doesn't really have a drive capacity that suits my needs well doesn't help either).
  • IntelUser2000 - Monday, March 30, 2009 - link

    It wouldn't be 1-2 months for the next generation Intel SSD drives. The previous SSD roadmaps indicate the 34nm SSDs at Q4 of this year. We might see the rumored 120MB/s firmware for X25-M though. Whether it can be updated to support the older firmware drives is another question.
  • IntelUser2000 - Monday, March 30, 2009 - link

    Ehem, 120MB/s writes.

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